Base bombing reward nerfed?

So far since the last patch where the rockets were fixed i had been getting substantially less rewards before it arrieved, with no premium while destroying 2 bombing points on the marineflieger i could get 12k SL for destroying them but now i have been noticing a low SL reward.

is this intentional or just collateral damage? (i hope its just an accident since this is my most efficient way to grind SL since my premium just expired)

1 Like
  1. Yes. they nerfed the reward multiplier of nearly every bomb in this game. you can check datamined data about it. I forgot the link to that site, but I remember there are some exceptions like Ju-288C so I think that change is intentional.

  2. Your Topic will locked soon by Stona_WT or someone else who has permission to. cause there are lots of ‘duplicate’ posts just like this, asking about reward nerfing or dead of rockets

  3. Buying Premium is always one of the best options as you know. I always buy 180 days of premium at a discounted cost when Gaijin runs a discount.

  4. On your way back from the forum to the game, watch out for some of the ‘Anti-Air Puritans’ who will blame you as ‘0skillbombers’ or ‘Chinese botters’ and try to lynch you.

  5. I wish you luck with your SL grinding. Good Luck.


giajin just wants you to buy premium and make your life harder and the game less fun so the nerfed the multiplier for bases.