ARB is too hard

Recently I’ve become interested in planes. No matter how hard I try, it is hard for me to find enjoyment in ARB due to my inexperience. While flying my La-11, I struggle to have any impact on the outcome of the match. BnZ is the only way I manage to score kills, yet when diving on people, I frequently get reversed and subsequently killed.

The lack of information on planes doesn’t help. From what I’ve heard, the stat cards are useless and don’t display all the necessary info anyway. How much horsepower does the La-11 have? No clue. What is the velocity of its ammunition? I don’t know. Some planes apparently perform worse at certain altitudes. How am I supposed to know that? I’ve heard people say that you need to get a “feel” of the plane to understand what it is capable of. Alright. This becomes a problem when you want to know the capabilities of the enemy plane that you are engaging. Should I turn-fight a Yak-3? No idea, I don’t own that plane.

I would like to become a better pilot, however, I’m at a complete loss as to where I should focus my attention. Unlike in GRB, it is hard to determine where exactly I made a mistake. Did I make the wrong maneuver, or am I just a bad shot? It feels like there’s nothing I can do against a decent player, no matter how much of an advantage I have.

How do I improve? What are my options? Should I just keep on grinding, or is there a better approach to learning? How did you become good at the game yourself? I’m desperate for tips or really anything that could help. Thanks.

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On information about planes:

This website will generate comparative graphs of your engine performance, divided by aircraft weight, at a given airspeed (either indicated (speed your plane experiences) or true (speed at which your plane travels along its track)) as a function of altitude.

This graph can be useful not just for comparative power study but also for advanced tricks like manual engine control by showing you the "supercharger gaps"

Notice the places your power/weight jumps and rises again? Those are roughly when you want to switch supercharger gears.

Another useful source of aircraft performance is CatWerfer’s series on Energy-Maneuvering diagrams.

Statshark produces jet EM graphs, but doesn’t work for props. CatWerfer’s videos and google drive are our best source right now.

What is a EM diagram ?

It shows you at different true airspeeds how many Gs you need to pull to turn N degrees on a S turn radius turn and how much speed or altitude you must sacrifice to keep yourself level doing it (SEP cost - it basically shows acceleration).

OUTDATED, but still representative, Aircraft Performance

Shows the speeds at which you gain the most altitude (IAS), shows the MINIMUM speeds at which your control surfaces have good authority (IAS) - you want to stay at this speed or above to have a fullry responsive speed, shows the speeds at which your controls start locking up “compressing” (as erronously called for subsonic aircraft) (IAS), and finally your “Never exceed speed” (usually showed as Vne on graphs).

Finally, WTRTI

One issue with WTAPC is that it only calculates power/weight - acceleration. However, it fails to account for drag from your propellers and airframe itself. If it did, it would give you the “Specific Excess power”. WTRTI can give you that, either semi-real time or on a graph

It is legal to use, but cannot be used for bug reports. It gives you info the game already sends you and could display on localhost 1800. It simply makes it display on your main monitor and sometimes does some maths on it.

I like using it when I get a new plane to figure out its MEC settings and some other edge-of-envelope info that would be useful

On Diving

There, in my experience, the issue lies in almost always over-committing. You don’t need to get the kill in your first pass. You don’t need to dive through your enemy and chase them and bleed energy. Yes, even if they do fly in a straight line you’re on the losing side - if the enemy dives away while you’re already at maximum speed, they’re going to gain energy (accelerate from trading away altitude) while you lose energy (maintain speed while trading away altitude) - this is, almost verbatim - what Defyn recommends to equalize energy after all (

You dive down, make them feel threatened and gently pull out and run away in a straight line until some separation before climbing again after they made a 180 degree turn to dodge you.

Now, there’s more to it than just lazily diving a bit on someone and aborting when they maneuver. You need to keep up the pressure otherwise they will accelerate back to a good and dangerous speed or run away! This requires knowing the target and knowing yourself.

There’s also the possibility that they just dodge your shots and immediately give chase. This happens if you grossly misjudged your relative energy levels (energy is SPEED plus ALTITUDE after all - you dove with very little speed and they were near max speed - a very common mistake I used to do and wondered how tf did my target helicopter me to death). Now, if you know your and their plane and also did the inverse - they misjudged YOUR energy - this is awesome. This gives you an opportunity to lure them into keeping chasing you while you maintain more energy than them and they fall out of the sky. To do this, you tend to need way superior speed or way superior power/weight. Bf109s tend to do this quite well

Here’s some good tutorials on using energy to your advantage:


General Advice

Watch Defyn’s tutorial playlist:

Unfortunately, Defyn doesn’t have a La-11 video. La-7 he does have - it might be worth downgrading until you get confident with the earlier variant:

Also watch Defyn watching his viewers’ clips and giving them sometimes harsh, but constructive advice (Your job is to see if you can recognize yourself in those clips - not literally - but are you making the same decisions as the person? Can you predict their decisions before Defyn explains it?):

Watch and practice “solved” air combat situations. What I mean is, there’s a set of techniques that have a “if X and Y occurs, perform Z to achieve outcome W.” This is called Basic Fighter Maneuvers. Basic Fighter Maneuvers will NOT win you battles, and you can discover them intuitively through playing. However, knowing them already from someone already doing the legwork for you will save you pain. The perform “Z” is not a strict instruction either - mix and match, change and adapt. Don’t replicate these perfectly each time unless you’re practicing them mindfully:

This is gives more use for simmers due to using cockpit for reference, but I found my epiphany to winning turnfights and getting lead turns done correctly thanks to this video. However, the idea about aligning the circles should come in handy for ARB as well, you just need different ways to reference when to do a “turn circle extension.” Before this video, I’d always fly straight at the enemy, they’d turn in a worse turning plane and I’d turn after them keeping my gunsights on their fuselage as well as I could. Then we’d drift apart as if in a yo-yo. Then we’d close in but the angle is too hard to get a shot off. Then we’d drift apart as if in a yo-yo. We were doing a two-circle engagement with out turn circles way out of alignment, but I didn’t realize this.
This made me realize what I was doing wrong. For me, the epiphany came realizing “hey, this looks just like performing a hohmann transfer to rendezvous in Kerbal Space program!.” It might or might not help you. Video will definitely though.
For how bad I was at turnfighting? I lost a turnfight against a P-47 in a Ki-44-II. Now I can get regular kills in “nose-chase-tail” fights.

How do I improve

Mindful, intentional flying and reflection. Watch your replays when you feel you did amazing. Watch your replays when you feel you died to bullshit. Watch your replays when you had a close fight.

Analyze it from your perspective, from the guy who did bullshit’s perspective. Try to approach it with the same mindset Defyn approaches his viewers here: (

Finally, play every (major WW2) nation.

The great blessing of propeller tiers is that they’re fast. Very fast!

You can unlock a BR 4.0 or so aircraft (first Rank 3 fighter/naval fighter/interceptor) within a week of casual play easily. Do it.

Fly the F4U-4, fly the Spitfire MkIX, fly the Bf109F4, fly the a6m3, fly the G.55, Fly the P51C/P51. Idk about france/china so no comment.

You don’t need to fly these exact planes, any will do around their BR as long as it’s from that nation. I didn’t rec USSR since you already fly it.

Fly each plane until spaded, then play only that plane for a week straight while being attentive to whenever you dominate with it and whenever you feel completely helpless and impotent. Remember these moments for when you face that plane and abuse your knowledge.


Or just fly Arcade and have fun, like I do.
I am a mediocre pilot, yet look at my win rate in Air Arcade :-)


On top of the excessive info package you received 2 posts above, some things that might be worth to think about:

  1. How much time did you spend in tanks until you felt comfortable? If the stats can be trusted you have less than 300 battles in total in Air RB - compared to 6.000+ in Ground RB. So it seems rather logical that you struggle at the beginning.

  2. For this low number of battles having a positive K/D is rather remarkable and shows great potential.

  3. The La-9s/11s are basically postwar Fw 190s, so BnZ is besides energy fighting your sole option; getting reversed is usually a sign of wrong tactics (attacking with too low speed) or wrong estimations of enemy energy states - so players tend to climb up too steep after an attack and lose to much speed and energy whilst they extend. This allows spap or stall shots if you don’t get fast enough away from them.

  4. So whilst i am sure that you know where to hit an enemy tank to kill it - this basic rule to be informed about weakspots and how to kill enemies applies for aircraft too. The sole difference is that you can’t take cover behind a rock.

  5. The feeling to have no real impact has two dimensions and is nothing to worry about. Why?

  • Air RB saw massive changes in the last years - 16 vs 16, clouds, fog, etc. resulted in less importance / impact by default as fast steam rolls are intended by gaijin, the outcome of most matches is ihmo predetermined by the MM.
  • Having 3of 5 kills increase your WR - but imho your game impact is way more decisive if you are able beat the last enemy player as last of your team in a 1 vs 1.

Have a good one!

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You may want to switch out of the La-11, as it has a high skill floor.
I suggest learning ARB at lower battle ratings, where you will not be punished for mistakes as hard as you are being at 5.0-6.0.
Try the following planes:

  • He-100 (teaches how to use speed and MEC)
  • Ki-27 (infinite energy to work with in a turn or energy fight)
  • D4Y series (bomber spawn for turnfighter w/ decent speed)

The small caliber guns will force you to improve your aim (you need to hit engine/pilot/fuel tanks).

In addition to how other posters mentioned watching your own replays, watch server replays from the perspective of your opponents. It can give you insights about the typical opponent thought process, which will expose common vulnerabilities you can exploit. Think about what they need to do to get a shot on you, and create counter strategies.
When you open a server replay, choose a player, then press the ‘2’ camera view.

Some other resources I use are the following, some are outdated but still useful:
Top speed at sea level
Climb and MEC chart
Bomb loadouts
Optimal climb speeds
Aircraft data sheets


trust me it takes a stupid long time to get a grips on ARB and you can double ace a match and still lose on tickets.

Jets are a lot different to props, turnfighting is much more of a sequential series of “boom and zoom” attacks than the close dogfights of 1.0-7.7. low speed and straight lines are imminent death always.

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Thank you for all of your suggestions. I appreciate that each of you took the time to help me out. I really mean it. I will do my best to make use of all the info provided by you in the future.

I wasn’t aware of a tool such as this before. After configuring it, I really like it. I probably won’t be able to get an advantage out of this info right away, but I’ll stick to it.

I absolutely would do that if I could. From what I’ve heard, La-7 is a very good plane. Unfortunately for me, the Chinese tech tree only has the La-11 and La-9 variants.

Honestly, it was something I wanted to avoid. My primary goal was to grind out the Chinese tech tree so I could participate in SQBs as a pilot. But if it’s what it takes to be good at the game, I’ll do it.

I am aware that those planes need to BnZ. The problem is that I have no idea what to do in a BnZ plane when the enemy is at the same altitude as me or higher at the start of the match. Going head on is obviously not a solution because this plane can barely pull out of one, not to mention the horrible cannon ballistics. This is one of the things I’m struggling with, and I’m yet to find a video that covers this specific situation.

I disagree. I might not be a good pilot yet, but I am convinced that while the outcome of the match is influenced by the MM, there is a lot that a player of sufficient skill can do to counteract that. So blaming the lack of impact on the MM feels wrong to me.

Hmh - the vid linked by DEFYN described various situations you mentioned - they might help. As written by a fellow player above the La-9 seems way easier to handle. The La-11 is basically the same plane (long range version of La-9) but it performs much worse thanks to it’s higher weight.

This is imho a matter of perspective, my opinion is based on the observation of ~ 20k Air RB battles at prop BRs and might therefore deviate from your observations.

Based on what i have seen the impact of good/excellent pilots is still there, but way less important than 5 years ago. Even considering that 5 years ago the average skill level within Air RB was way higher, the impact of individual skill became less decisive.

I met this morning in 5 subsequent matches each match at least 2 enemy squads within the enemy team. Even as their aircraft had superior performance i would have been able to kill all of them in 1 vs 1s thanks to having way more experience. But as they decided to stick together there is nothing you can do as a solo player.

Technically seen there are 2 approaches trying to influence the outcome of Air RB matches:

  1. Focusing on numbers.

  2. Focusing on quality

    So whilst your goal is to bring down enemy numbers as fast as you can (#1) in order to create a massive number disadvantage for the enemy team, approach #2 has the goal to eliminate (or at least neutralize) the best enemy players or aircraft (usually they are identical) in order to protect your team.

To chose the “right” one of those approaches depends on a hell of factors but mainly on your ability to “read” a game (and vehicle statistics of your enemies before you engage), to act accordingly and, ofc, or your own skill level in combination with the technical performance of your aircraft & the enemies you face.


As an example of my hypothesis - grab a beverage a watch this replay:

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

The best enemy player (showing K/Ds up to 40:1 with high WRs) in an XP-55 killed 3 of my team which were all inferior pilots in inferior planes, but they were the highest ones (except me) and the biggest threat to him.

But his team totally collapsed - leaving him 1 vs 8. Without me staying high he might have been able to kill 2 or 3 guys more rather easily as he had a massive alt advantage vs the rest of my team and 60% of his ammo left.

Technically seen he had never a chance to win with an US dominated team vs a JP dominated team - even if the plane itself is good enough to score easy kills and seeing guys with 5-8 kills in it happens quite often.

But for an experienced pilot the plane is no real threat as it is rather slow and excels mainly via firepower and very good high speed manoeuvrability. If a JP plane comes above it = game over.

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“Just starting” with a La-11 is your main mistake I think - go back to the start and use the lower BR planes as others have said - ARB in biplanes is rather fun :)

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