I have had the problem of clicking the flare button, but no flares seem to come out, this has caused my death to R60M and AIM9H over 15 times, does anyone else have this same problem?
the servers are broken atm
I’ve had this for months, on Q5I, then Q5L then J7E and J8B now.
rebind your keys
I’ve tried, it is inconsistent, happens for a few matches and then it’s all good again. It’s so frustrating when you know it’s only an AIM9H coming for you but you just can’t flare, I would be fine with it if it’s Magic 2 all the time, flares don’t do anything anyways.
I’d say it’s a packet loss issue
Look at the video, I’m in test flight where PL is not quite an issue, I normally wouldn’t be playing if PL is higher than 20%.
anything above 1% can be a problem, and yeah idk then man
Have you accidentally set it to flair or chaff only when having the opposite equipped?
I tried in test flight and if you have only flares equipped and change to fire chaff only then nothing happens when you try to fire countermeasures either manually or periodically.
I’ve only done flare and not chaff, it is set as ’ ` ’ and manual flaring I barely ever use, cause spamming or using it to base bomb works much better, spamming could sometimes even deter magic 2s.
I don’t understand what you mean.
I am asking if you have only flares loaded in the plane and in selection have chosen to launch chaff.
Not in key bind settings but the actual selection of flare/chaff/mixed to launch.
Like this:
chaff is not an option here cause I have not done the modification… Is it still possible to be on chaff mode despite not having any?
yes, if you look in key binds there is a setting for “switch countermeasures” that changes which one to fire. if you have accidentally bound that function to a key you use for other things you might accidentally switch without knowing.
if you look in my screenshot you can see that i only have flares on the plane (top left) but have selected chaff to fire (bottom text) and have periodic fire on (bottom text and top left) so nothing happens.