Artifacts in warthunder AMD user

Warthunder players who have AMD video cards, in my case RX6600, are having problems in Warthunder like artifacts? It happened after the Dance of Dragons update.


Either your version of war thunder is broken for seemingly no reason, or your graphics card is dying.
If you ask me I think it’s probably just war thunder being broken.
Don’t ask if I know how to fix it because I don’t.



Unused textures are goofy



goofy unused textures indeed


AMD user here, Not had any issues yet

I have an AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT.

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I’ve already reinstalled the game, the next step is to format the PC haha, I hope my GPU isn’t the problem because I bought a new one 3 months ago, it would be tragic for it to be the problem :(

I have 8845HS + 7600M XT. I haven’t see any problem besides the game seems to look darker then before.


Dont format thats not going to fix anything. If you have DLSS or HDR enabled turn that off and see if that helps. Lower the resolution, try a clean install of your drivers, or revert to the previous driver if you just updated to see if that works.

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You should go ahead and perform FurmMark test. No artifacts = WarThunder is broken, artifacts are present = graphic card is about to die.
My 7800xt is doin alright, however game got noticeably darker which is 100% games fault.

I have an AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT and have the same issues

Exact same issue here. I have an RX6600 and Ryzen 5 5600

Same here Rx 6650

Mine does EXACTLY the same thing. Happens only in war thunder but then if it happens it spreads to everything else and doesn’t go away u till I reset my pc. I’m also on rx6600

Guys, can you please try this if you are having these issues. Please follow ALL the steps to completion.

Lemme know if this fixes for you.

@Ranger_Wood Rianer1337 @_p_65107

I have the same problem on RX 6600, but only in WT, so i dont think its gpu problem. You know how to fix it now?

Please follow my steps above, you can read the thread if you’d like, the problem also extended outside of WT.
It is 99.98% chance its a GPU problem.

Ok, i will, but in my example every other game works just fine, but WT has major graphics aftifacts 2-5 minutes deep into the battle.

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Yes. Please read that thread. The same issues you are inquiring about are present there. Lemme know if it fixes for you!

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Didn’t work for me.
It only happens in warthunder after a few minutes in battle.
After that I have to restart my computer because the screens go crazy.
It doesn’t happen with any other Game