BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

One of the first things I bought when I got a semi-decent job was a really good desk chair.

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My dad has one that makes me so jealous… Next month things are probably gonna get better hopefully.

Fingers crossed for you then

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I kinda understand your pain my friend. I use to play on this laptop that struggled to game War Thunder on Ultra Low Quality (80 FPS average) and recently upgraded to a Gaming Desktop (RTX 3050 8GB and i5 12400F) and comfortably play on 4k with 60 FPS or 2k with 80 FPS.

Basically my point is eventually you’ll get everything you need so don’t rush things and save money like what I did (I had to save for like 2 years for everything I have rn 💀).

We all start somewhere, oh and I still use a plastic chair its classical 😎

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Yeap, 2021 I started building my PC thanks to China and their really cheap xeon kits, firstly I had a Radeon R5 230 that achieved the incredible mark of being worse than a gt 710, played the game at 20 fps in ulq lol. Last year I got my Rx 570 and I’m pretty happy with it, I wish it could run Squad (bad optimized), but overall it is great.

It’s classical but my back really doesn’t like it haha

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I mean… It’s statically doing well, and doesn’t even have the advantage of getting a boost from base bombing due to the lack of bombs or any ground attack capability. So it’s stats are all A2A kills.

I’ve never struggled in the F.3 and it’s only gotten better as fixes have rolled in. It is in no way unplayable.

Still hold a 2.10~ KD with it. Nearly on 2k kills now.


Though thats a good chunk of downtiers right? Or at least quite often seeing other 11.3s like Gen 3 jets. If you play ARB you have that luxury. In ASB, it has a rating of BR12. You EXCLUSIVELY fight Mig-29s and F-16s. In a month that will include R-27ET and R-73 and you still dont even get British Mod Aim-9L. You cannot hope to fight Mig-29s or F-16s at the moment. the Super Mig-29 coming this update is going to eat it for breakfast. I just dont get how they ever thought it was a good idea to give it such a rating in SB. SHould be 11.3 like it is in ARB.

The kit is not bad for 11.3, but I’m definitely an ADV hater, it’s not fun at all to fly compared to an air superiority fighter. That said, it’s pretty hard to go back to the Phantoms with their normal Skyflashes rather than the SuperTEMPs at this point, even if they handle better.

Would be good if they were finished as well. I still get SkyTrash that self destruct for no apparent reason

Seems like it’s just you at this point.

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More likely SB being SB and the fact the average Alt is 50ft

Ahhh sim, albeit I think the lack of HUD tracks is an issue.

The lack of any form of Radar HUD seriosuly sucks as well. But Im not expecting that at all anymore, we are past the F3s honeymoon period. So you have to use Aim-9Ls to dispaly where targets are on the HUD and then if you can engage a target, Fire off a SkyTrash in a loft at like 15km. A 9L at max range and a seocnd 9L when you get closer and hope at least 1 hits. If none hit, Press and hold J.

At least 9Ls are getting fixed, but no idea if they are getting front aspect fix

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You do switch to pulse in a notch right?

Yep, but with everyone sitting at 50 ft in SB, that usually doesnt help. also that lack of HUD, means that its hard sometimes to tell when to swap or not. Even in a headon in PD, I’ve watched SkyTrash just fly straight past teh target, self destruct or even had the radar just ignore a target 10km in front of me

Pulse Doppler is the thing being notched, most people don’t bring Chaff so when someone notches me in Simulator I just switch to normal SRC.

One of the only good thing the Tornado F.3 can perform is switch Radar Lock Mode without loosing Lock

No missiles can hit at 50ft, so that’s not Skyflash’s fault.

Pulse being the normal SRC mode you are referring to.

Missing could be down to server lag, I’ve had that happen to me, seems to be some movement on the fuze report so potentially we could see that buffed, which may help in this fringe cases.

Yeah… but where the Mig-29 can do a 180 turn and be on your tail in 30 seocnds, you cant even run away necause they are faster than you. So the only ocmbat the F3 ever sees is jousting

The results are

  1. Kill
  2. Be Killed (R-27ER can be fired late and still beat the SkyTrash to the target, meaning that low alt doesnt really affect it)
  3. exchange kills
  4. No one dies, J out

Last one is the most common. Everyone else getting High agility Gen 4+ turn fightrers with next gen missiles and we have a Missile bus that doesnt even have decent AAMs just sucks