BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

No more than they will from R-73s on 11.3s like the Su25/Su39.

I dont mind it, TIALD is a half decent alternative, but tricky to use. But definetly taught me to look out more and be better at VID. But yeah, FA2 will be good in SB. Though im happy with FRS1, especially with all the changes

BOL rails have a proper texture now;



It doesn’t matter that they’re not cleared for use, they are specifically wired for them and can carry Sidewinders on them as stated in the NATOPS and other manuals.

If GR.7 gets experimental cannons that never worked, AV-8B+ should get outrigger pylons that do work, that they are capable of fitting at any time which they don’t use for god knows what reasons. The Italian one should be the same, as it’s the same aircraft.

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Now it get 9M and i’m happy about it
Now other thing i need for it is
AGM-65 G-2 to complete my Russian bully line up

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Talking about AGM-65G-2 isn’t that Italian AV-8B plus can also use it?


I would assume that due to being assembled from knockdown kits, it would use the USN’s IIR Maverick variant the AGM-65F, not the -65G which for WT 's purposes is practically identical to the -65G and is the basis for the USAF’s -65G. The -2 subvariant(s) are production updates which modernize the seeker’s tracking algorithms and guidance logic so it takes less time to perform its functions (not modeled). There are a few other differences but are otherwise effectively inconsequential.

So… with the Gr7 getting some attention, any chance of getting TV Sight removed from the AGM-65Ds when you have TIALD pod equipped. Was using the Gr7 this evening in SB, and that coming back is really annoying.

I think it has to do with how the game is programmed, and would require recoding, so do not expect anything any time soon.

When it first came out I swear everything was working just fine, once Gaijin started tweaking the nose camera stuff it went downhill.

It had some issue related to TV sight + TIALD Sight and the fix was to just force the use of TIALD pod and disable the TV sight. It worked perfectly. Then when they added PGMs, TV sight returned to the AGMs and some of those issues returned as well.

Having TIALD pod override TV sight, instead of both being in the line-up (or just add a way to directly select a target pod, without cycling) would fix so many issues and several bugs that still somewhat prevent me from using PGMs effectively when in SB. Same is true for the AGMs.

Also laser guided bombs, when it came out they worked just fine, but they also broke with the camera changes and just started working again after quite a while, everytime it was a different issue.

Q: The Harrier GR.7 has been in the game for quite some time, but it still hasn’t received AGM-65G. Do you have this Maverick variant planned for this plane?
A: We’re researching the capabilities of this missile. However, for now, it is a bit too early to say whether or not it will come to the game.

Agm-65e was just found in the new files, hopefully also comes to the Gr.7

It’s a laserguided variant so more of a side grade/downgrade to the one we have currently. And it was only carried by Av-8B and F/A-18 since it’s a variant specifically ordered by the USMC



in new dev, no one has AGM-65E

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well the GR.7 shouldn’t get it only AV-8B and other USMC aircraft right?