BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

that literaly is the most viable AMRAAM testbed in the game right now

What!?! Its NOT struggling, that thing is literally unplayable!

But at the same time it doesn’t confirm or deny anything (besides F3). But I also doubt AMRAAM rn, we are probably going to get it together with the F-16 and all that stuff, and will be on the disadvantage anyways.

Im pretty sure the GR.7 could carry ASRAAMS - it needs something.

Its so stupid they are keeping it at 11.7.

Yeah, if this update is any indicator. Soviets will get R-77, patch afterwards, US will get AMRAAM and then about a year after than they’ll consider AMRAAM for other nations

Gr.5/7/9 trialed it. But imo it should have 9M and ASRAAM comes in GR.9 to make it worth it to research.

It should have them. If I have to fight F16s and Mig29s it better give me a missile to clap them.

I doubt, but it ain’t impossible lol

Gr7 just needs MAWS and 11.3 BR. 9Ms should come with Gr9 and then ASRAAM with Tornado Gr4 just before Typhoon is my take

9Ms on the Gr7, would mean BR increase I reckon and the AGM-65s are already at their limit IMO. Gr9 with Aim-9M and Brimstone would be a clear progression and have a fair BR for both A2A and A2G

Just like 9Ls when it came out… Good days when a F-14 rear aspect was guaranteed kill…

11.7 is just absurd

11.3 always gets 12.0 tho

Yeah, but its a solid platform in most respects. But is unfinished. I’d wait till MAWS before jumping the gun on AAM upgrades, especially as that would just result in a higher BR (dont forget, Britain tax)

Yeah, 11.7 and 11.3 are basically the same BR, the only difference is that 11.3 gets a downtier once in a while, 11.7 just seems like discount 12.0.

u can take add 11.0 into that sentence, but well that will change now at least with the new 12.3

11.0s finally will get some fresh air.

1 issue with that… what Br 11s?

sad that i already finished my mig 21 lazur torture, but might be more fun to play at least since germany isnt getting r73, and i dont wanna anywhere near 12.3 without those

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Viggen, mig 21 bis… Wait… You talking about Britain? That one can suffer, no one cares

Time to start downtier clappin then

But this is why Im intending to hide in EC8 for the next few months. Unless the FA2 is sneaked into this update. its FRS1 and Gr7 at 10.7/11 respectively in SB