Australian & New Zealand Ground Forces Sub-Tree

I’ve updated this post with some different camos for both halves of the ANZACs and linked it in the op.

Australia was butchered so bad with only premiums and a squadron in US? Not sure I understand what the driving force was behind this decision since the top tier tanks being shared door was opened long ago. France has leopards and everyone has t-series. Unlike many others, though, this alliance makes lot of sense up until modern day. I hope this will be actualized.


Just a little update, I plan to remove the KF41, M60A1 and M551 as soon as I can (need to redo the pictures of the tree). It does not seem like trials vehicles should have a place here based on other trials vehicles in the game.

Edit: After discussing with some friends, and observing tanks in game like the Tiger I for Japan, I have decided to also keep the M60A1 and M551. We may not have owned these vehicles, but we still used them for a purpose, it’s part of our history, and they had Australian markings on them so they come with a unique skin to boot.


+1 for Britain, would much rather this than India.


On second thought, given the KF41 had a level of Australian technology in it, I’m going to leave that in there. So will probably just remove the M60A1 and M551 since they were just on loan from USA for evaluation.

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Honourable Mentions
This post will include some tanks and vehicles I haven’t used in the suggested tree for one reason or another. Some could be added at a stretch, some didn’t really exist in any completed form. And some just wouldn’t fit the current game, so if they were added they’d be kinda useless. (I will add specs and possibly other vehicles to the below over time)
AELT (Australian Experimental Light Tank)


Brief: There is little to no official documentation on this tank, but strangely enough the remnants of the prototype still exist. It was an experimental mock up of a light tank using locally available components, and based on the Local Pattern Carrier. Also known as “Chassis 160” (the 160th LP1 Carrier chassis). Aside from the word of mouth saying the design was a total failure and barely able to move, we don’t even know what the final product would have looked like as it seems no turret design was ever produced. So clearly, it’d be impossible to justify its existence in the game. The best outcome would be to plonk the Rhino Armoured Car’s turret on this hull and assume it could move.
Main Armament: Unequipped but likely would have ended up a 2 Pounder
Secondary Armament: Unknown
Armour: 30mm
Crew: Unknown
Powertrain: 85hp V8
Weight: Unknown
Top Speed: 48km/hr

Bob Semple Tank


Brief: Yes, yes, one of the greatest tank…memes of all time. As much as everyone loves to joke about the Bob Semple being op and coming to the game, it literally only has 0.303 machine guns for armament, and probably not with enough elevation that could be used as AA either. The Bob Semple would therefore be quite utterly useless in the game, and the proposed 37mm version was never built. The only way we see it in game is either, the machine guns have enough elevation to use as SPAA (and you’d just have to REALLY want the Bob Semple to add it that way), or Gaijin does a “Dreams Come True” version with the 37mm.
Main Armament: 6x 0.303 Bren mg
Secondary Armament: The Haka
Armour: 12.7mm
Crew: 6 Māori Warriors, or maybe just other regular Kiwis
Powertrain: 127hp V8
Weight: 18t
Top Speed: 24km/hr
Bob Semple Tank - Wrath Incarnate

Matilda Frog & Matilda Murray


Brief: The Matilda Frog and later upgraded Murray design were Australian flamethrower modifications of the Matilda II, replacing the 2pdr main gun with a flamethrower. The Frog, being the earlier design, saw action fighting the Japanese, while the upgraded Murray was too late for the end of the war. As the flamethrower is the only primary weapon of these Matilda variants, it really wouldn’t be suitable for the game, being unable to kill even most reserve tanks.
Main Armament: Flame projector, ~80m range
Secondary Armament: Co-ax 7.92mm BESA mg
Armour: Up to 75mm, possible add-on track armour
Crew: 3
Powertrain: 190hp Leyland 6cyl
Weight: 27t
Top Speed: 24km/hr
Matilda Frog and 'Murray FT' Flame Tank - Tank Encyclopedia

Other Designs From The Australian Cruiser Program

Sherman for Australia


Brief: Australia had 3 Shermans on hand, one M4A2, and two M4s for various trials. They were retained for decades after being used for training and target practice. But with New Zealand actually using Shermans operationally, an Australian one would be a pointless and far less historically significant addition.
Main Armament: 75mm M3 cannon
Secondary Armament: Co-ax 0.30cal M1919A4 mg
Armour: Up to 63mm on hull, 76mm on turret
Crew: 5
Powertrain: 410hp
Weight: 32.5t
Top Speed: 47km/hr
Australian Shermans by Paul D. Handel

Prototype M113 with 7.62mm Minigun


Brief: When I first heard about this prototype I was intrigued about its potential use as an SPAA in War Thunder. It’s an M113, mounting a 7.62mm minigun. A joint venture between USA and Australia in Vietnam, whereby Australia provided an M113, American provided the gun, and Australia did the testing. I have not found any pictures of it, but in the end it wouldn’t be suitable for the game anyway. The document link below states that the gun had less than 25 degrees of elevation, which is abysmal for an SPAA.
Main Armament: XM-134 7.62mm minigun
Secondary Armament: Probably none
Armour: Up to 45mm
Crew: 3
Powertrain: 300hp 6cyl
Weight: 12t
Top Speed: 68km/hr

Leopard 1A2 MTTU


Brief: MTTU stands for Medium Tank Trials Unit. In 1971 a program began to replace Australia’s Centurion MBTs. The choices were narrowed down to the M60 or the Leopard I. Two of each were brought to Australia where extensive trials took place by the newly formed MTTU. The Leopard was eventually selected. The Leopard used for the trials was the 1A2 model. With the Leopard winning the contract however, and the AS1 therefore being in the tech tree, there is little need for a 1A2.
Main Armament: 105mm L7A3, 360 degrees traverse, -9/20 elevation
Secondary Armament: Co-ax 7.62mm MG3A1
Armour: Up to 70mm on the hull
Crew: 4
Powertrain: 830hp
Weight: 40t
Top Speed: 65km/hr
Additional Features: Rangefinder

Thales Australia Bushmaster


Brief: The Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle is perhaps one of Australia’s best known defence products and a highly successful export story. It’s known for its crew protection, thanks in part to the mine resistant V-shaped hull. One of the most likely uses of a Bushmaster in War Thunder could be with the Slinger RWS, as suggested on the Hawkei Slinger in the tech tree. However, while the Hawkei is a better platform (smaller, faster) for use in the game, I also haven’t even found photo proof of a Slinger on a Bushmaster, just possible mentions of it being used in Ukraine.
Another possible use could be the 40mm grenade launcher if it has the HEDP grenades that can pen up to 51mm and hit targets up to 1500m away. Again, I need to find proof of one fitted, and Australia using that grenade/ammunition type.
Main Armament: Remote or manned weapon stations with 12.7mm machine gun or 40mm automatic grenade launcher or 30mm Bushmaster cannon
Secondary Armament: Up to 3x 7.62mm machine guns, one front, two rear
Armour: Up to STANAG level 5 with optional packages
Crew: 1 driver, up to 9 passengers/other duties
Powertrain: Caterpillar 3126E 6cyl, 300hp
Weight: 12.5t roughly depending on variant
Top Speed: 100km/hr
Additional Features: Laser rangefinder (for applicable turrets)
Useful Links: Bushmaster | Thales Group

Electro Optic Systems



Brief: Electro Optic Systems is an Australian company that develops remote weapon stations, turrets, laser weapons, counter UAS systems and space intelligence and control services. Their remote weapon stations in particular have seen large export success as well as use with the Australian Army. Some are even in the suggested tree. Some just probably aren’t suitable for addition to the game, such as the above pictured truck that was used to demonstrate the R800 system. While others, such as the LAV III or AMPV, should probably not go to an Australian tree.
Useful Links:

Unmanned/Autonomous Vehicles


Brief: I do not currently see a way unmanned vehicles could be used in the game, but that doesn’t mean a mechanic won’t be introduced for them in the future. And if they are, Australia could contribute a couple. The above pictured ATLAS, produced by BAE Systems Australia, is an 8x8 uncrewed vehicle with a 25mm M242 Bushmaster.
Main Armament: 25mm M242 Bushmaster, 70 degrees elevation
Secondary Armament: None
Armour: Unknown
Crew: None, unmanned
Powertrain: Cummins ISB 6cyl, 182hp
Weight: 10t
Top Speed: Unknown
Additional Features: Laser rangefinder
Useful Links:

Brief: Some old M113AS4 have also been converted for autonomous testing and mounting EOS remote weapon stations.
Useful Links: Australian Army enhances capability with robotic M113s - Electro Optic Systems


Sentinel II


Photos of the XM134 M113 experiment:


I love you! (Where did you find it??!) And do you mind if I put one of them in the above post?

On a HDD, file date says 2008ish, before that I’ve no idea but it must have been online somewhere, my memory’s good but it’s not perfect. They aren’t my photos so I can’t tell you who to credit, and I’ve got no objections to you using them however you want, so go for it. Information wants to be free


cough classified stuff is a thing cough

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Just saw there was a remote control weapon station on what might be an “optionally crewed” M113 at the recent “Land Autonomous Systems Teaming Demonstration”. When I first saw the video, the one clip showed the closeup of the minigun firing and I thought the vehicle would be unmanned. Now I see it was carrying people.
So maybe an M113 with a minigun as an SPAA is back on the table. But I can’t find any specifics about that turret yet.


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It is said that this was created in or before 1966 (judging by photo dates) via the 4th/19th Prince of Wales Light Horse cavalry regiment.

Luckily, there are a few more photos in existence, including a couple of the interior, which show an interesting method of ammunition storage.


47015 Major Gordon James “Guns” Murphy, A Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, test firing a mini gun. | Australian War Memorial
M113 apc 4/19th Prince of Wales Light Horse | Track fitted w… | Flickr

Gregory Knowles on X: “Flashback to the Australian trial of a GAU-2 mini gun mounted on a M113A1 armoured personnel carrier in Vietnam. 📸 Mark Bixly” / X


I also have a bonus photo, allegedly showing an M113 modification of the Australian 3rd Cavalry Regiment.


Australian M113 apc 3rd Cavalry Regiment | Track with XM134 … | Flickr


Very cool photos. Shame these things wouldn’t have a purpose in the game with their limited elevation.
Does the last one (3rd Cavalry Regiment) rotate with the cupola? Does the cupola rotate? Doesn’t look like it would elevate at all?

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Just a little update as well, I have added a new vehicle to the tech tree at the sparse rank 5. A Hawkei equipped with an automatic grenade launcher. I only realized recently these grenade launchers have a round that can pen 51mm, and I started pondering all the gameplay possibilities and decided it would actually be pretty damn fun. I wanted to make it a Bushmaster PMV, but I couldn’t find any photos of one equipped as such in Australian service, even though it’s the same weapon station they use.
And I’ve continued working on the post below, getting close to adding those vehicle specs etc. Once done, I can link it in the OP.

Australian Universal Carrier with 2-pdr field modification from North Africa (1942)
Contrary to the official modification we already have in the tree, this one is mounted casemate-style in place of the Bren gun.


Nice. It’d be a 1.0 SPG, how do you think I should add it? Premium?

I’d say a premium yes; although for field mods I usually suggest the battle pass, but I don’t think a 1.0 has any place there at the moment.

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Not sure when I’ll get time, but I’ll add it in as soon as I can. I’m going to assume it has same gun traverse as the Bren gun it replaced.

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The M430A1 actually penetrates 76mm of armor. Standard M430 penetrates 51mm. I’ve been preaching the good word of AGL capability for a while now so it’s great to see someone else dipping their toes in.


That’s pretty darn good. It probably doesn’t change my opinion on the BR just because of the velocity, but it would definitely help it.

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