Any potential for the Buccaneer S.1 to move down in BR?

The Buccaneer S.1 is an amazing aircraft, and at the current BR in air RB it suffers a lot, It is a perfectly good aircraft in Ground RB but in ARB it suffers due to it having an abysmal thrust to weight ratio when fully loaded, No way of defending itself, And harsh up tiers to 9.7 where it can see AIM-9G and other missiles it has no viable way of defending itself against. If it had an air spawn in ARB and it stayed at its current BR, It would be a decent base bomber, although it would still struggle against the 9.7 up tiers. If brought down in BR though (without an air spawn) It might present a more viable airframe to use.


Nah, not gonna happen I guess.

Bomber Vautours lost their air spawn after the tech-tree revamp on the “Sons of Attila” update but still stayed 9.0BR and suffering. At the same time, their Interceptor variant IIN stayed at 8.3 with air-spawn and 4 SARH missiles.

Compared to Canberra, or IL-28. I think Gaijin completely forgot that ‘Bucc S.1’ doesn’t have air-spawn.

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