AW159 Wildcat HMA2 - The Royal Navy’s Multi-Purpose Helicopter

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Hello everyone, today i would like to suggest the AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat HMA2 currently in service with The Royal Navy of The UK.


Simple History

The design and development of the AW159 Wildcat (originally known as the Future Lynx or Lynx Wildcat began in the late 1990s as part of a plan to replace the Westland Lynx.

In 2002 the UK Ministry of Defence launched the “Surface Combatant Maritime Rotorcraft (SCMR) program” for the Royal Navy and the “Battlefield Light Utility Helicopter (BLUH) program” for the British Army. These were later merged into the “Future Lynx program”

On 22 June 2006, AgustaWestland (now Leonardo) was awarded a £1 billion contract to develop and build 70 helicopters, later renamed the AW159 Wildcat in 2009 which is the same time the first AW159 Wildcat Was Produced and Flown.

The AW159 AH1 Variant entered service with The British Army in April 2014 as a Utility Helicopter. This Variant, The AW159 HMA2, Was first delivered to 825 Naval Air Squadron in October 2014 before officially entering service with The Royal Navy in January 2015 with 815 Naval Air Squadron.

The AW159 Wildcat is operational on the Type 23 Duke Class Frigates and Type 45 Daring Class Destroyers

Specifications & Armament

Armament In Detail

Lightweight Multirole Missile - Martlet (LMM Martlet)
The LMM Martlet is a multipurpose missile manufactured by Thales UK. The Martlet can be fired from Sea, Land and Air. The Martlet is a SALOC or IR (can choose) Guided Missile with a Proximity Fuze that travels of a speed at Mach 1.5. The LMM Martlet was designed originally as a anti-surface missile for land and sea targets but was upgraded with a proximity fuze to target air targets and detonates thousands of ball bearings which can penetrate thick steal.

Total weight: 13 kg

Warhead weight: 3 kg

Length: 1.3 m

Diameter: 76 mm

Multi-mode guidance (laser, semi-active laser, infrared)

Speed: Mach 1.5

Range: 9 km

Previous Suggestion for the LMM Martlet for the Stromer



Sea Venom Anti-Ship Missile

The Sea Venom is a Over The Horizon Anti-Ship Missile developed by MDBA UK and France.
It Weighs 120kg, 2.5m in Length, and is 200mm in Diameter.

Stingray Torpedo

The Stingray Torpedo is a Lightweight Acoustic Torpedo designed in 1970 and entering service in 1982. It is 2.6m in length, weights 267kg and is 330mm in diameter.


Mk 11 Mod 3 Depth Charges

The Mk 11 depth charge was developed by British Aerospace for air delivery from maritime aircraft and helicopters. The Mk 11 depth charge was designed for shallow water operations against submarines on the surface or at periscope depths.


AW159 Armaments of Other Nations

Republic of Korea Navy & Philippine Navy AW159 Wildcat

4x Spike NLOS

2x M745 Blue Shark

Algerian AW159 Wildcat

4x ZT-6 Makopa ATGMs



ROK AW159 Firing Spike’s

Rafael’s Spike Missiles on Helicopters

Philippine AW159 using spikes

Philippine AW159 Use of Spijes

Suggestion for Algerian AW159


In my personal opinion I believe the AW159 HMA2 Royal Navy Helicopter would be a great addition to the British Helicopter Tree especially with the LMM Martlet Missile.





Explanation of LMM Martlet & Damage

Video of LMM Martlet being fired at ground targets

Video of Royal Navy Testing LMM Martlet against air targets

Video 1 of Thales UK Testing LMM Martlet against sea targets

Video 2 of Thales UK Testing LMM Martlet against sea targets

Onboarding AW159 Wilcat

Royal Navy First Firing of LMM Martlet

History/Details of LMM Martlet

Leonardo AW159 Wildcat Specifications

AW159 Wildcat Firing Sea Venom

Seaforces AW159 History & Info


was thinking a suggestion was missing for this beauty!


What’s the penetration on the Martlet?

It’s quite new and I’m certainly not an expert of working out penetration values.

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Yh I saw Korea had one and then was like why doesn’t the UK have one…

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+1 20 LMM’s 🗣️ 🔥 🔥


We need them as a 2nd/optional missile on the HVM Stormer.

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heres from the LMM suggestion for the stormer

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Yeah, seems to be around 500-600mm which is totally workable. I was primarily concerned that it’d be like 200mm or something which would cause a huge balancing issue.

I mean the Starstreak HVM on the Apache’s can kill tanks

yep, it might also have IR guidance if a source can be found for that

I provided it in one of the images. States it can be laser, semi-laser or IR

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oh nice, where is the source from?

Wildcats can also carry starstreaks


yep, and given the issues around MMW its britains only hope short term

Ye the IR guidance was part of the potential balancing issue. 20 FnF missiles with decent penetration? Balanced at a highish tier. 20 FnF with very little penetration? That becomes an issue to place.
Yes Gaijib I know this is similar to what I just posted I replied to the wrong post

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and my reply to you above just to confusing

That was is from like Kyiv Defence or something I can’t remember but u can also find it here.

The LMM’s IR guidance is used in mode B of its guidance system. The LMM’s dual-mode seeker combines laser and IR guidance to engage fast-moving and difficult-to-hit targets. The LMM’s dual-mode seeker ensures high precision even in complex operational environments.

Other LMM guidance modes: Semi-active laser (SAL), Laser beam riding (LBR), Imaging infrared (IIR) terminal homing, Inertial navigation system (INS), and GPS (global positioning system).

The Martlet (LMM) missile uses infrared (IR) terminal homing as one of its guidance modes. The LMM is a lightweight, multi-role missile that can be used for precision strikes against aircraft, helicopters, and drones. It has a dual-mode seeker that combines laser and IR guidance

nice, I know @DevilO6 was trying to find a source for it as well, so that should be good

Oh dayum that’s cool. Didn’t even know.