Assault Air Arcade, any solution for top tier?

Till now, the Assault Air Arcade mode still doesn’t allow toptier jets to enter, the main issue is most of them have powerful missiles, why not just add the number of bots and encourage players to get more kills?

Spam of new vehicles and premium packs doesn’t fix it for you? Not even the loot boxes? I am waiting for over 5 years for some changes to the most important part of the game - gameplay and gamemodes. Because just introducing new vehicles with different mechanics to the same old game modes may have worked for WW2 and maybe cold war era… All I got is roadmap with some cosmetic changes that are delayed for over year anyway. Just look at the state of Heli PVE… with very core mechanics, broken anyway and ignored for long years. So good luck with this, you will just get ignored like hundreds of others. But maybe in another year or few some barebone change will get slapped over it :(

meanwhile early jets are still required to compete with F-14s in assault mode

The main problem is, I think, that here aren’t any bombers that could make a vaguely challenging game vs top tier - it’s marginal enough with those at slightly lower BR already