AV-8B/AV-8B+ for the US

I think the chances of an AV-8B coming next update are much higher since Gaijin doesn’t want more than 2 vehicles to a line in each rank of the TT. Hope that an update for the Dev server comes with the a US AV-8B if not this update then next update

Gaijin should add this, its ridiculous the US is denied it own jet.


Comment about it here in the Dev Server forum space.

Hopefully they will actually add it or give a proper reason if it gets enough attention

I just hope, when AV-8B NA and B+ are inevitably added, neither of them will be premium or event - like you said, the AV-8B+ should obviously be tech tree since Italy already has it, but the NA being a GR.7 equivalent at a lower BR would be nice as well.

If anything, the most basic AV-8B should be a premium or event.

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The sad thing is though is that it’s entirely possible that Gaijin adds them as non-tech tree. That is though if they can be bothered to add them in the first place

This game is full of prejudice against American products

The answer is:gaijin keep thorwing some vehicle to some nations not belong to them who still could earn more new wallet warrior to fulfill gaijin’s own packet,not only av8b for Italy,leopard2A7 for Italy,jas39C for Italy.if there’s no such thing many old player won’t even take a look at Italy.but now someone may even considering paying for them.

Are you really going to pay extra for one of your favorite vehicles which is not on its original nation?
If u said no,gaijin will keep preventing u get it on tech trees which u had already finished researching to try taking money out of your wallet

it’s boo boo at a2a from stock because it has aim9l’s and doesn’t have the speed and resources to defeat MICA and r77.

(+) it’s 4 9L’s are a tier 3 mod. good fm tho, can 1v1 f15’s and such.

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You can have now your av-8b!