Like I could understand if it was for matchmaking reasons since the dynamic of ww1 was kinda different from ww2 and even included some countries that ceased to exist not long after. But gaijin has obviously thrown historical matchmaking out the window so I don’t see why perhaps the starting nations could instead be limited to Britain, France, Russia, Germany and perhaps Italy and Austria and the ottomans, the latter two being replaced with different countries after ww1. And nations like the US and Japan being unlocked later once you reach late ww1 like Israel is now.
Not starting with ww1 just feels weird. And war thunder was originally exclusively a plane game so you can’t really make the argument that ww1 tanks wouldn’t work.
Unfortunatley theres only really three WW1 tanks that would even be usable in WT. Only the Male, FT17 and A7V have a gun capable of being able to take on other tanks.
As for air there’s a better case as nations in WW1 went nuts with aircraft. I just don’t see gaijin caring enough for low tier ever again to add them let alone change BRs to accommodate them
Most WW1 tanks were never designed for tank on tank combat, but anti infantry, resulting in artillery guns on the tanks only. Plus, most WW1 tanks can be penned by rifle fire with AP rounds
We have a lot of bi-planes in the game, many “inter war” vehicles, some really old ships as is. But WW I was just a starting point for combat vehicles, and now with the mad influx of nothing but modern vehicles for the past 3 years or so, it would seem to be very difficult for Gaijin to just drop back almost hundred years and start pushing that old of vehicles. Besides, as mentioned, early planes barely had any guns and the ones they did have were weaksauce. WW I tanks we almost all infantry support, there was very little “tank on tank” combat. And we don’t have “infantry”, so none of those things play very well into Gaijin/WT’s “everything is a strong combat vehicle” set up.
Helis are or were used far more for logistical purposes irl, but here . . . everything is a death machine and doesn’t do anything logistical at all . . . it’s a combat game, so . . . if a vehicle doesn’t bring combat to the game . . it will not be very useful.
While the idea seems sound, looking at the bigger picture and what Gaijin thinks the players actually want . . . well . . you get the idea. I personally think WW I bi-plane aerial combat would the real fashizzle . . . but that’s just me and not sure that Gaijin will ever see it that way . . . C’est la Vie
I have often thought that WWM, in an Open World/Arena style set up, with fuel/ammo supply depots to capture and hold could be re-supplied with helis. Bringing in replacement crew members as well as supplies for an ongoing conflict. A great deal of every military conflict has been logistical needs: food/rations, ammo, fuel and military personnel to operate any vehicles/equipment . . . this stuff could be added in(to a more or less degree) to add a great deal to any combat dynamic this game has the potential to come up with. There has always been a lot more to wars than just shooting/killing enemy troops and blowing stuff up . . . while that is cool to do in a video game . . . that’s not all there is or has been to it . . . just my opinion
Same. IL-2 flying circus and rise of flight have player bases for a reason. And honestly if they were added I probably alongside other vets would come back to low tier just to experience it again. Like why do you keep coming back to the P-51s and FW-190s but never the P-26 or HE-51? It’s because nobody knows about them or cares about them.
I don’t see why that’s an issue. You can still kill things with just a single maxim clone. It’ll just take longer and you might have to go for the “meat or metal” approach. Plus at ww1 ranges you can just keep pumping lead into your enemy until he falls out of the sky.
Most WW1 planes were armed with Rear guns. Others were observer planes armed with specialized pistols, that had essentially a cage to keep the casings from falling into the plane or smacking you in the face. Not an excuse.
The only real reason why their not in the game is because Gaijin wasn’t thinking that far ahead.
I’d love some of the early interwar tanks, like the Vickers Medium. Unfortunately, the french reserve tanks that were removed are a solid nail in the coffin for Earlier tanks than the ones we have. People have already mentioned above that vehicle firepower is lacking for vehicle combat, and the armour is only effective against rifle calibres.