BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

im just way more used to the 30mms, i used the fga.9 to grind the british tt out when strike craft had a forward spawn, the 25mm i cant use for the life of me unless im in cockpit view

Oh the bicycle chain thing, yeah thats 100% true even the production harriers still used the same system (and the compnay was suprised when they kept wearing out) the only Peggy style vecotred thrust engine that didnt use them was the BS.100 as they had a far more robust system


Doesn’t surprise me. Nothing will after Flame’s mention of the de-chirping story. I didn’t even realise that was a thing until I got educated.



Can’t they just use the exact same system? It’s not all that different just increase the range or something.

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The MAW implementation in game is literally just an if statement as far as I can tell. There would be no difference in implementation this is just Gaijin being Gaijin.

There would be a difference for GR.7, current ingame MAWS are all UV sensors. So they detect the flash of a rocket motor, which means pretty much any launch in LOS of the sensor will trigger the MAWS unless its too far away.

The doppler sensor on the GR.7 is rear facing only and should only trigger when sufficient doppler shift is detected from a missile moving towards the GR.7 this means there is less of chance it will waste countermeasures on launches not directed at the GR.7.

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In theory that’s how it should work but IR MAWS in game only trigger on launches headed vaugely in the direction or the aircraft which contradicts their representation of IRL operation. They also trigger for in flight glide phase missiles (i.e if a starstreak is in glide phase and a heli pops over a hill the MAWS will trigger even though there is no IR/UV flash).

The F-111 already has a rear hemisphere only MAW (unless it works in all directions which it shouldn’t) so hemispherical detection is already implemented. And when the IR system already works so similarly to a radar system in game I don’t see why there can’t be an initial implementation followed by a rework/improvement of the system.

Oh I’m not saying it isn’t a little janky, but they also said they weren’t going to slap the IR/UV implementation on it and call it a day. As we had that discussion when the GR.7 first came. Funny because I’d call that the lazy option over making an effort to model the doppler sensor.


I just fear this is the excuse they’ll use to stop the Gr7 getting MAWS. Ever.

They made no dispensation to say “Well the GR.7 is different and hard so we won’t do it”.

Largely radars in game can already detect missiles, so its a matter of making a radar with the ability to detect smaller RCS for the smaller missiles, make it a PD Velocity sensor ( doesn’t detect range just velocity and azimuth), set a threshold for approach speed and RCS. BAM one doppler MAWS.

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Which still sounds like a year+ amount of work for the Devs. Look how long it took for the FRS1 to get the correct radar

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Apples and Oranges.

Well if it’s just a PDV radar then they can just slap the APG-59 on the back and call it a day

We’ll probably be waiting till the USA or USSR gets a vehicle with a radar MAWS but with the recent RWR rework it’s fortunately not as big an issue as it used to be.

It’s probably easy to implement, but just not a priority.

We thought they might start adding some ECM capability for the Tornado once Russian jets started getting IRCCM/similar systems. Still nothing.

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Yeah, Britain is always at hte bottom of the priority list. One good thing about the F-111 addition. Even though the Tornado has been in the game for a full year. It is still missing ground radar. Now that the F-111 has a similar radar capability, they may begin work on it now and then it can be C&P over to the Tornados sometime afterwards

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Probably not too far from the final product, like I said you’d need to adjust the RCS detection so it can see missiles as small as a stinger. And speed gating so it doesn’t think a fighter closing in is a missile.

I don’t about stingers but I’ve managed to get returns from missiles, both search and lock. I’ve even managed to shoot down a few AIM-54 and R-27ER’s using it. The smallest I’ve gotten was a AIM-7 which is massive compared to a stinger. in terms of speed gating anything faster than 800 knots would be classed as a missile. relative speed is a separate story.

Isn’t the RWR supposed to pick up the guidance signals of SAMs? Why on earth is there still no launch warning for the Pantsir?

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