Battle of the Atlantic: Ships Against Submarines!

Feels like we got an event that wasn’t really playtested before putting it on the live servers…
Balance is completely out the window, if you know what you are doing the Fletcher will kill the submarines every time, submarines are vulnerable to fragmentation even while at periscope depth.
The submarines can full speed even while at 3m depth where only the machine gun is visible, and loses 20km/h as soon as you go just a tad lower.
No points for objective, so all you do is either sit still and hope a DD runs into your mine or suicide rush into them.


I would also like to add that having 20 mins roughly to kill all the convoy and avoid or kill the destroyers feels like not enough, because 90% of the time you are travelling under water which means you take for ever to even get near the convoy and then have little time left to kill them all or kill the rest of the destroyers. I would advise a match time limit increase to take into account how slow the subs are when submerged.

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Awesome event! Thx Gaijin

@Oldie-SE You said in another thread that “You can’t go unseen”. Was that literal or just “it’s too hard to do” or something?

I assumed I just didn’t know what the rules were for visibility, and screwed up something that I didn’t understand, but if the rules are “You are visible, period” and that’s it, then why add a stealth vehicle to a game and give it no stealth?

It’d be like adding a spitfire but only letting it drive around on the ground like a bad casemate.

So, the subs target to win the match are the merchant ships but they only earn any meaningful amount of points (which is the reason everybody is playing) by sinking destroyers.



PBY is hilariously OP. It’s 4 bombs = 4 dead submarines.

Tacoma - nice to see it has a better sonar and (shockingly short-range) hedgehog, but overall - it sux.
It would be much better if Hedgehog would be implemented in a realistic way: 200-250m range, contact fuse, fired in swarm rather than individually. Also: UI could use aiming reticle, it’s absurdly difficult to pinpoint enemy location with the current implementation (approached enemy sub at periscope depth from starboard, sprayed hedgehogs and prayed, still couldn’t kill the sub, lol)

Fletcher - easy mode to unlock PBY. I’m yet to have a match in fletcher where I wouldn’t score the required points for PBY. The only way Fletcher dies is if I make a silly mistake or run 4vs1 (cause I survived 3vs1 successfully, killing all 3 subs). Hint for an added mechanic: any gunfire from my Fletcher should blind sonar. This would make it require at least some skill.

He-111 - useless, lmao. What did you expect when enemy is blistered with AA? Perhaps swap it for BF-109, so that subs could get some air cover? Or BF-109 armed with two 50kg bombs? Or Ju-87? He struggles to survive even against AA gunners from the cargo ships themselves, yet alone if they got any support.

Subs - lol, they can dive after being hit with multiple HE and/or AP shells? Much realism, lmao. Also:

  • No torpedo depth setting.
  • no Fat or Lut steering, so I must turn the entire submarine… :/ This is extremely frustrating and preventing a number of counter-plays or realistic tactics against convoys that Germans used.
  • range nerfed TO THE GROUND. The hell they got only 2km range?! IRL they had 5 km range @ 30 knots (55.6 km/h).
  • Minimum arming distance seems miniscule (I guess… 20 meters?) - IRL it was often 250 meters, which would give destroyers a very nice, safe window to engage submarines up close - something they currently lack.
  • G7e isn’t supposed to leave a trace of the bubbles on the surface… but I get it: balancing. Though still it’d be good to have a choice of G7e and G7a without and with tracers to see how they behave in combat.
  • Amount of points for killing a cargo vessel could easily be x5 times higher than it is right now. 200 points for scoring a kill after surviving multiple frigates and destroyers is extremely underwhelming.
  • Sinking cargo ship with 37mm seems to be impossible >_<

I think this is a special event-only adjustment. I hope that when the submarine is officially implemented there will be no special adjustments to the torpedo range.

I think the G7e’s wake should be set correctly since it is a good opportunity to test the submarine. Also, when the G7e is officially implemented, don’t forget to fix the wake of oxygen torpedoes that emit CO2. This issue has been left unaddressed for a long time.
Basically, torpedoes only hit players who are moving in a constant linear motion without turning or accelerating/decelerating. There is no need to make special adjustments to the torpedo to account for those who do not steer.

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That’s what everyone is saying. Did Gaijin think they could just put it in the game in this state without anyone saying anything? The sturmtiger event was fun but this takes the cake. This isn’t what the trailer promised and there isn’t enough time left before it’s over to make any significant changes.

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I feel like getting kills with subs is much more luck than skill

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If you can get past the escorts, racking up cargo ships is pretty easy. Most seem to go straight for the spawn point (of course). I’ve had the best luck against destroyers by dropping mines in their path while trying to run away.

I did that, either get to the escorts and score 0.5 points per kill and the match is half over or fight the escorts and get slaughtered

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if the Catalinas were RB Catalinas and not these AB ones it’d loom very different too


I’ve managed to kill some of both and let me tell you that getting the escorts to chase you and shoving a mine up their arse is very easy. Cargo ships just go straight. It would be much better if they buffed rewards for playing the objective and increased the range of the G7e torpedoes.

I got some kills too in a Sub now, but it doesn’t remotely compare to how easy it is playing the US

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Oh yeah. I got 2000 points in one match and 1400 in the one beforehand. With subs you can kill 3 escorts and get around 1400 points so you could get it in around 2 or 3 matches.

Here is my feedback after geting the star + some more battles. Firstly I need to say that I really enjoyed the gameplay from both sides although I have several issues with some parts of the event/gameplay.

Submarine gameplay


  1. Gameplay is fun and quite engaging, it is exhilarating and a lot of fun trying to dodge the DDs charging at you.
  2. It also provides a lot of different strategies how to survive a long time and be useful - especially the torpedo rearm mechanic it great idea how it is tied to depth


  1. Can we please get the submarine bearing indicator the torpedo FCS is great and kinda immersive but is completly unusable since the bearing indicator is tied to binos/periscope.
    So most of the time when player is checking the actual bearing of submarine to use the FCS they just loose the lock and firing solution
  2. Points for destroying the convoy ships need to be higher this is issue present in a whole game and for example the naval forts (on Franc Josef land) have the same issue. And makes trying to target the convoy next to useless since the point score for that is abysmal.
  3. The F1 help menu needs to explain what the Toggle view (Submarine/Torpedo) because I is extremly unintuitive name for bino/periscope view and me and many others have spend the 1st battle trying to find how to get into the bino/periscope view.

Surface ship gameplay


  1. The sonar mechanic works great!
  2. The hunting gameplay is fun


  1. Depth charge projectors need a aiming point reticle like torpedoes without it is basically impossible to know what DC projectors are selected and what is the aiming point/are of these

General balance and gameplay thoughs

  1. It is very clear that nimble ships like DDs are bad primary target vessel for submarine as the kills are more often then not because of the error from the surface ship player, so different target wich provides points would be better - like the convoy.
  2. For targeting DDs, I would love to see pattern running torpedoes or even more useful - gyro steerable torpedoes, even acustic torpedoes might be an interesting adition against the DDs.
  3. I would like to see the torpedo range expanded and maybe make the whole battle arena a bit bigger since I feel like that we are often running out of space as a submarine

Overall I need to say that I liked the event a lot I am quite positive that subs could be part of NF if and only when we would get simmilar convoy escort gamemode.


Pattern running torpedoes and gyro torpedoes are not going to be all that useful against Destroyers. Pattern running is only going to be useful if you miss a torpedo shot against a ship in the convoy. Remember gyro torpedoes can only go in a straight line but yes something like the G7es TV would be nice however they are not going guarantee a hit.

Subs are awesome

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What I meant by the gyro is that now I often have an issue that I can´t turn the submarine enough to hit the DDs since it is too far to one side. With gyro torpedoes I might be able to make the shot.

This is the most fun event I’ve played,but the subs so easily overwhelmed. Getting to the convoy is extremely difficult.
Overall I love the subs as the bring a strategic way of playing.