I’ve never had issues with IFF, but at low alt it struggles to see targets at all. But yeah, easy to mistake one target for another. We need our correct HUD
Eagerly awaiting devblog season in the hopes the FA.2 does come this patch.
Its gotta start soon, right?
Personally I just would like to see the FRS1 GRB bracket lower a bit due to being dumb weapons vs ground. Sure aim9Ls but tornadoes at 10.3, phantoms with sparrows at 10.7… not much an ask.
I know this thread is for the sea harrier but I cant seem to find the harrier 2 thread so ill just post it here
there appears to be a bug with the Gr7 where it can no longer take this load out even tho its not over the weight limit

yet I can still run the loadout but I think it removed my AAMs since I could have swore I had them in this load out
FA 2 on another leak list.
Hope so, just so we can get the special scheme as seen on ZD613
When are we getting drop tanks
Is it possible for the FA.2 to carry 6 x AMRAAMS?
Are the two inner pylons only for drop tanks/bombs?
I dont think they were wiered
I’d love drop tanks.
I’m hoping that with the FA2 will come things like that. FRS1 being finished would be almost as good as getting the FA2
Ah ok, four is still good
I assume it can take 4 x Sidewinders (dual wing mounts) and 2 x AMRAAMS (fuselage mounts) which is pretty good
So still 6 missiles, just not all AMRAAMS
I hope it doesn’t come with a stupidly high BR ‘because AMRAAMs’
In theory, they should be defeated in a similar manner to the phoenix.
What are we predicting?
Also we’re going to need more modern HUD’s and the ability to switch between aa & ag modes to change the HUD symbology.
Given most top tier jets are multi role, it’s annoying we only get a basic aa HUD symbology.
11.7? with AMRAAM? are you bonkers?
ALL Fox-3 shouldnt be anywhere below 14.0 imo but realistically we will be lucky to get 13.0
You do get that they are basically going to be worse Sparrows, that at best will kill trade. They’re not some super weapon that will be dumpstering everyone, with no counterplay. Especially considering its counterparts that are turning up alongside it which are up to two decades newer(1986 vs 2005, AMRAAM vs PL-12) and have significantly better performance than the early variant(s) which we are getting access to.
They can be beaten with a 3G turn at 15 km(when they go active), which practically every single airframe is easily capable of.
At the ranges AMRAAM will be used, they can be easily defeated.
If you dont defend against a launch warning, you’re asking to be sent back to hangar.
RB will be annoying, yes, small maps and 16v16, but at SB, they wont be a major issue.
12.0 is my guess, but with the finger on the trigger to go to 12.3 if its needed. (but I do hope it could be lower)