Nope… That’s all… Last BP was also 2 vehicles. Super dissapointed. But hey, at least we got some copy paste to enjoy :)
I agree,but this exactly is the problem.
I don’t think this vehicle will even surpass the price of 10 GJN,hell i think it’ll probably reach 5 GJN maximum simply because it is not unique like previous vehicles. But it will still be sold,and Gaijin will still gain a fee for each unit sold in the marketplace
As they stated indirectly,this vehicle will be a gem for collectors (or a niche of them), so the utility in the game is nowhere to be seen
Ain’t no way a bomber with firepower only ~30% worse than the B-29, with a much better climb rate, and guided bombs is going to be at a BR below the B-29…
Welcome to Warthunder.
It’s not wrong this is how HE 20mm shells worked in irl
Technically not exactly, as in game Sd is implemented wrong, reducing the actual range below the historical range. @KillaKiwi can tell you more about it, he made a report iirc.
Will this be the level 51 or 75 reward?
I assume it will be the highest level one.
…but reading that again, it is slightly ambiguous. Main “aircraft” reward. Hrm…
I wrote:
Currently they explode after travelled distance and not after 3 seconds as irl.
You might want to read this:
Here L.Dv.4000/10 Abschnitt C Punkt 7. “He Rounds of the heavy Guns are not allowed to cause damage on the ground, if they miss the target. Solution: Self Destruct (…) Excluded: For Ground attack from greater heights (…)” [Screenshot 2024-09-26 190525]
The fuze was set on time, not distance…
I wrote:
I got you, i was talking about the mechanism, tbh i didn’t thought it was timed fused since it’s almost impossible to do that bc the shell only SD when it loses a huge amount of it’s speed and vilocity after cutting a certain distance (losing speed of the centrifugal effect).
Just read that thx for the clarification
Warm up your fingers, sip some tea and play some War Thunder to level up your Battle Pass — this aircraft is worth it!
Wait a minute… That doesn’t really belong to a German vehicle devblog…
Unless; unless it’s a clue for the next one :P
mz brother in christ. its has missle that are not found on anz other vehicle. also the he177 isnt useless.
I mean the B-29 is ~100km/h faster and can carry ~50% more bombs, and the He-177 notoriously overheats in literal seconds.
literally why though.
why make a bomber you pay for, even less unique
Hopefully we see some more TT bombers. There’s still only a single B-24, single He-177, single Halifax, not to mention the many WWII-style bombers still not in game.
Yes, the He-177 was known for overheating and engine bursts, but here in the game it’s because it fits…
For one thing, the He-177 A5 variant is in the game, and it already had its engines overhauled a long time ago, and this was not the primary problem…
Already from the A3/R2 version (A3 - the second production series), the engines, nacelles, oil and fuel pipe distributions and cable harnesses, oil coolers, etc… were solved … the problem was rather the gearboxes/reducers, which sometimes had a problem withstanding the power of those twin engines and propellers …
And don’t compare He-177 against B-29 … a machine with similar parameters as Greif, is Flying Fortress or Halifax, Pe-8 …
B-29 can stand comparison only Ju 290/390, Lincoln …
Personally, I think that if one of the nations in the game received aircraft that were interned on its territory, repaired and delivered to the reconnaissance-bombing units of long-range bombers that were established, but were not so much in sight, then those bombers in the game would they looked different…
After all, the first 3 units of the Tu-4 version had 11x 12.7 mm UBT machine guns,
several others then had B-20E cannons (aka La-7) and then the main versions had NR-23 mm… So the Tu-4 could be in several versions…
It’s not even unique and no one should put time or money to grind for it or even try to get, it’s literally a downgrade version of the A-5/R2 that we have ingame it offer nothings new, it’s just gaijin using the Hs-293 as pretext to say that this bomb is unique but in reality the A-5 can do every the A-3 and do it better
Dude, its a copy paste vehicle that will 99% have an unfinished cockpit.
I doubt it, that way this plane will stay unique and bring value to the market place.