ASEAN Founders Aviation Sub-Tree

Looking forward to the ground tree! Please include as many vehicles as possible!

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While Elbit did integrate/make the various systems for the Sabrah Light Tank and the UT M113, I don’t believe these were ever adopted or trialed in Israeli service.

Because of that, I think it would be more reasonable for both the ASEAN subtree and Israel to have the Sabrah Light Tank each (to avoid any squabbling), but the M113 in the former, and something like an Eitan in the latter.


It will have a higher br than the “Japanese” version. It’s hard to call it a replacement. Need to wait and see which weird ones will even make it into the Japanese branch, and go from there

yeah even with the testing they found out that the AMX are generally better than the Hawks, but the major thing that holds the purchase back was the engine with its high fuel use and relatively complex maintance in addition to the lower lifespan, it kinda seals the deal unfortunately, even if the Hawks are technically “worse”, the operating cost is lower


It is heavier than the current AJ, which will result in slightly worse flight performance and it has no access to radar missiles. However it does get a drogue chute and IR guided AGMs (still no GBUs compared to the US OCU).
It is a sidegrade, not an upgrade. While it performs better at air to ground, it performs worse at air to air which balances out the changes.

This is not an aircraft that would get a higher BR, it would stay at the same BR the AJ is at.

We can’t take care of everything, just the most unique / necessary stuff is considered and placed carefully into the Tree by us, otherwise it would be a mess, even though we add as much as possible at the same time to show what’s possible to add overall, including the Honorable Mentions lists.
As of now, every rank has at least 2-3 Vehicles (less at low ranks), the Ho-Ri got replaced and lack of ATGM- (F&F-), Anti-Air Vehicles and open Gaps has been fixed - Oplot-T and Leopard 2SG join the top tier MBT line-ups.

Further Discussion regarding Ground, Heli and Naval additions shall be moved to our main Thread;


i’m a simple man, i see hunter, i vote yes, as shrimple as that


I would too, but given how Gaijin has been adamant adding a full on tech tree these days, this is the best we got.


Hold on…

Subtrees can have unique vehicles and unique vehicle modifications? What a revalation! Gaijin showed me that they are just near exact copies of other nations stuff, with very little uniqueness.


A +1 from me! Japan needs all the help it can get at the higher BRs


I totally get it, believe me. I have experienced those issues myself. I look forward to it regardless, and I’m sure I’ll like whatever you’ve got cooking.

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looking at it historically, Indonesia can go to Netherlands or Japan, Netherlands dont need it since they’re already mixed with belgium, so Japan is the most likely option. The only other feasable option would be a full ASEAN line but people will cry copy-paste if that goes through. France is good enough, US and SU certainly doesnt need it. What is there to discuss when there is literally no other nations that Indonesia has close relations with.


Not to mention that Singapore has exactly 1 military ties with China, and that’s with the bare minimum of “anti-terrorism” cooperation with land and naval. Meanwhile I can pull out a whole list of cooperation with other countries that are far more suited to be added to the game.


alright lets stop this, this is devolving a bit too far. Clearly this disccusion is not going anywhere

end point is: cultural stuff is not tangible nor relevant, historical and geographical is


stop discussing cultural stuff. end it.


Mod is clearing chat up, you absolute melon.

Thank you Leroy, sorry about the mess.


Cleaned up the thread. While it’s fine to state your opinion about a suggestion, rule 2.11. No politics is still a thing. Keep it on topic and out of politics.


But to be fully honest i don’t really like the ideas of huge sub trees in general
Most sub trees have not much basis anyways and are just copy paste
An ASEAN sub tree would save no one; japan’s main appeal for playing is low tier air and china’s main appeal is high tier ground and maybe in the future air

fine sure i guess, if thats your opinion

my opinion is Japan needs vehicles, Korea is too controversial, ASEAN will do in its place +somewhat makes sense due to ww2

China doesnt need the vehicles, similar to Korea, the controversy for ASEAN countries would be substantial as well, and China can be supported from South Asia and maybe North Korea or Myanmar

considering the options i would go Japan over China (only thai vehicles is not enough i think)


+1!This proposal is still only for aircraft, but it would be great to have suggestions for ground vehicles such as tanks. The Japanese tree is currently looking for tanks rather than aircraft because there are no tanks that can be added already, although there are type11s and type24s coming up, but there are no MBTs that can be added already. So I would be happy if ASEAN comes to Japan in the future for both air and land.