In the hangar, there are bananas lying around, on various props in the background.
Upon clicking, a number is shown, and that number increases by one for each click.
As far as I know, there are two in the ground forces hangar and one in the air forces hangar.
In the ground forces hangar, one is located under the tent on the left hand side of your vehicle, and the other is on the opposite side, lying on a crate next to two mechanics talking.
In the air forces hangar, there are some bananas lying the bed of a jeep, next to a fuel truck on the left hand side of the aircraft.
When clicked 100 times, a special decal is awarded, and progress saves across all bananas.
Has anyone found any more rewards for clicking? So far, I’m at 1950 and nothing extra.
These seem to be a clever reference to those banana clicking games on steam that are just there to scam people lol
Oh lighten up man, it’s some free stuff for little to no effort and some variety . . . how can that be a bad thing in any way?? . . . just enjoy the show and hope for something more to your liking next time . . ez pz
Because it’s inherently a message of contempt for your customers. Gaijin is saying, however jokingly, they think we’re all monkeys, pressing levers for bananas, when we play their game. I get their joke. And I will vote with my wallet accordingly. But you go ahead and click if you like, I’m not stopping anyone.