BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

The dynamic would change a bit though, it could see more of the 11.3 premium spam and has potential for new SIM brackets to aid it further in that gamemode

So is the FA2 being able to carry 1000lb bombs on its outer plyons exclusive to the FA2?

The FRS1 can’t do it, but they seem to have the same pylons

If they added the 1000lb to the outer pylons for the Harriers they’d have 7,000lb of bombs, which would be really nice

My kingdom for stock radar guided missiles. Its painful

Yeah, that would be good

I’ll make a bug report for it I guess, hopefully it dosent end up getting the 1000lb bombs removed from the FA2 external pylons

It shouldn’t, they are on the loadout diagram on the manual for the FA2.



BOL Rails still not working on the FA2? still not getting 360x

Bug report for the outer wing pylon bombs is done :)

Someone also luckily uploaded a picture of the FRS.1 carrying 1000lbs on its outer wing pylons too, hopefully they’ll accept it

Also, why are the Sea Harrier FRS.1 classed as “Strike Aircraft” while the Sea Harrier FA.2 is a “Jet fighter”? seems a bit odd

Because some one realised that this plane meant only to fight other planes with AMRAAMS isn’t a strike aircraft

They should probably change the FRS.1 then too

The Sea Harrier FA.2’s name means “Sea Harrier - Fighter Attack 2” so it could be classed as an attacker

Funny thing is that on the F.3 BOL’s don’t work when you have the fuel tanks equipped. Funny.

Not sure. The 2" Launcher No.7 is larger than the SNEB pod so it may not fit.


Stock sea harrier grind make me want to yeet my pc out the window.

Also lack of HUD symbology has got me killed too many times now.

Oh, your radar has locked a target ?
Be a shame…if you couldn’t see where it is.


I’ve given up for the day, ik is A historical but I’d take a fucking skyflash at this point, IR is waaaay to short ranged to contest like, anything with the speed it has

I will say, when downtiered to 11.3 the Sea Harrier is extremely strong

Basically 4 free kills

unfortunately in SB its grouped in with 11.7-13.0

So no escaping the top tier Fox 3’s

Ive finally unlocked the bombs, so i can bomb truck for quicker RP

I errr, I erm, I cant promise to not attempt to beat my 28 kill streak, sorry xD

Got a sim related bug report for the Sea Harrier FA2.

Its pinging rolands on the AF as “wr_threa”

Buc S2B does the same thing:

Isnt just sim, can confirm in GRB that i have gotten “wr_threa” too.