BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

What, and fudge the stats? I mean it’s worked before, circa CL.13, and there’s plenty of other OP vehicles that would not go up/underpowered vehicles that would not go down, unless Gaijin were specifically asked to move them en masse.

There has got to be a better way of doing this…

Is it historically accurate that the Sea Harrier FA.2 lacks the dual bomb racks for the inner wing pylons that the previous sea harriers have?

The FA2 can also carry 1000lb bombs on the outer pylons, which the FRS 1 cannot

IIRC they were taken out of service when FA.2 entered it, but it is capable of taking them if needed.

It would be nice if those were added, then we could have enough bombs to take down a base while also having 4 x AMRAAMS

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It’s been reported

ah ok, great :)

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is it just me or does bol not actually add any countermesures?

Jack Nicholson Yes GIF

… gawd damn it gaijin. Guess atm there’s no reason not to run dual sidewinder pilons then lmao

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Looking at your report for the FA2 twin stores

Should the FRS1 be able to use the twin stores with rocket pods as well as bombs?

Like the Harrier Gr3 can

Yeah, I thought the same thing 😂

If it has SNEBs which were also pretty much obsolete by the time FA.2 was entering service and AFAIK not used operationally by Royal Navy Harriers in the first place (only Indian FRS.51s and RAF GR.3/5/7); it should be allowed the TSC for bombs as well.
It’s also missing 540lbers, which are on the stores list in the manual.

Ed:- added link to the diagram from the manual


Why is the sea harrier the BR that it is whilst having to sacrifice cannons for amraam and IR? This doesn’t seem particularly sound.

Is it worth picking up? I like the plane, it is the prettiest harrier. But it doesn’t seem grand.

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
The stock grind is horrid. I’d honestly put it on par if not worse than the Tornado GR1 stock grind on it’s release when it didn’t get stock bombs


Same can be said for it’s American cousin…
Got AV-8B Plus today, absolutely horrible experience stock

At least you’ve got more thrust, flares, and a better gun. Still, both should 100% have gotten at least 9Ms stock, and honestly I think even that won’t be enough, some 120s stock imo is the only thing to make the grind bearable

Problem is, at least when you are stock, you are hopelessly outclassed by competition
You have two 9L Sidewinders and you are vastly slower than competition
And now that ARH missiles are a thing, your chances to actually scoring something are close to 0

I meant comparing the Shar and the B+ The Shar dumps energy like a brick hitting a wall (like all harrier 1s), and you don’t have the thrust to counter act that.

I think it’s purely the min they were willing to put ARH at. There is no reason for it to be that BR beyond that

It wouldn’t be that much more effective lower though? And it’d get people ready before they hit the scary platforms with ARHs.