Banana Clicker

Alright well I can give you some bushes for free, just come work 40h a week for 10 weeks and you can have them, it’s free because you’re not paying for them.


Dakimakuras are way better than bushes :D

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working ≠ playing a game
if you see playing the game as work then you might want to reevaluate your choices.


If a game requires you to put in a required number of hours and to login regularly, guess what? Its a job. Just go ask any professional sports player.


Guys c’monnnnnn. Y’all aren’t even on topic now… Just go back to clicking the banana :)


Playing the game isn’t a job, playing the game for a year to get 2 bushes by grinding daily tasks, special medals, battlepass challenges within every single week is.

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if your only goal with playing is unlocking a specific thing, then yeah, i can agree that it is work. but then you technically aren’t “playing the game” either and might want to reconsider why you are playing WT in the first place.
if you aren’t playing to have fun is it really worth playing?


I don’t see what relevance that has to the situation, I’m not playing it as a job, but it means I am also not getting bushes, completing BPs or getting event vehicles, so they’re not free, because it requires me to play the game like a job.

I ask myself that question every time I start the game.

It really isn’t very much fun. Frustrating is more the F-word I would use. If I didn’t have a strong interest in military history I would not bother with it at all.

because work and play have mutually exclusive goals.
look up the definitions of the words.
you are either doing it for a purpose or for enjoyment.
you can absolutely find enjoyment in doing work. but the primary purpose still determines which one of the words to call it.
so it very much have to do with this, are you doing it to have fun or achieve a goal?

That honestly (sadly) sounds a lot like addiction. It might not be but the way you described it made me feel that way.

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Well I am a professional historian, so I guess you can look at that I must not enjoy my work. lol.

That’s the whole point, bushes aren’t obtained through play but through work, so they’re not free.

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the literal definition of the word “free” means that it doesn’t cost anything; i.e. has no monetary transaction involved.
work isn’t a monetary transaktion.


Work isn’t the same thing as free either.

That isn’t’ the literal definition. Or rather you are constraining it to suit your argument.

You may have to click the banana 100 times to “unlock” it. If you have already, I guess you’re just unlucky. I got all of mine within 20 or so matches

number one is the thing i said isn’t it?

what do you mean?

No. Things can cost more than just money. Which I guess explains why you aren’t understanding @Miragen .

the definition of the word “cost” is:
“(of an object or action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done.”
so no, not really. As a slang perhaps, but not literally.