BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

It operates at a frequency beyond RWR coverage for most airframes.

I get the tracking radar but there should still be a launch warning when the RWR picks up the radio guidance for the missile?

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I’m not 100% sure on the guidance method used for the Pantsir but it won’t have been one catalogued in the Tornado F.3 TM as it predates the Pantsir. But the F.3 TM was used as the basis for the newer RWR mechanics. If the guidance frequencies are in the RWR range than it should at least be IDd as an unknown threat “?”.


As it has been a full year, and this bug still hasnt been fixed. I’ve submitted a fresh bug report for it


You don’t need to resubmit bug reports, unless it’s been fixed but the fixed didn’t achieve the right results.

You do know missing ordnance is treated as a suggestion and not a bug?

It’s not missing a specific kind of ordinance. It’s just missing it for every pylon. That’s not a suggestion, that’s not a bug, that’s an issue that needs to be rectified.

No it’s still considered a suggestion.

@jd_hog77 is right, bugs are things not working as intended. For example, say the option for a bomb on X pylon was there but you equipped it and it won’t drop, that’s a bug. X vehicle should have X armament is a suggestion.

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If unguided 540s are a balancing issues, then gaijin officially has no idea what they are doing

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Well, it’s been a year and 540s only vailable on 2 pylons not 7, still

Isn’t a balancing issue, its just not been added, intentionally or not isn’t known but there isn’t a balance concern here.

Then gaijin is deliberately ignoring it, which I think is actually worse

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I don’t think you grasp just how many reports come in daily and how many overall there are. They aren’t deliberately ignoring anything.

The incorrect clock in the Gr7 HUD got fixed after a month. The incorrect deployment of 540s hasn’t been fixed after 14 months. It is pretty clear where their priorities lie

Priority of a clock being right over more 540lb bombs? What’s your point here? No bug/suggestion has a SLA, they get done when they’re done.

Some stuff is scooped up right away as its submitted, some stuff a couple months down the line, and some stuff after years. There is no deliberate ignoring of reports.

Just feels like it. As always other nations seem to get even massive bug reports fixed within a matter of weeks, but Britain… A year+ is the average

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Top of my head some stuff that’s coming for loadouts for Britain based on reports that are small additions just like the 540lb bombs are;

NVG for Harrier GR3
and Mk.82 Snakeyes for Tornado GR.1

So these little things aren’t ignored, they will happen.

But I doubt we’ll ever see BOL for the Gr1 and I wonder if we will ever actually see a finished Gr1.

They could fill 3 major updates with bug fixes for Britain alone.

Already WIP on the BOL as well.