Banana Clicker

WT Devs watching Asmongold’s YouTube: Confirmed

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No matter what Gaijin does, they will never please everyone . . this is proof enough of that . . easily>
I just choose not to look at everything in a “butter side down” way . . . life is far too short to spend it mad all the time . . . .
Raging Dexter


The fact your post argues that the playerbase are monkeys just cause genetically engineered bananas for human consumption are added to joke about the Steam game says more about you than it does about Gaijin.

So you vote for evil and boycott good… okay.

Why are y’all at each others throats over something as small as this goofy little Easter egg??? C’mon guys, it’s just a fun little gimmick…😞😞


is this on console?

Yes, I play on PlayStation and got it myself

I’ma try and get it later then thx

shot 2024.06.27 15.27.32
idk, some people say you need to get first place on some matches to get the decoration of the bananas but no luck so far


I think it’s random. I just got this while playing the Kungstiger without having the first banana decal on my tank, while not being in first place.


You clicked on that one hundred thousand times?

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It’s probably an autoclicker because I don’t think 100K is humanly possible.


Wouldn’t that be a ToS violation automation cheat? /jk

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I also heard that they are giving out a Special and exclusive title to who ever collects the most bananas . .
“World’s Biggest Goober”!! . . . something to shoot for I guess . …


but don’t mind me(it’s a joke) . . . carry on and click away
p.s. your banana count resets if you close the game . … . . pro tip . . . ☻

I think it’s just cashing in on the recent meme game on steam, nothing special.

The worst you could say gaijin is doing with it is “Hello fellow kids”.
The company can be more than criticized for neglecting game modes, predatory monetization and all that.
But a bit of community-engagement that has “Hello fellow kids” vibes?
It’s harmless.


Yeah probably. It’s entirely inconsequential since it accomplished nothing, but ig it does count. Although ngl I have better things to spend my time on than an autoclicker clicking on a banana, not that I could ban them anyway.

i unlocked it but i cannot find it under decals or decoration to equip it is that normal? did i miss something? i clicked the banana 1000 times and got the reward.

Except War Thunder develops game modes, and has non-greedy monetization.

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I couldn’t find it under “Special” either, but by searching for “banana” pulls it up.
I wonder if it is scaling upward like a some kind of wierd crypto proof of work. Earlier it was only 100.

LOL. Good one.

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it doesnt pull up even if i search it.

It is 100 i just clicked more to see if there was something else