Battle is over Autokill

Um, no it wouldn’t?

This happens when a game comes to an end. The game has ended, it will run for 0 more seconds.

You can be on the winning team and the game ends and you will be ejected.

Edit: the one complaint raised in this thread has 0 bearing on how long the game runs

Edit2: im not sure if there are any positives to being ejected at the end of the game. Honestly it only has negative ones as if you are on a winning team and you dont have time/want to return to base in what is otherwise a functional plane, you might aswell J-out


If they do this, there should be a warning “plane severely damaged, return to base” or something similar. I really don’t like “surprise mechanics.” I survived the fight and I’m still flying, so why is gaijin shooting me down? What happens if I return to my base, land and the game ends without me repairing? Does that still count as dying? What if I land, I started being repaired and the game ends?

I already remember a few times in the past when I was able to land and I got a message “your plane is too damaged for a repair” and I got insta-killed by the game… at the airfield. I really hate these stupid changes and then later gaijin removing them because these changes were… STUPID. Why can’t they test it themselves instead of passing this crap onto us?


I mean they did test it, and they tested it in a open beta for people to try. I hope this ejection is them just not bothering to code in the ability to award a mission kill without an enemy being dead.

They’ve already explained it, FlyingDoctor quoted it to bring it in to this post. Because of the complaints of “kill stealing” a severely damaged plane has to count as a kill when it happens. If it isn’t repaired in that game, it is still killed regardless when severe damage is inflicted. That is it, there has to be two different “kills” because of kill stealing. It isn’t a perfect system, but it is an improvement from what the community wanted. They wanted “doomed” plane kills to not be sniped away, and now it exists.

Yes? Find me where ive argued against the core concept of the system. Like at no point have i said the enemy should not get rewarded with a kill.

Edit: ive only said there is no reason to eject people. Which there isn’t. It would have no tangible difference other than more satisfactory gameplay to not be ejected and let the enemy get awarded with a kill.

Then why keep going with this? The end game kick of “killed” aircraft makes perfect sense because “killed” is now “severely damaged” now too.

There is a reason, the kill is rewarded when severe damage is inflicted. Not when the plane crashes into the ground anymore. The ejection of severely damaged planes is simply allowing the system to finish the kills so the game can end.

Ive outlined why i think this element is stupid.

Yes award the enemy plane with a kill and end the game.


Eject you from plane, award enemy with kill and end the game.

A very small difference for way more satisfying gameplay. And you also get to mask the unintuative mess of what is “severely damaged” or not.

Thats not a reason, you can reward enemies with a kill and not eject the guy who is severely damaged.

The ejection is purely a cosmetic thing, it doesn’t have to happen (unless Gaijin doesn’t have a system to reward kills without ejecting people from planes, which would be wierd because they did have such a system under the previous system)


You can disagree with the reason all day, but you saying that isn’t a reason means nothing. Gaijin spoke on why it is like this and you have read it. Disagree all day, I don’t care, but Gaijin’s reasoning doesn’t have to match up with your opinion on the matter.

Also no, the game has ended. The game having ended is what triggers this ejection.

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Again, covered in the quote of how the system works.

I am well aware of how the system works. Its why this cosmetic ejection is kinda silly from a game design choice. My suggestion would have no change in the description of how Gaijin has said system works. It wouldn’t change how rewards are granted or anything.


If you think it does, please point to where it goes against the new system in any way

It isn’t cosmetic. You are considered destroyed when severe damage is inflicted, the game considers all severely damaged planes to be destroyed, the player that caused the severe damage will be credited with a full kill at the end of the game for the rest of the reward.

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Yes, and in my suggestion you would also be destroyed when severe damaged has been afflicted, the enemy gets granted a kill and you get a death recorded.

The only difference is that you dont get the ejection animation at the end of the match.

And essentially by definition, that animation is cosmetic. It has no bearing on gameplay wether or not it happens as the game as litterally just ended.

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That already happens. That already happens. That already happens. Go into a game and you will see people with kills that say 3+1, that is the severely damage plane’s death being recorded and the attacking player’s credit being partially applied. At the end of the game, it is simply finishing the full reward for that destruction. The only way to avoid the death is repairing in the game, which nullifies the severe damage kill.


Thank you for describing how i think it should work and how it works in game because i think it should work that way.

So how about we dont play the ejection animation for severely damaged players when the match has ended?

Is it that big of a deal that an animation that goes gand in hand with a destruction is played when a destruction is awarded? This isn’t even an issue. I don’t mean it’s not an issue worth correction or mentioning, it is literally not an issue. Be a bit unsatisfied and let Gaijin move on to things that actually make a difference to gameplay.

Yes i think gameplay feel is hugely important to this game.

Everything from sound design to gameplay feedback is there to give a satisfying feel to the game. And when such a unsatisfying animation plays in clutch game you just won i think it ruins the mood and satisfaction of pulling through a game.

Thats ignoring how unintuative it is to be played this animation when you thought your plane was fine.

And i dont know in what world gameplay feel is not part of gameplay.

You play an entire game, at one point you get shot up, and are now surpsied that the damage could have been severe when you get ejected at the end? You need a message that flashes on the screen “you are severely damaged, return to the airfield”? Don’t worry, you’ll get used to the shock of this new system. You can make it through this.

No i wouldn’t say suprised, just less satisfied.

But i can certainly be surprised when a barely hampered plane gets ejected after a win:


Looks like black damage on that plane. Black damage usually means a destroyed compartment, module, or crewmember. Seems pretty severe…