BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Sure you’ve not just misunderstood some theorizing on how you might employ AMRAAM from a platform with no onboard radar? Because I’ve never seen any evidence that GR9 could carry AMRAAM.

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I’ve tried looking for images but can’t find any with a google search (best way to find something is by looking in the wrong places like an idiot first)

I’m pretty sure I understood correctly, but can’t remember where on the forum might even be on the Sea Harrier discussion.

I think he might be thinking about that one picture with ActiveSF

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I only found out about the Skyflash Active when that pic was posted but it is none the less an interesting thing to see. I’m pretty sure I saw the “GR9 could carry AMRAAM” comment.

Edit: I think it’s before comment 500

I just checked the topic, nothing like that is here.

Probably not AMRAAM but most likely Active Skyflash. The DMT (not the drug) could maybe slave the seeker head to where it was pointing and then just let it go Pitbull.

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This is the only moment i’ve seen it being related to any radar missile.


This might be what was talked about but whoever said it just got mixed up

Also did the ActiveSF enter service with anyone or with anything

Nothing entered service with active skyflash though its been mentioned in relation to Gripen (which i think is where Gaijin got the idea that Gripen can use Skyflash from) and also Eurofighter (for which it was deemed unsatisfactory) and then in front of Harrier as mockups.

I’m not even sure they ever built a prototype of it.

It did undergo flight tests in some manner and its integrated into the F.3 FCS even by the time of the FSP it still had the option to select ASF.

As far a prototype goes, it was 90% SuperTEMP with just a new seeker which was bought from Thomson CSF, I don’t think there was much to do to develop it.


ahem DL receiver ahem

Didn’t have one, it was prelaunch inertia only.


Would be possible to get it added to the regular Tornado F.3 without a BR increase, since it is after all just a SuperTemp with a fancy seeker that would change gameplay very little and would be a decent counter to the F-14

The one thing that would’ve made it an upgrade.

Thanks, are there any pictures? I’ve never seen an actual picture of it and relatively little on the construction of it.

Would be a nice buff to the Tornado F.3 (non-AMRAAM) as @Sea_Harrier_FRS1 said as it would enable you to defend earlier. Though if it gives you a higher BR I would not want to see it.

Also when the GR.9 arrives if that’s possible it would give it a bit of a bigger stick to sling than a 9M (assuming ASRAAM is not added for it).

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more like up to 12.0, or with 9M, 12.3, which i’d take i guess

I recall seeing BAE market that as an advantage. For aircraft with advanced jamming and AEW technology it meant that the missile couldn’t be disrupted or decoyed in-flight (as it was essentially blind until the seeker went active) and therefore was ‘quieter’ than other ARH’s.

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AIM 9Ls would still be fine and 12.3 would be the worst balancer for the ASF (Active SkyFlash)

This would make it more fun as well