Base respawn times

Base respawn times, in my opinion, are too long. My main problem is that base “stealing” (which I don’t personally believe in) is a massive problem with the community as I see way too many killing each other over a base because they know that they will be waiting for 5 minutes before they can actually bomb. I don’t think this change really made sense or reduced bomber numbers in air RB. It would genuinely just make the game more productive and make players happy to maybe see this change reverted. Thoughts?


Solution is simple,nerf bombing/rocketing rewards,so its worth to kill planes more than bomb.

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and leave all strike aircraft from a purpose in air games?

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i and others have suggested this before, to re work bases:
elongate them into rectangular air strips that we have to bomb and rocket.
they dont have any hit points (or have 10x the current amount of 1 base) and many players can attack them simultaneously.
each player receives reward for damage caused and base destruction rewards are removed.

That’s why there is a problem, people using simple fixes, rather than thinking about it

Just make more bases so that everyone has enough and players are evenly distributed across the map, not in a single pile. Then the fuel loadout on top battle ratings will start to play.


No,simply lower the income for fighters bombing. Strike aircraft are last to reach bases anyway. Try playing Tornado IDS,all the Phantoms or TAF/Kfirs are faster than you when you take 12x 1000lb. Su-25 and A-10 are again the slowest attackers on their BR with no chance to reach base before fighters. This change would put fighters back into their air to air role allowing strike aircraft to actually reach and destroy bases.

Ok… now were talking

Their job is to destroy ground vehicles, not to fly like idiots to bases hoping to pelt them with missiles because otherwise the crooked players couldn’t get anywhere

this topic is about bases.
ground strike in Air RB is simply not feasible above 8.0 BR

Really? Impossible? You’re kidding.
More than possible, just probably don’t fly like an idiot with 0.5 cd. Especially since the developers have added more ground targets, their varieties to the maps with the new update
Farming experience and money from destruction should be reduced, or modify it so that only bombers get full reward, the rest 50%. Let attackers deal with ground units, bombers with bases, and fighters to shoot down planes. Now, no matter what the fight a crowd of carriers of the proud kd 0.5 fly in droves to a couple of bases, do nothing useful, so even start killing each other. A crowd of hyenas, not players

Isn’t that amount of ground targets enough?

It doesnt matter if theyre are a billion targets.
If theyre all put in center feild where everyone will attack strike aircraft theres no incentive because you will get two or three targets and thrn die to a fighter with 10x your performance and 5x your missiles and 20x your engagement range

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Another issue is,the reward for killing ground targets is really bad.

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The reward is fine. These targets can’t hit you back, it’s safe stuff. Or do you want to get a lot of money just for shooting dummies without AI?

1 air kill = 5-6 ground bots destroyed - all fair game