ASEAN Founders Aviation Sub-Tree

Russia is too big for it, Doesn’t really make sense for Japan and China can have Eastern Asean while Japan can have the west

Wym Russia is too big for it, this aircraft or Vietnam have nothing to do with China. It would serve better as a skin anyway like the MiG-15bis.

premium rank 8 for russia,done


Something is happening (hopium) 👀


another premium or even vehicle lol


this means there’s 2 thai f-5 on japan I guess

also iirc only Philippines and Thailand have F-5A/B among of 5 early ASEAN members while the others were mostly the later E/F

Two ? With the in-game FCU it would be three then.

oh including the A as well (yeah could’ve be Philippines but it is what it is)

They can still give it a Philippines camo.

The full subtree probably takes a bit of “rearranging” to be done and they probably only have Thai stuff prepared at first, so it’s a good idea to at least add camos for the others. Maybe even some for existing vehicles, like Indonesian Ki-27 or Ki-43.


Also Im pretty sure the Royal Thai Airforce and Philippine Air Force had a swap with their OV-10Cs to the PAF’s F-5A/B’s so technically speaking - it is Philippine Air Force parts that are keeping the RTAF F-5s operational (especially the engines) lol.

Im not too worried anyhow, pretty sure someone is going to make a user model for it if Gaijin doesnt add a PAF camo.

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and for the ww2 stuff it’s not going to be too hard since its usually very rudimentary (usually single color or using existing Japanese camo with Indonesian roundels


Personally, I just want to see the Elang Biru camo or the Blue Spot as an official skin, (slight bias but) I think those two are one of the prettiest F-16 camouflages ever

Elang Biru

Blue Spot

Graphics and images are taken and translated from macaskeel (twitter) :

Indonesian Air Force F-16 Camouflage Evolution


One interesting thing of note is that Indonesia has the only surviving Ki-51 and it’s in Indonesian Airforce colours

An Indonesian Ki-79 would also be interesting since it’s a combat trainer and strike variant of the Ki-27


People really don’t realise just how intertwined Southeast Asia is with Japan, be it good or bad reasons. Love it or hate it, accept it or deny it, WW2 is still a part of history that has indeed happened, and given that majority of Southeast Asian countries have long forgiven (but never forgotten of course) what Japan did in the past, it is generally safer and easier to add than say, South Korea.


we’re also the only one in SEA that has an “intact” A6M5 Zero

photo source = myself :)

the museum’s collection is pretty good, I highly recommend if anyone wanna visit


It was actually a P-26 Peashooter but that was because the Philippines was not yet totally independent at that time (it was still a commonwealth) but it was starting to create an independent Philippine Army when MacArthur pressured the US to form one which was the Philippine Army Air Corps.

Confusingly, this is not actually the forefathers of the modern Armed Forces of the Philippines but rather is the forefather of the Philippine Constabulary which is a gendarmerie type force that got folded into the Philippine National Police after the ousting of the then dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

So one can argue that Philippines really isnt a subtree for the USA as the vehicle present in their tech tree is not really a vehicle from the modern Philippine forces nor the independent state.

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It is your opinion, although I will have to stress - this suggestion doesnt really work if not all of the founding nations contribute. ASEAN was specifically formed because the 5 nations in SEA recognized the need for a regional bloc but saw the failure of SEATO thats why I emphasized the need to maintain the ‘integrity’ of the suggestion.

Its also because, while it was not mentioned specifically, Japan is actually the first nation to form a formal relationship with ASEAN outside from the first founding nations and even before other members ascended as full members with the formation of the ASEAN-Japan forum in March 1977 (Brunei ascended in 1984, Vietnam in 1995, Laos & Myanmar in 1997, and Cambodia in 1999). China actually only became a full dialogue partner with ASEAN in 1991.


tbh, since this subtree is going to be in Japan, there’s no point in having an Indonesian/ASEAN version of a Japanese prop plane. I’d rather we just get the Ki-51 and get an Indonesian skin for it.


Thanks for everyone’s support and feedback. We are currently working on the ASEAN Founders Ground Sub-Tree suggestion and expect to have it ready by the end of this week.
Due to the placement of some vehicles, we will show the “entire” Japanese Ground Tree in the proposal to better show off where we imagine we will see the new content in the future, but also for simplicity.
There will still be enough space for domestic Japanese equipment though (like here), the total number of ASEAN vehicles will be a bit higher than in the Air Sub-Tree as there are a lot of cool options and we have chosen the most interesting, necessary and wishlisted ones.

In case you would like to help or support us further, you are welcome to join our Discord Server if you are interested. Please contact @Noveos_Republic via DM for an invite link.

~ JP / ASEAN / SK Research Group


Oh, now that’s pretty interesting! Allegedly, the Museum also has a couple of pretty rare birds in storage. They recovered at least one Ki-48 from Babo Airfield, though they may have also salvaged a few other things


tbf there are some exceptions, the Indonesian Cukiu is somewhat unique since it is a mix and match version of the ki-55/ki-36, could be a low tier event plane or something


from Indonesian Aviation Sub-Tree: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika!