BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Saves got removed. It stayed the same.
I have no idea what happens. I guess i will stay clear from the harrier for a while

Im out of ideas. I think it must be local, but I have no idea what it could be.

Oh no, i forgot to update my controlls file. Well now i need to look at all the things i added in last 3 months to my controlls

If you saved the file, just re-import it, one of the buttons bottom left

I did, but i did not update it in last 3 months. And i rebinded a few things in that time

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Oh, i see

[harrier_gr7] Cockpit RWR Scaled Too Large For MFD.

Will be fixed in a future version.


probably next major update


Broken cockpit clock has been fixed

That’s been fixed for a while. Ever since they added the auto HUD switch.

How could the Harrier get the same vertical movement indicator that helicopters get?
It’s kind of annoying when you’re trying to land and you overcompensate and either fly 100ft up or crash at 12 m/s

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On the left is (as picture says) AV-8B Harrier Plus, one which Italy has already but US still lacks
On the right is Sea Harrier FA.2 and yes, it could carry AMRAAMs

I believe that was a thing irl with the harriers when landing. Can’t remember what it’s called, but they had a tendency to jump on landing.

The one on the Left is the AV-8B+ but with what seems to be the British wing.

Does the GR.7 have the capabillity to carry the Tpod on the middle of the gun pods like on the AV-8B?

Wrong, it is something else

It’s not a Tpod, I know, its just an example. The question still remains.

No i mean to what i wrote bofore, i edited it and im looking into it rn

TIALD was only carried in place of a gunpod, and I think I’ve only seen Sniper in the same spot. There isn’t anything stopping them from wiring it up to a different station it just wasn’t done to my knowledge.