BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Yeah, it’s way too easy to defeat a 9L. Especially in RB (had a burning wrackage of someone save a guy from a 9L the other day)

Thankfully it’s quite good in SB

I long for the early days of the FRS.1 in game.

It was one of the vehicles I could say was properly balanced.

And then gaijin messed with things.

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Yeah… The only hope is a total overhaul of IR signatures. The issue is, is that sea harriers are some of the hottest targets at it’s BR.


So much this.

I doubt Gaijins spaghetti code can cope with an overhaul of IR Signatures.
Maybe they could half arse it as a major update like ‘hot tracks’

Still irks me that my bug report about the F5 engine temps being incorrect is marked as not a bug.

I had an F5E on reheat, defeat a 9M in near rear aspect from a Gr7 the other day. Just had to pop a few flares.

It’s insane. Thankfully you never face F5s in sim

Yeah they mostly stick to AB and sometimes RB. The ones you see in sim though somehow have superhuman reflexes and the spacial awareness of a 5th dimensional being.

I get not many playing SB as they have no IFF. But if they did, US and UK are always paired together.

(Though if anything that makes them more dangerous in SB. I’ve been TKed a few times by them)


That’s just F-5s having cryogenic freezers for engines. So you know.


Took the FRS.1 out in SB.

Worlds different. Much fun.

First time in a proper SB match, first A2A was a friendly (oops), but after that, 2x ai and a player MiG21, then chased down a player f104 that was pouncing around our AF, managed to outrun my missiles, kept chasing it until a friendly F4 came in and wiped him out.

But yeah.

SUPER hyped for the FA.2, i hope the leak list is correct and it comes next update.

Hope the squad FRS.1 gets the upgraded RWR too.


So what’s the process in getting Gaijin to recognise the FRS1 as a fighter, instead of a strike aircraft?

Hm, not sure they do such things. We still since many years have ADATS classified as TD, even though AA would be their main purpose…

True. But would be good. I wonder what they’ll class the FA2 as :D

I actually think they should change those designations to different roles, especially higher up where vehicles become more multi role and do not easily “fit into one drawer”…

Same as the FRS1

Yeah. It would be good


Has anyone had the IFF misidentify a target?

Chased down a contact on the radar, showing as an enemy.

Engaged it, got the kill…friendly F8U.

So my second SB match consisted of 1 friendly. 1 ai, 2 players + 1 death by being jumped by an SU22.

Also, noticed a bug, the mach indicator in the cockpit disappears around M0.8, and flashes back when your RWR pings.

Also, are we not supposed to get a target marker on the HUD when we lock a target? Or is the HUD still borked?

Depends on how the targets are separated, with pulse and PD you can still lock friendlies that are close in proximity and or velocity.

Specifically the FRS.1 though?

As I can only cycle between SRC & ACM in that.

Yeah its a pulse radar can happen.

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I’ve never had issues with IFF, but at low alt it struggles to see targets at all. But yeah, easy to mistake one target for another. We need our correct HUD

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