BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Would be cool if you could set locations and later just switch them by pressing a button.


Not always, at least in SB it can be a little buggy to do that. Especially if you have to cycle through a TV sight first. So maybe that fixes that

and yeah, custom target points would be really cool

@Gunjob how do you even report stuff like the Harriers or Q-5Ls TGP not rendering far enough? (just an example, the Harrier is fine now)

Probably not ready yet.

I’m guessing you already passed along a suggestion to the higher ups.

I guess its the same for a lot of the other AGM-65 Variants. Most interested though in the second question. More advanced vehicle targetting might spill over to other weapon systems and maybe even naval too, would help a lot when attacking naval ships in SB with guided weapons

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When you don’t have enough angle on the target that the camera can’t see, it changes the point to it’s limit, since the AGM-65s has a more limited FOV you have to align perfectly with the target. In RB it’s not a problem because you can see the mark, in SB you can’t.

Ah, that’ll be it then

Naturally, British bias and all that.


A video of the target not being there and then appearing as you get closer. Coupled with some ingame screenshots and a CLOG file.

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Anyone able to check on the dev server if in-cockpit RWR has been updated to the new system? Thanks in advance

Also the name is so big in cockpit on the hud rwr for some reason.

Ah, thank you, so theyve not forgotten SB this time round then. Though still looks WIP

I don’t know if this has been posted yet but I find it interesting atleast

I guess it’s strange that the UK Harriers never used the AGM-122 (Side-ARM), then it would literally have an answer for every situation.

ALARM underwent fitment testing unsure if one was ever fired.

I know, but the SideARM would replace a Sidewinder, so could preferentially be fitted on the outriggers and so not take up a high capacity underwing station, leaving them free for other stores.

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if you go anti radiation , you go anti radiation , it is not like IRL 2 planes are expected to destroy 4 AA systems and then blow up 8 trenches/ tanks

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The whole point of the outriggers being added to British Harriers over AV-8B was that they would have an AAM in all situations. It was seen as an absolute necessity after the Falklands, for non-fighter aircraft to have a means of self-defence, or to be able to attack enemy reconnaissance patrols.
Same doctrinal decision resulted in over-wing pylons getting added to Jaguar so it could still carry sidewinders when the previous AAM pylons were repurposed for jamming and countermeasures, and why we ended up doing crazy stuff like sticking sidewinders on Nimrod and Vulcan

The notion of sticking an AGM on them runs counter to their purpose, and puts you back in a situation where the jet is lacking AAM.

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