ASB SPAA's should be nerfed

Do I even need to explain this ?
you get completly obliteraded in a 2km range of those spaa’s on the ground battles or convoys , how are you suposed to deal with them , and im talking about the naval spaa’s aswell , if you want to use torpedoes to take the enemy carrier out , nope impossible , bombs ? nuh uh if your not trowing them from very far away or get lucky , and on those ground spaa’s on higher br’s with the spaa’s with radar your not getting close to them and leaving there alive , they are precise enough to kill you pretty consisntently at 3-2km making gun runs or using some vehicles against those impossible if you dont have any way to take the spaa’s out from long range


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This has absolutely nothing to do with CAS in GSB or GRB.

This is ONLY to do with AI controlled SPAAGs within ASB. They have a 2-5km death sphere, you enter within that zone, and you are carrying A2G weapons, you will die if you arent pre-emptively defending.

And OP is right, about trying torpedo a naval ship. I struggle in a supersonic jet dropping bombs whilst pulling crazy turns. A slow prop with a torp. No chance.

So dont jump to conclusions. Read the actual thread, not the title (and even that you failed at) because the last time I checked. There weren’t naval targets in GRB.

SPAAGs in ASB need to be totally overhauled and need to be nerfed. They have been overtuned like mad for years

This is roughly what it looks like:


average dude that doesn’t read the tag on the topic


Oh, I think I saw those Aimbotting ‘real bot’ M163 and Gepards also in ARB before!

It was extremely annoying when wing snapped or pilot sniped by them in ARB.
needless to say, it would also be annoying in ASB. :|

They came to RB, people got really mad, and then they were removed. ASB… Were there for a year before and still here a year after.

God damn the devs hate Sim

(at least they no longer shoot at you if you dont have any A2G weapons)

If we also consider multipath nerfing, which came from SB.
(I might be wrong because my memories about it are bit iffy)

Maaybe… devs just hate everyone who plays this game.
They just love the dosh we have.
(this is joking mods, don’t hang me)

I dont think so. But the intitial drop might have been spearheaded by people wanting Sim to be realistic.

The OP spaa is also in helicopter battles so its near impossible to kill some ground targets in a helicopter with no missiles

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But Gaijin is too lazy enough to implement it on every gamemode they have. :|

“Oi! You want real multipath? Here is ‘multipath nerf for everyone’! don’t blame me. you asked for”

I think nerfing multipath itself is plausible as long as it is unhistorical
But I think Gaijin should’ve given stock chaffs to everyone when they decided to nerf multipath.

Anyway, back to the original topic, meeting one of the oldest nightmares I had again is a quite unpleasant experience. Xd
I didn’t expected that nasty thing is still alive and kicking in ASB, :/
Hopes Gaijin get rid of those any soon. really.

I dont want them to go that far. The sheer total lack of… content… means that the challenge from attacking battlefields, convoys and naval targets (at least at BRs where you have appropriate weaponary and aircraft) makes up about 90% of the content for a strike jet. Total removal would make the game mind-numbingly boring.

They already removed the SPAAGs on the bases and I kinda miss them, they were actually tuned correctly.

So they need to be re-adjusted.

  • Give them a reaction delay (currently its instant)
  • Reduce their accuracy and have that accuracy build over time
  • increase the effectiveness of countermeasures against the radar guided SPAAGs
  • Have their engagement range vary based upon aircraft altitude
  • Fix them being able to shoot through hills and trees.

Combine with some dedicated anti-air objectives (like taking out a SAM site) and PvE could be rather fun.

But I cant imagine trying to attack a convoy or base in a cold war era jet with no guided weapons. The definition of a futile act


didn’t read the tags award

need to fly above 13.1k feet or 16.4k feet to be out of spaa range

Maybe I might be quite too much aggressive about ‘aimbotting AA bot’
because in my dim memory, my experience about it in ARB was

  • Facing M163 on some random conboy in ARB while I flys WW2 era props like Halifax(unsure) or IL-2
  • M163 acquired me, fires at me while I was unaware of them thanks to the cloud cover
  • some random shot punishing me through the cloud

which was a disappointing experience at all.

I agree that your correction about ‘removing entirely will be mind-numbing lame to striker aircraft enthusiasts’
And adjusting examples seems better than ‘letting them 360 noscope’

That sounds fun, and also need to see in RB EC too. XD
we clears SAM site for fighters to provide better space for dogfight, while they give us some fancy air-cover
and rewarded with some fancy amount of ticket decreasing.
will be great to see, and fun to play. isn’t it?

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It’s the 0 warning, not even a flash on the RWR when being targetted by a Radar guided SPAAG

Things happening in every rus mil-sims xD

They would still be annoying if they actually shoot someone down, so I’d like it to basically not hit anything, only existing for us to see fancy tracers. Think about 6.7-ish brackets ground of t44 and bmp1 with 37-2 and btrzd, and you go pass after pass in a 262a1u4. Chilled, No ground will complain, and Enemy planes are still coming around to do their part. (note this works perfectly since a1u4 does not carry any a2g but its lovely built-in mk214

Having Chaparrals at phantom (with flrs) brackets would be great. Open top carrier, Easily flare-able, Historically accurate to be combined with m163, and have a looong white smoke. Only downside is the poor view of the gen2 supersonics, and poor mig23m has only 12 flrs

Amazing camera angle at the end lmao.

Also, you don’t even need A2G weaponry at times. Or maybe it’s something that changed since?

I was on Denmark EC6 lobby in a sabre. We had an A point spawn near the north-western islands where a naval convoy also loitered nearby.

So I flew there, flying at ~3 km altitude flying between clouds, occasionally dipping below.

Maybe I flew too close or too low one moment - there weren’t any enemies nearby mind you - I suddenly took a ton of damage and lost control and died. Killfeed showed boat AAA.

From the rare times I try to do ground-strike against arrows, I feel they got ideal AAA effectiveness with their ostwinds and gepards. If I stay and loiter and circle, I die but I need to do that in excessive amounts. If I come in fast, barrage the howitzers and open-tops with missiles and pull out ASAP - I’m safe.

So I feel changing convoys and boats to the level of effectiveness of said ostwinds and gepards for the associated EC brackets would be more than appropriate.

Thats replay for you :D

naval AA fires at you no matter what I beleive. its just ground based SPAAGs (located in the battlefields and convoys) that hold fire if you dont have A2G (but will attack if you gun strafe, iirc)

Yeah, battlefields need a little tuning but are close. Convoys are absolutely crazy. Which is a large chunk of where my annoyance comes from. WHY ARE THEY ARE DIFFERENT!

I get the AF SPAA being op but things like Naval and convoy ect. are just a pain to deal with

A bit off topic, but ARB AF AAA aren’t useful enough but they have already the best settings for ASB AF And GSB AF AAA ( melts 1ma jet in 3secs with good old ww2 aaa models) What are they thinking about