Japan - Air RB - Performance Guide

USA - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Germany - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
USSR - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
British - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Japan - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Italy - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Jets - All Nations (6.0 - 9.3) - Air RB - Performance Guide:
Jets - All Nations (6.0 - 9.3) - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Air RB - Map Temperature Guide:
Air RB - Map Temperature Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Air RB - Game Mechanics Guide:
Air RB - Game Mechanics Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Manual Engine Control / MEC - Guide:
Manual Engine Control / MEC - Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Air RB Performance Guide - Master Thread:
Air RB Performance Guide - Master Thread: - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum



*All air speeds are IAS (Indicated Air Speed)

*All speeds and climb times are on AEC with the obvious exception of “MEC Settings” section

*Speeds are recorded after AEC radiators fully settle/stabilize to ensure accuracy/consistency both at 100% and WEP.

*Map used is Berlin (15.1 Celsius) for all speed, climb and performance measurements. Smolensk and Sicily are only used to adjust cooling settings once cooling settings are found the plane performance is measured on Berlin to minimize variables.

General Chart Terms:

AEC: Auto Engine Control

MEC: Manual Engine Control

0Rad: MEC setting to Fully closed radiator (fastest plane can go with 0 radiator Drag)

Max Speed Alert: When red warning alert appears on speedometer.

Control Lock Speed: Where elevator/controls start to lock up.

Min Ideal Turn Speed: Minimum Speed in a flat turn without contrails (no flaps)

Min Stall Speed: The slowest a plane can travel without stalling (no flaps)

Max Temp Oil/Eng: Max temperature oil/ engine can get before turning yellow

Climb Speed: The airspeed that the climb tests were done at.

Max Kph: Shows 100% throttle max speed in level flight at given altitude

Time w/WEP: Shows climb to 1000M with WEP followed by top speed in level flight with AEC

Hp drop: The altitude where a steep drop off in horsepower begins

Notes: Notes are any extra info that applies with the following abbreviations:

(H): Aircraft runs hot

(FS): Aircraft has fuel starvation

(DC): Aircraft has Drogue Chute

(AB): Aircraft has airbrake

MEC settings:

Eng Mix: Engine mixture setting %. “-” in chart, means to leave mixture at default setting. If there is a different value, it will be clearly stated as a percentage. (This affects very few aircraft)

Prop Pitch: Prop pitch setting %. Prop pitch will be shown in short hand “Prop100” = (prop pitch 100%) Prop Pitch can also have a color-coded prop pitch setting according to map temperature. Use Color coded Air RB Map Temperature guide to ensure proper settings

Rad Setting Oil/ ENG: Radiator settings will be shown in short hand “Rad100/50” = (Radiator100%oil/50%water). Radiator settings are shown Cold/Moderate/HOT climate. they are color coded accordingly blue/green/Red. Use Color coded Air RB Map Temperature guide to ensure proper settings.

Super Charger 100/WEP: Elevation to shift super gears 100%/WEP while traveling at indicated airspeed. Almost all chart gear shifts are set at 280kph in the chart. Gear shifts dont need to be precise more than within 100M, shifting up too soon is generally worse than shifting up late.

*For some planes like early Spitfires Prop Pitch adjustments are included under Super charger Column . Super Charger gear shift altitudes listed are for the prop pitch listed in the chart. Example: prop pitch adjustments to 100% at 6000M will look like “P100@6000” under super charger column.

MEC/0Rad WEP Top Speed: Shows top speed Using WEP @ 1000M for MEC and 0Rad (0/0 Radiator) This is used to show how much drag effect the radiator has comparatively.

Japan - Air RB Performance Guide:

A6M2, A6M2 mod. 11: These planes benefit from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 2500M for much better cooling and about same top speed (+0/+1 Kph). Prop90 adds about +0.5/+0.3 seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 2500M Then Prop100 should be used. Prop90 allows for Infi -WEP up to 2500M. Engine hp drop around 3900M.


A6M2 mod. 11:


Prop100 with Rad10/10 @ 1000M = 427/444WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad20/20 @ 1000M = 423/440WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad24/24 @ 1000M = 421/438WEP Kph. (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 2500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Simply adjust Prop pitch to Prop90 with above radiator settings for Infi -WEP



Prop100 with Rad10/10 @ 1000M = 420/438WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad20/20 @ 1000M = 417/435WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad24/24 @ 1000M = 416/433WEP Kph. (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 2500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Simply adjust Prop pitch to Prop90 with above radiator settings for Infi -WEP

A6M3: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 5600M for much better cooling and small increase to top speed approx (+2/+2 Kph). Prop90 adds about +1/+0.3 seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 5600M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 5600M.

*Supercharger gear shifts and hp drop are the same for Prop100 and Prop90.



Prop100 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 451/468WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad8/8 @ 1000M = 449/467WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad10/10 @ 1000M = 448/466WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5600M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 452/470WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad8/8 @ 1000M = 451/469WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad10/10 @ 1000M = 450/468WEP Kph (Hot)

A6M3 mod.22, A6M3 mod. 22Ko: These planes benefit from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 5500M for much better cooling and small increase to top speed approx (+2/+2 Kph). Prop90 adds approx +1/+0.3 seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 5500M.

*Supercharger gear shifts and hp drop are the same for Prop100 and Prop90.



Prop100 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 452/468WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad8/8 @ 1000M = 450/467WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad10/10 @ 1000M = 449/466WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 453/471WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad8/8 @ 1000M = 452/469WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad10/10 @ 1000M = 451/468WEP Kph (Hot)

A6M5, A6M5 otsu : These planes benefit from MEC over AEC overall. These planes do not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 5500M for much better cooling and same top speed approx (-1/+0 Kph). Prop90 adds approx +1.4/+1 seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 5500M.

*Super Charger gear shifts are same altitude for Prop90 and Prop100.




Prop100 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 468/487WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 465/483WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 463/481WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 467/487WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 464/483WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 462/481WEP Kph (Hot)

A6M5 otsu :


Prop100 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 466/486WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 462/481WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 460/479WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 465/486WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 461/481WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 459/479WEP Kph (Hot)

A6M5 Hei: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 5500M for much better cooling and same top speed approx (-1/-2 Kph). Prop90 adds approx +2/+1.6 seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 5500M.

*Super Charger gear shifts are same altitude for Prop90 and Prop100.



Prop100 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 454/475WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 451/471WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 449/469WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 453/473WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 450/469WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 447/467WEP Kph (Hot)

A7M2: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. Lowering prop pitch significantly hurts performance for general use. Engine hp drop around 5300M.

*Infi -WEP settings are generally better and should be used over chart values. Chart values were used for transparency and as a baseline comparison.



Prop100 with Rad6/6 @ 1000M = 525/539WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad18/12 @ 1000M = 520/534WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad24/12 @ 1000M = 519/531WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings***

Prop100 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 522/535WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad24/18 @ 1000M = 517/530WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad32/22 @ 1000M = 514/526WEP Kph (Hot)

N1K1-Ja: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better cooling. AEC mismanages the radiator letting plane needlessly letting it overheat when using WEP. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. This plane can Infi -WEP with little to no performance loss. Engine hp drop around 6400M.

*Prop90 can be used for extra speed and cooling (+4/+5 Kph) without loss of climb rate up to 1000M. Combined with 0Rad setting for a total of about (+10 Kph) using WEP. Useful for chasing down or outrunning enemies.



*** Infi -WEP settings***

Prop100 with Rad4/16 @ 1000M = 491/511WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad16/26 @ 1000M = 488/508WEP Kph ((Mod, Hot)

*For reference only, Prop90 Supercharger gear shifts:

Prop90 : (2nd gear: 2700M/1700WEP)

N1K2-J, N1K2-Ja: These planes benefit from MEC over AEC overall. AEC mismanages the radiator on this plane resulting in a significant speed reduction at 100% throttle. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Prop90 can be used for extra speed approx (+4/+3) and Infi -WEP without loss of climb rate up to 5600M. Prop90 can be used to 5600M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 5900M



*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5600M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 525/546WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad24/24 @ 1000M = 520/540WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad40/24 @ 1000M = 516/536WEP Kph (Hot)

*For reference only, Prop100 Supercharger gear shifts:

Prop100 : (2nd gear: 3800M/3000WEP)

J2M2, J2M3, J2M5: These planes benefit from MEC over AEC with better cooling. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds.

*Infi -WEP settings are generally better and should be used over chart values. Chart values were used for transparency and as a baseline comparison.



Engine hp drop around 4800M.


Prop100 with Rad3/18 @ 1000M = 508/542WEP Kph (Cold, Mod)

Prop100 with Rad4/20 @ 1000M = 507/540WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ***

Prop100 with Rad3/18 @ 1000M = 508/542WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad10/28 @ 1000M = 505/538WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad16/36 @ 1000M = 502/534WEP Kph (Hot)


Engine hp drop around 4800M.


Prop100 with Rad0/16 @1000M = 508/542WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad6/24 @1000M = 509/542WEP Kph (Mod, Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ***

Prop100 with Rad6/24 @ 1000M = 509/542WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad16/36 @ 1000M = 507/539WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad24/44 @ 1000M = 505/537WEP Kph (Hot)


Engine hp drop around 6300M


Prop100 with Rad0/16 @ 1000M = 508/540WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad6/24 @ 1000M = 506/539WEP Kph (Mod, Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ***

Prop100 with Rad6/24 @ 1000M = 506/539WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad16/36 @ 1000M = 502/535WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad24/44 @ 1000M = 500/532WEP Kph (Hot)

J7W1: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better cooling. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Engine hp drop around 9000M

Ki-44-II hei : This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better radiator management, and higher speed at 100% throttle. The radiator on this plane is erratic and actually reduces speed at 100% throttle 500kph AEC vs. 513kph MEC at 1000m. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Engine hp drop around 4600M .

Ki-61-I ko, Ki-61-I otsu , Ki-61-I hei , Ki-61-I tei : These planes benefit from MEC over AEC overall. AEC mismanages the radiator causing a significant loss of top speed using WEP. These planes do not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Max Rpm/Over rev warning will appear around 600kph in dives. Adjusting throttle to around 70% or lower avoids overheat/overrev in dives when over 600kph. Prop90 has much better cooling while maintaining approx same top speed (-2/+0WEP Kph) as Prop100 with same Rad settings. Prop90 adds approx (+2/+1WEP seconds) per 1000M climb.

*Prop100 overwhelms radiator on hot maps. Prop100 with WEP will destroy the engine within 2-3 minutes of continuous use. Prop90 and WEP will generally not go above yellow overheat on Mod and Hot maps. On cold maps the plane can Infi -WEP without overheat with chart MEC settings.


Ki-61-I ko, Ki-61-I hei :

Engine hp drop around 5300M .

Prop90 can be used to 5300M for Cold and Mod, 6000M for Hot, Then Prop100 should be used .

Ki-61-I otsu , Ki-61-I tei :

Engine hp drop around 4300M .

Prop90 can be used to 4300M for Cold and Mod, 5200M for Hot, Then Prop100 should be used .

Ki-100: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better radiator management. The radiator on this plane stays completely shut on WEP which is why it is the same value as 0Rad. The MEC radiator setting is actually very close to what AEC sets the radiator to when flying at 100% throttle. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Engine hp drop around 5800M .



Prop100 with Rad0/10 @ 1000M = 476/506WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad10/20 @ 1000M = 473/503WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad10/25 @ 1000M = 572/501WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ***

Prop100 with Rad8/16 @ 1000M = 474/503WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad14/28 @ 1000M = 471/500WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad20/32 @ 1000M = 469/498WEP Kph (Hot)

Ki-43-III otsu : This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better cooling. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Prop9 0 has much better cooling while maintaining approx same top speed (-1/+0WEP Kph) as Prop100 with same Rad settings. Prop90 adds approx (+3/+1.8WEP seconds) per 1000M climb. Prop90 settings are for Infi-Wep . Prop90 can be used to 4800M Then Prop100 should be used . Engine hp drop around 5800M .

*Prop100 with below rad settings and WEP can only be used for approx 2-4 minutes before engine flashes red.



*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 4800M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad18/18 @ 1000M = 463/489WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad32/32 @ 1000M = 460/486WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad44/44 @ 1000M = 457/483WEP Kph (Hot)

*For reference only, Prop100 Supercharger gear shifts:

Prop100: (2nd gear: 3600M/3100WEP)

Ki-61-II Kai: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better radiator management. These planes do not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Unlike the other Ki 61s, Prop90 has a significant negative impact on performance. Engine hp drop around 5900M .

*Unlike the other Ki-61 versions, this plane does not suffer from overreving .

Ki-84 ko, otsu , hei : This plane benefit from MEC over AEC overall. AEC is overly aggressive at 100% throttle and slows plane down significantly, when WEP is used AEC does not open radiator until very late. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. Prop9 0 has much better cooling while maintaining identical climb rate as Prop100. Prop90 has higher top speed approx (+4/+4WEP Kph). Prop90 can be used to 4700M Then Prop100 should be used . Engine hp drop around 5900M .



Prop90 with Rad0/8 @ 1000M = 557/578WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad4/16 @ 1000M = 553/575WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad8/20 @ 1000M = 554/570WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ( Prop90 can be used to 4700M Then Prop100 should be used .) ***

Prop90 with Rad0/16 @ 1000M = 554/575WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad8/32 @ 1000M = 545/566WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad16/40 @ 1000M = 540/560WEP Kph (Hot)

*For reference only, Prop100 Supercharger gear shifts:

Prop100: (2nd gear: 3800M/3000WEP)

Ki-83: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better cooling and better top speed. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Prop90 can be used for extra speed (+2/+4WEP Kph) and cooling up to 9800M at cost of approx (+1/+0.4WEP seconds) per 1000M. Prop90 can be used to 9800M Then Prop100 should be used . Mixture should be lowered at 8700m to ½ (Mix30) to extend ceiling. Engine hp drop around 9800M .



Prop90 with Rad22/40 @ 1000M = 563/584WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad22/40 @ 1000M = 555/576WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad30/40 @ 1000M = 552/573WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings : ( Prop90 can be used to 9800M Then Prop100 should be used .) ***

Prop90 with Rad16/46 @ 1000M = 554/574WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad40/80 @ 1000M = 539/559WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad60/100 @ 1000M = 530/550WEP Kph (Hot)

*For reference only, Prop100 Supercharger gear shifts:

Prop100: (2nd gear: 4400M/4000WEP)

*Premium Planes:

P-51C-11-NT: This plane will run hot without MEC, very simple set and forget settings. It generally makes more sense to just use Infi -WEP settings, see details below. Engine hp drop around 7000M



*** Infi -WEP settings (minimum of 300-330kph airspeed for cooling): ***

Prop100 with Rad70/70 @ 1000M = 574/594WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad90/90@ 1000M = 573/591WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad100/100 @ 1000M = 571/589WEP Kph. (Hot)

Ki-100-II: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better radiator management. The radiator on this plane stays completely shut on WEP which is why it is the same value as 0Rad. The MEC setting is actually what AEC sets the Rad to when flying at 100% throttle. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Engine hp drop around 7600M



Prop100 with Rad0/10 @ 1000M = 476/506WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad10/20 @ 1000M = 473/503WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad10/25 @ 1000M = 572/501WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ***

Prop100 with Rad8/16 @ 1000M = 474/503WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad14/28 @ 1000M = 471/500WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad20/32 @ 1000M = 469/498WEP Kph (Hot)

Ki-96: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. Lowering prop pitch negatively affects performance for general use. Engine hp drop around 5700M.



Prop100 with Rad4/0 @ 1000M = 501/529WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad8/0 @ 1000M = 500/529WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad12/0 @ 1000M = 499/529WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ***

Prop100 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 496/525WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad36/22 @ 1000M = 492/521WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad58/28 @ 1000M = 488/516WEP Kph (Hot)

Fw 190 A-5: This plane is the same as the German version. It was tested because of the stat card misstating performance and is here to clarify that. Engine output decrease begins around 5800M

A6M5 Ko: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 5500M for much better cooling and same top speed approx (-1/+0 Kph). Prop90 adds about +1.4/+1 seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 5500M.

*Super Charger gear shifts are same altitude for Prop90 and Prop100.



Prop100 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 466/486WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 462/481WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 460/479WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 465/486WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 461/481WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad16/16 @ 1000M = 459/479WEP Kph (Hot)

A6M6c: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 6000M for much better cooling with approx (-3/+0 Kph) to top speed. Prop90 adds approx (+3/+1) seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 6000M Then Prop100 should be used. Approx 7:25 WEP time. Engine hp drop around 6000M.

*Super Charger gear shifts are same altitude for Prop90 and Prop100.

*When using Infi -WEP settings, if you run out of WEP, make sure to switch back to Prop100 and chart radiator settings since the extra cooling will no longer be necessary.



Prop100 with Rad4/4 @ 1000M = 452/472WEP Kph (Cold, Mod)

Prop100 with Rad6/6 @1 000M = 451/471WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 5500M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad6/6 @ 1000M = 448/471WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad15/15 @ 1000M = 444/466WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad18/18 @ 1000M = 459/480WEP Kph (Hot)

A7M1 (NK9H): This plane benefit from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. It is an option to use Prop90 under 6400M for much better cooling with approx (-3/-3 Kph) to top speed. Prop90 adds approx (+1.7/+2) seconds per 1000M climb. Prop90 can be used to 6400M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 6400M.

*Super Charger gear shifts are same altitude for Prop90 and Prop100.



Prop100 with Rad13/13 @ 1000M = 497/514WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad26/26 @ 1000M = 491/508WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad36/36 @ 1000M = 486/504WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 6400M Then Prop100 should be used. ): ***

Prop90 with Rad13/13 @ 1000M = 494/511WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad26/26 @ 1000M = 488/505WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad36/36 @ 1000M = 483/501WEP Kph (Hot)

J2M4 Kai: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC with better cooling. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, airspeed makes little to no difference in cooling. Engine gets slightly warmer at higher speeds. Mixture should be set to 64. Engine hp drop around 6300M

*Infi -WEP settings are generally better and should be used over chart values. Chart values were used for transparency and as a baseline comparison. .



Prop100 with Rad0/16 @ 1000M = 508/539WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad6/24 @ 1000M = 506/538WEP Kph (Mod, Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings: ***

Prop100 with Rad6/24 @ 1000M = 506/538WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad16/36 @ 1000M = 502/533WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad24/44 @ 1000M = 500/530WEP Kph (Hot)

Ki-87: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. Prop90 should be used since it has same acceleration/climb as Prop100 but better top speed and cooling. Prop90 can be used to 10300M Then Prop100 should be used. Engine hp drop around 10900M

*Prop80 can be used for Infi -WEP with approx (-4/+0 Kph) to top speed. Prop80 adds approx (+3/+2) seconds per 1000M climb. WEP should be prioritized if using this option.

*It is also an option to use the same Infi -WEP radiator settings with Prop90 instead of Prop80 but the engine will turn slight yellow but never orange.



Prop90 with Rad0/4 @ 1000M = 550/570WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop90 with Rad12/12 @ 1000M = 546/565WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop90 with Rad18/18 @ 1000M = 541/561WEP Kph (Hot)

*** Infi -WEP settings ( Up to 9700M Then Prop90 should be used. ): ***

Prop80 with Rad0/8 @ 1000M = 545/569WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop80 with Rad24/24 @ 1000M = 533/555WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop80 with Rad36/36 @ 1000M = 526/547WEP Kph (Hot)

J6K1: This plane benefits from MEC over AEC overall. This plane does not gain additional cooling from high speed, it actually gets slightly warmer at high-speed including dives. Lowering prop pitch significantly hurts performance for general use. Mixture should be set to Mix64. Engine hp drop around 9900M



*** Infi -WEP settings***

Prop100 with Rad0/14 @ 1000M = 564/582WEP Kph (Cold)

Prop100 with Rad6/22 @ 1000M = 561/578WEP Kph (Mod)

Prop100 with Rad9/24 @ 1000M = 559/577WEP Kph (Hot)


First off, I want to above all thank those of you in the community for constructive criticism, suggestions and ideas that made this guide what it eventually became. with that out of the way, I wanted to give an update to what the future looks like for this guide. Unfortunately, I will not be updating it moving forward, for several reason which I will go into in more detail here.

The changing of flight models by the developers with no notice or announcement to the players is incredibly disruptive and irresponsible. It will silently get players killed in game never knowing that their plane has been changed. in addition, instead of updating the chart as needed, I would literally have to recheck every single plane periodically just to make sure Gaijin didnt change something without telling anyone. This is exactly what they did with almost every single Japanese fighter at the beginning of the year,

In addition to helping players understand their aircraft better, the guide was also meant to highlight some issues found with aircraft performance so they might be adjusted by Gaijin. Examples of this are planes marked with an (H) in the aircraft notes overheat and have auto radiator settings that need to be adjusted. The yak fighter line is good example of this, where the radiators are incorrectly set to 111 Celsius when they should be set to 109 Celsius where the plane actually overheats. This issue is still present in game even after I tried to contact gaijin with this information with a technical moderator and they never responded.

After months of the previous version of this guide being in the Realistic battles section of the forums, a forum moderator decided to move all the charts into machinery of war. This was the same area where historical flight data was and created alot of confusion. It also scattered the guide in several different areas making it less organized. I tried to contact the moderators to put it back under RB at which point they refused. I wont get into more details about it, but in the end had to redo the whole guide in a very specific way because of this delaying the completion of the guide

I’ve tried to help make Air RB a better experience by providing knowledge and tools to better help players get into flying which the learning curve is pretty steep. I’ve also shown where there are things that could be easily fixed and made suggestions in that regard. Unfortunately, the lack of transparency of the developers making flight model changes, the lack of addressing the issues I found in testing, and the negative experience with the forum moderators I don’t see the purpose in providing a guide for a game that wants to willfully stay broken or less than what it could be.



I truly appreciate this guide as someone who loves maximing my plane’s performance and will be incredibly useful for me in the future. I’m sorry for perhaps coming off as selfish, but will you analyze the B7A2 and B7A2 Homare 23 aswell in the future? They’re both amazing as fighter planes aswell that probably deserve to be analyzed the same way as fighters are.

Also, I’m curious, if Gaijin will ever add a fuel slider, will you update the guides according to that? The recent fuel slider suggestions was accepted, which is why I’m mainly curious about that.

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We have this right now

Gaijin seems surprisingly resistant to the idea of an actual working fuel slider.

The fuel slider does not work as you would expect in function when it comes to performance effects. Instead of a gradual decrease In Simulated weight there are steep drop offs at specific times for several planes. So the granularity of the slider is not reflecting the granularity of the weight/performance hit.

Example, the effect fuel has on performance seems strange. In testing some planes have the effect from a 30 min full tank would be exactly the same until around the next fuel selection (15 min). So having 15:01 of fuel was the same effect as 30:00 min but at 15:00 performance would improve dramatically.

This effect was noticed in several aircraft during testing. It affects climb, acceleration, turning ability, etc. and it is easily verified on planes affected by it.

It also artificially nerfs some planes performance by forcing them to take larger fuel loads. It’s been broken a long time as mentioned above and gaijin doesn’t really take feedback well.

??? we have a fuel slider in the game already

A fuel slider that still doesn’t allow you to lower the minimum fuel and you’re still tied to arbitrary limitations and if what he is saying is true, are mostly irrelevant due to preset performance.

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As it should be.

Isn’t true in test flight and that is easily verifiable.

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As it should be.


Because then some players will just take the bare minimum fuel they can get away with, just to tunnel vision on one enemy for one easy kill and then die right after.
Or heavy fighters suddenly carrying a quarter of their usual fuel and becoming UFOs.

Regardless, this just seems like a bad idea all around.

Gaijin seems surprisingly resistant to the idea of an actual working granular fuel slider.

The fuel slider does not work as you would expect in function when it comes to performance effects. Instead of a gradual decrease In Simulated weight there are steep drop offs at specific times for several planes. So the granularity of the slider is not reflecting the granularity of the weight/performance hit.

Example, the effect fuel has on performance seems strange. In testing some planes have the effect from a 30 min full tank would be exactly the same until around the next fuel selection (15 min). So having 15:01 of fuel was the same effect as 30:00 min but at 15:00 performance would improve dramatically.

This effect was noticed in several aircraft during testing. It affects climb, acceleration, turning ability, etc. and it is easily verified on planes affected by it.

It also artificially nerfs some planes performance by forcing them to take larger fuel loads. It’s been broken a long time as mentioned above and gaijin doesn’t really take feedback well.

Edit: clarified what I meant about the slider not being truly granular in this post and previous post

To be fair they are sacrificing range for this performance. You can already very much do this with many Jets, but it isn’t done a lot due to the questionable practicality.

But right now you have aircraft forced to take more fuel than they could even use in battle time as minimum. Selecting fuel load should be weighing the pros and cons of the effect on weight and range, not just blindly taking the minimum because you can’t use that up anyways and anything more is just silly.

Why do heavy fighters need to be weighed down with fuel they don’t need?

They are, but they’ll see it as a worthy tradeoff if they’re a worse player and can get one relatively easy kill before dying; it will be a race to the bottom.

I agree, and those should get a 25min fuel load option. But allowing players to pick any fuel amount is not gonna be a good idea.

They have heavy armaments and often a speed, high altitude, or climb rate advantage. Making them more maneuverable on top of that is going to put planes like the Hornets and Ki-83 fighting jets.

Fair enough, but then where is the area they can weigh their options? An attack aircraft or bomber player for example might want to take less fuel since he’d have to return to airfield anyways for armament. Similar for fighter aircraft with low ammo, or heavier fighters that might want to be closer in performance to their lighter counterparts, but as a tradeoff need to plan a landing.

Sure players could take the bare minimum for a single kill, but the advantage there is far outweighed by the limitation, and as seen in the jet aircraft that can do this already, hardly anyone does it for that very reason.

The “heavy” part in heavy fighter is not, and should not, be fuel load. It’s the airframe itself that is larger and heavier. Many might have more fuel capacity, but once again in 25min battles this isn’t needed.

Even in reality I doubt they would carry any more fuel than they are expected to need for their assigned mission, which is exactly what players should be able to choose.

Totally agree - from a pure game play perspective it made sense to add another layer of complexity (=trading fuel for better performance) - but it kills also one of the last remnants of realism.

A Jet taking off with 7 minutes fuel or a prop with 12 minutes - and going into combat is unrealistic like hell; this whole fuel topic alters actual flight performance and makes 1 vs 1s vs actual irl opponents pointless…


Fully agree - imho all planes should have at least 25 minutes of fuel.

It is extremely disappointing if you get insulted in a match - and you out turn this guy in a dogfight and all of a sudden his engine quits due to a lack of fuel - it kills (at least from my pov) a large part of the satisfaction from such kills.

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Is it really? No aircraft would ever take more fuel than is needed for the assigned mission.
Sure, the average War Thunder engagement isn’t exactly realistic with the very quick time to combat and capped mission times at 25 minutes, but if we were to assume those things in a real engagement chances are there will be bombers taking no more than 10 minutes of fuel since they don’t need any more to get to target and return, and there will be fighters that take lower fuel loads to increase their capability against the given opponent, at the cost of forcing a resupply when fuel runs low.

It changes it in ways that the same aircraft would be affected by the change in weight in reality too. And even then it’s not pointless, as aircraft differ far more than just in fuel weight. It is simply another aspect that players can choose and weigh their options.
More range gives more time in battle, more time in combat generally means more chances at getting kills. Meanwhile maybe you see that your aircraft was uptiered or is generally on the heavier side, so you decide to sacrifice a bit of that combat time for the slight increase in performance, buy you never know when that might hurt you in a fight.
It adds another strategic aspect to the game, similar to ammo count on ground vehicles taking less ammo for more survivability.

Giving all planes the 25min would at least be a good start, in a battle pre determined to last no longer than that it is unrealistic to fill a plane with more than it can even use, maybe account for WEP / Afterburners, but not the 60+ min loads some aircraft are for some reason forced to use.

Sure, it’s a “boring” kill with such an easy killshot, but there is another way to see it. Some guy was cocky, running lower fuel to gain an edge in his engagements, but this very decision of his, this bad judgement and planning ahead lead to his demise. That is exactly what players should be accounting for when selecting their fuel loads.

Though for simplicity standard in all aircraft should be 25min, not accounting for WEP/Afterburner consumption. That way new players don’t need to worry too much, but still learn about the effect of WEP/Afterburners while more experienced players can choose to change this in either direction to suit their needs.

They have heavy armaments and often a speed, high altitude, or climb rate advantage. Making them more maneuverable on top of that is going to put planes like the Hornets and Ki-83 fighting jets.

Snail’s inability to balance and refusal to decompress shouldn’t mean we have to artificially nerf planes instead.

Bombers don’t need 2h of fuel either.

I am happy that we have a common understanding!

The rest of your post is from my pov a mixed bag as i don’t see any realism in wt Air RB - except size, shape and skins of aircraft.

I mean if i see P-51 Cs turning with 109s…the US boys had 3 hours to fly to a battle and had to carry 3 hours of fuel to get back home - you might get my point. Same as this mouse aim nonsense in Air RB…but this is a topic for another thread…

Have a good one!

PS: My most flown aircraft has around 58 minutes min fuel :-)

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