BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Also when spawning on a carrier, you instantly begin rearming, even with no weapons missing. Had 3 rearms before getting airbourne in that last sim match:

Might be a few different SAM types

BOL chaff being entirely useless I run all my chaff on the large dispensers, and all the flares on the BOLs

It’s very effective at stopping SARH, ARH and the BOLs can be used in large bursts quite effectively as IR missiles are a lot less common.

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i want to ask about when can the bug that the bol become no use when chosing aim 9m/120 with bol
can be fixed. thanks
@Gunjob @Smin1080p

Honestly I’d rather they didn’t add 540lb bombs, because look at the old grind for the Phantom FG.1, it just became another thibg they shoved in your way between you and the modifications for missiles.

I mean equally it’s main role (no one will tell me or you otherwise) was interception - once JFH was formed, the idea was to leave mudmoving to the GR7/9 Harrier IIs, and FA2 would do the air to air component.

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You are looking at it incorrectly, IIRC gaijin try to make each plane have around the same total grind. (relative to BR, T&Cs apply)

More modules = cheaper modules = quicker to get up the rankings of modules. Its why british phantoms for example took like, 2-3 times as much grinding to get sparrows as it took anyone else to get SARH. Simply because Americand/others had huge arrays of secondaries.

Also, still having issues getting flares in GRB, really is quite limiting… edit nvm, got basic flares etc in GRB again, just waiting on those nice BOL to work.

They could take out the SNEBs it’s not really supposed to have and there would be no increase in the number of modifications in adding the 540s.

Also, does anybody know for sure if pilots would have had NV for flying the FA.2 at night, or not? NVGs were certainly more commonplace in the 1990s

Let me check.

Yep should have them I’ll report it. Cheers.

Edit; Reported it.


Anyone got any tips on the 120B?

Long ranges I’m getting hits and crits more often than kills.

Close ranges my missile likes to yeet itself off 90 degrees just as it’s about to reach the target.

I’m assuming it’s user error here at the moment.

Was thinking of carrying 4 120B but the lack of close range effectivity is making me second guess and might take two 9Ms in their place (with BOL when it’s fixed)

Shame the 120 isn’t as good at close range as the MICA EM, because wtf that UFO got some moves.

Really? From what little ive played so far ive gotten the feel that the ARH missiles, no matter which one, is basically a guaranteed kill if they dont notch instantly upon lock.

I dont think ive used a hard lock on any of my targets and just allowed them to guide themselves in so maybe thats why? not sure, seems something our skyshits would do tbh.

So far I’ve been firing them when they’re within the range arcs on TWS, I’ve got 4 kills that way so far.

I try to keep the radar painting them until missile goes active unless I need to break off and defend.

However using hard lock, I’ve had my missile randomly pull a hard 90 just before reaching the target.

When doing things at close range, just before the min range arc, the missiles havent tracked properly for me in either tws or hard lock.

they fix the bug on the harrier gr7 but why the fa2 didn’t?they are almost the same bug that caused the BOL pods to not carry any countermeasures

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Damn im just about to log in to see if it was fixed on the FA2.

It has been reported for the FA2 hasnt it?

Weekend now here, we wont see a fix now until next week.

No, it seems that nobody reported it Because everybody thinks is normal.

I’ve thrown a report in for the FA.2 as well.


1 bug down, a dozen more to go

Tornado F3 late has been fixed too


I’m not saying I condone this, but you can literally just sit on your airfield and spam AMRAAMS at people from VTOL with the Harrier

They can’t shoot back at you, and you can resupply and get more in like 20 seconds

It’s pretty broken

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I saw a vid earlier of an AV8B+ Hovering at a heli pad and just yeeting amraams and getting kills in a GFRB match.