Artifical ground attack nerf Eurofighter vs SU-34

Obviously Giajin are aware of the terrible gameplay balance that long range fire and forget air to ground weapons have on game balance which is why they nerfed the Eurofighter and the brimstone missiles into the ground by only enabling the semi-active laser mode.

I do actually agree with this. with all the tanks penned into a very small area by the map design its exceptionally easy for planes to scan for targets in that very small area and just shoot off the fire and forget weapons.

Then here comes the Su-34, With its large selection of fire and forget missiles and bombs effortlessly killing off half a team in a single flyout.

The Su-34 needs the same treatment as the Eurofighter. fire and forget mode for its weapons disabled and semi active laser mode only.


On the flip side, the Eurofighter carries 3 times as many missiles, and has a much better A2A loadout when carrying ordinance.

What we really need is better SPAA and more CAS nerfs.


waiting for nasams…

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“Ah more overpowered CAS with no counters I hear you want? Wilco.” - Gaijin


I do agree that at full power the Eurofighter would be even more grief causing than the SU-34 is now but in its current state the SU-34 is still too powerful

Su-34 is a giant flying owl, the problem it outperforms most people are because the same people’s careless about what’s happening, like that one “German mains’ tunnel vision” memes but applied on top tier, I see people claiming War Thunder is a team-based game but it seems to be the complete opposite, while some just ignore because working as a team isn’t worth, some others are just smooth brain’d people, careless about the same plane that’s about to destroy six or more of their own teammates and only go to the SPAA by the moment the same six other teammates are already destroyed.

Instead, people should consider firstly spawning the SPAA, looking for the team-based game instead of the profit-only game, something I highly recommend and people should do more, learning how to properly destroy air vehicles, instead of coming at the Forums complaining about those things, also, not putting the “I must revenge bomb” on the mind but secure the air.

I was playing in a match some weeks ago, that, was a perfect balanced teams, while we had around three planes on air support and defence we also had three anti air vehicles, while the rest was advancing towards enemy’s spawn, we won.

And is miles betters in A2A as well, its far easier to dodge SPAA with the EF2000 as well.

FnF Brimstones are a complicated and annoying issues. But the bare minimum that needs to be done is to give the Typhoon it’s historically accurate loadout of Brimstone 2s or later. Their performance would be on par with other AGMs but the quantity advantage is mitigated by SAL only

And what SPAA can actually be considered a threat to an Su-34? I can only name one but it’s soviet.

It’s all fine and good to claim “skill issue” about dealing with CAS with SPAA when you have the Pantsir. But for anyone else? There is little that SPAA will do other than give a free kills to the Su-34. Though only meaningful defence is CAP which costs 10x more SP to spawn in.


When the market is facing air planes why Gaijin would bother with new SPAAs, yet we can recieve new better SPAA for most other countries and probably better ways to counter CAS (like forcing airfield spawn), but the best we, as players, can do is actually putting the brain to work.

and again, if I was killed by an Su-34, the only thing my brain would tell me to do is spawn in a Typhoon. If I did not have the SP, I would be left with 1 of 2 choices. Hope someone else on my team has the SP for an aircraft or quit.

There is little point me spawning in an ADATS just to be a free kill for the Su-34 coming in for another run.



It’s a supersonic plane which can still dodge any missile easily. The only reasonable counter to it… is in its own tech tree.

Good luck trying to hit it with an adars at 8km limit of effective range. 4-7km before it released its payload and turned around. It’s payload which is seemingly the only one capable of 1 shorting every tank. With agm65d’s I’m sitting at like a 1/5-1/3 kill rate after launching all 6.

I regularly see 4-6 kills fill the screen when the su34 drops them all and they all stack at once in the kill feed.

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Prove that Typhoon can carry AGM-65s and you’ll have the Su-34/F-16C/F-15/Mirage-2000D/Rafale equivalent AGM.

Who said anything about giving Typhoon AGM-65?

Only giving them equal performance AGMs.

Brimstone is a FnF missile but Gaijin refuses to do so for balancing reasons.

They are also fully aware that the Typhoon should have Brimstone 2s or later, but instead is ahistorically limited to Brimstone 1s for “Balancing reasons”. This would be like limiting the F-16 to AGM-65As or the Su-34 to KH-29s for “balancing reasons”

Given the reasoning behind the Brimstone nerfs. It is frustrating that the same is not applied to any other missile. The logic and reasons given to not giving Brimstones their historically accurate FnF could easily be applied to have the IOG removed from KH-38s or AASM and yet they have not been removed.


The reasonable move to limit it to say 6 or.9 brimstones with fnf rather than the plethora it has nerfed.

Yep, or just have the SP cost increase exponentially with quantity. So 6 is on par with everyone else, but 9-18 costs an ever increasing amount.

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Though i have seen more ef2000s wipe out half a team than su34s cause the platform itself is substantially better.

But its swings and roundabouts and ive not got either yet so im trying to be more reserved on it.

The ef2000 can also clear the air far better than the su34.

Could also do 6 brimstone 2 as fnf and the rest as brim 1 with sal only?

just full send it and add MMW brimstones with AGM-114L, GBU-53, and JAGM-F (maybe), as well as whatever other equivalents there are

must be added with chaff smoke grenades though

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Id rather see the vehicles added with their equipment snd their BRs reflect that.

Than artificially nerfed or missing stuff so they can slip into a br bracket.

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F-15E would be like 16.3 in ground then lol, but im all for it

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