Preparation for landing on Hokkaido, Dusk, Thunderstorm.
I dont get why Gaijin removed night battles at props. It was much more interesting to play at these conditions!
Or why they have removed night battles for arcade. Thats really dumb, since in arcade you have markers anyway.
That looks kinda fun and interesting, actually.
That One All black plane 0-0
Because War Thunder uses a ‘Borg’ spotting system.
That means you can instantly see everything your team mates AND AI planes can see, no matter how far away you are.
Thus, in a night battle with reduced spotting range, you’ll be fighting someone and a bunch of enemies will fly over for the 3rd party kill, and you won’t know until they are 3km away and it’s too late to do much.
They aren’t fun - unless you’re the sort of person who just likes to yo-lo in and do full commit head-ons.
From sim earlier. (in a cloud)
Game seems obsessed with “Dusk, Thundercloud” matches today.
It looked fine above the clouds at least.
I’ve NEVER gotten any night air rb at this tier. It’s gotta be super rare unless they added it recently.
If they were going to 3rd party there was nothing you could have done anyway. Not at this tier
Dude this looks so cool
Yes there is.
Normal spotting is 8-9km ish.
That’s plenty of time to dive out towards your team. Or for someone on your team to engage/kill them before they get to you.
Spotting them at 2-3km whilst in a dogfight is pretty much death.