Are Sea Harriers needs to in that BR...? just curious

After flopping and disappointing BR extension with many flaws came in a few weeks ago, Sea Harriers are having BR of

Sea Harrier FRS.1 (Early) [10.3->10.7]
Sea Harrier FRS.1 (Squadron) [10.7->11.3]
Sea Harrier FA.2 [12.3->13.0]

FRS.1 (Early) seems fine. it still has a mediocre Harrier fuselage with extra weight from radar… still, it flies better than A-10A, so 10.7BR is acceptable.

But, the rest of the sea harrier seems slightly higher BR than their specs.

For the Squadron version of Sea Harrier which is now on 11.3BR, of course, it flies faster than A-10A or A-6E and has two extra AIM-9L compared to the regular one(Which was added later)…
Seems 11.3BR is quite too much because Thailand F-5E with TWO Python-3 with Two AIM-9P4(All-aspect AIM-9P) shares the same BR brackets.
Of course, F-5E have significant differences in flight characteristics and can fly at supersonic speed while Sea Harrier FRS.1 can’t.
for Sea Harrier FRS.1, I think it has too high BR compared to spec. Seems to need a buff with J35XS.

and Sea Harrier FA.2. the latest AMRAAM one.
It was sharing the same 12.3BR and now shares the same 13.0 BR with American/Italian AV-8B+ Harrier II Plus.

As long as it can carry 4 AIM-120, it can’t be 12.7BR. I understand that.
AMRAAM might be a terrible disaster against MiG-23ML or Tornado IDS and they were when those ARH harriers were 12.3.

Still, Sea Harrier FA.2 is inferior in nearly all aspects compared to AV-8B+

  • Worse outdated airframe with sluggish manoeuvrability.
  • awful Anti-Air weaponry loadout compared to AV-8B+. (4 AIM-120 with 2 BOL/2 AIM-120 and 4 AIM-9M/2 AIM-120 2 with AIM-9M and 2 BOL/2 AIM-120 with 2 ADEN and 2 BOL/ 4 AIM-9M with 2 ADEN)
  • unable to access the guide weaponry
  • ADEN is a worse gun than GAU-12 and needs to cost two AMRAAM to mount it.

The only thing that Sea Harrier FA.2 better is… having more CM thanks to BOL pods.

This is an even bigger difference than [F-4J(UK) vs F-4S] and seems Sea Harrier FA.2 needs to be lower BR than AV-8B+. this difference can’t be ‘side-grading’.

Still, AV-8B+ also can’t be the same BR with F-4F ICE on 13.3 because AV-8B+ are subsonic jet. so seems Sea Harrier FA.2’s problem only can dealt with BR decompressing.

I am posting this topic to listen to your opinions or ideas.

  • Sea Harrier FRS.1 has a Higher BR than it should
  • Sea Harrier FRS.1 has a perfectly suited BR for it.
0 voters
  • Sea Harrier FA.2 has a Higher BR than it should
  • Sea Harrier FA.2 is fine and needs to keep the same BR with AV-8B+
0 voters

What do you think about this?

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Ah, It would be great if you guys let me know why as reply. XD

Heres my opinions on the harriers. despite all my negativity, they are my favourite jets in game.

TLDR they are in awkward spots because slow AF, most only need a slight down-tiering to be in a good spot, don’t play too aggressively and you will still do very well, you got this far in the British tree you’re already a good seasoned pilot

The GR3 may be in the best position of all the harriers while having the least features (other than the GR1 premium which needs to go down to 9.0 to stand a chance with no counters and only SRAAM)
Aim 9G is very good for 9.7 but not having a radar and having a bad engine makes me prefer to take the lightning or javelin to its BR

The only difference between the tree and sqdrn FRS.1 is the sqdn carries two more AAMs yet its basically a whole BR higher, this is stupid and unfair as its performance improvement from having those missiles isn’t that dramatic. Hell the Buccaneer S2B is the same BR as the tree variant while being faster, carrying more bombs, equal turnfight ability and the same missiles. Move FRS.1e to 10.3 and sqdn FRS.1 to 10.7 for them to be fairly balanced

The FA2 is a retrofitted FRS.1 that carries FOX 3 AMRAAMs its flight performance is near identical to the 10.7 harrier but has a later mark of pegasus engine. you’re slower than everyone other than the SU25SM3 (which is at 12.3 for some stupid reason) but never see them because 95% of matches are uptiers to 13.7 top tier, you cant outturn anyone in conventional flight but you have enough chaff to blot out the sun so its only other FOX 3 missiles that are always a threat. 13.0 is troubled as a BR but fair because it gets to SPAAMRAAM kill unsuspecting premium phantom noobs and take advantage of planes in a vulnerable position after notching out of a hailstorm of missiles from the spam of American planes

Havent got the GR7 yet but getting close, It is essentially the AV8B+ but specialised for strategic bombing (carries a targeting camera in the nose instead of a RADAR) flight performance is majorly better but is still the slowest thing in the match other than a SU25, you do carry the most countermeasures in the game other than the Gripen and have AIM9M missiles which are very efficient, plus you get a very good RWS. 12.0 would probably be more fitting so it’s unlikely to have to deal with FOX 3 capable aircraft. I am looking forward to using it as CAS in GRB, I will be taking advantage of being able to resupply at helipads, I will play similar to a helicopter scoundrel but as soon as I see an actual heli I’m killing it as a fighter

How I have fun in Harriers.
Fly ridiculously low and catch enemies off guard. if an enemy tries to merge to turnfight you just go into VTOL mode and watch them struggle to turn, then either kill them or laugh as they run out of energy and crash, use coloured smoke and spin for additional disrespect on their skill issue.

Maybe Harrier GR.1 on 9.0 might be too OP thanks to that dumb SRAAM with TVC?
Those Sabres are completely not ready for them. sadly.
They were sent Hunter F.6 with no RWR, and no Countermeasures into 10.3BR two years ago, and Hunter F.6 faced F-14A with 4 SRAAM only.

I also understand that squadron FRS.1 is having ridiculously high BR,
but thanks to that nasty A-10A (Late) bastards, it seems 11.0BR will be the lowest BR that it can have :'(
(Sad British main noise)

I know you know we all know FA.2 is a worse plane than AV-8B+.
Because of that, I didn’t buy FA.2 of mine. seems not worthful to me.
Still, Thanks to AIM-120, it also seems the current 13.0BR is somehow fair, and can’t be lowered to 12.7.

then, How about Decompressing the BR?
For example, create a BR level between current 13.0 and 13.3 (13.15-ish).
Send Current 13.7 into 14.0, current 13.3 into 13.7, and give AV-8B+ a new 13.3.

Ah, GR.7. my frenemy. British domestic inferior Harrier II which can’t use GAU-12 and AIM-120 but has a reasonably low BR than AV-8B+ and can access BOL.

In my ARB experience, I liked GR.7 of mine overall with some disappointing too.
I flew with her before the BR decompressing with stock improving, so my stock weapon was two AIM-9L only.
Just didn’t like the dreadful stock grind thanks to the subsonic speed (can’t bomb, can’t take a good angle to throw AIM-9L and gun ammo is too few to destroy pillboxes)
and had some jealousy against F-14B which can fly faster, and can access AIM-54 ARH or AIM-7M SARH.

If you are a big fan of Harriers. I think you will like GR.7 of yours overall! XD

I think they could change the SQN FRS.1 to be Indian, Sea Harrier FRS.51, so that the tech tree version can get 4 missiles, like people commonly associate with it. Then it would be easier to balance as they would be more or less the same instead of different-ish. Makes more sense in my mind, I guess.

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Did you mean somewhat FA.2-ish Indian variant which can use French Magic with israel Derby ARH?

seems it is also a juicy plane, but not sure that Gaijin puts ARH shooters as squadron vehicles :|

No, specifically the early version that was basically an FRS.1; that way it could be balanced/equal to the FRS.1 in the tree. Iirc it could carry Magics though, which would be pretty sick.

Derby and new radar came as a modernization way later

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ah, I got it. the early one.

FRS.1 but with R.550 not AIM-9G/L. seems fair and still interesting XD

Just recently stubled over an interesting Indian SHar image:

Derbys and Magic 2’s, interestingly mixed on the same launcher.

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im spading the GR7 right now and its amazing, I got a 5 frag match on my first battle

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