Anti Aircraft

Thats because the surface launched variant probably has a larger boost motor than the air launched one.

Actually now looking up the info again, it apppears not to be the case. It’s just a standard AMRAAM, so maximum range would still be ok (as in it wouldn’t self destruct after 10km+), but effective range on a maneuvering target would be greatly diminished, probably more in the same effective range as the ADATS, just less of a hassle.

*Though I do have to note the SLAMRAAM can use the AIM-120C too, which has a slightly better engine, maybe even better for ground launch as well.

However, they made an improved version called the AMRAAM-ER, which is not really an AMRAAM, but an ESSM with an AIM-120C nose. This I suppose would increase its range well within Pantsir like effectiveness, considering it’s said to have 40km range and it’s made to be launched from standstill since its a ship launched missile. Has thrust vectoring as well. Of course this missile would possibly be too strong and I am unsure that the HMMWV version can carry those, though NASAMS does use them.

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well there is a new pantsir variant that has 40km range as well,
the germans have (had) a prototype missile for Roland systems that reached 50km.
im sure others can have similar systems too soon

Here’s a list of potential High Tier - Top Tier SPAA that could be added to the game. This is mainly for Pantsir level vehicles for other nations, but I tried to include lower SPAAs.

Ranges might be a little off on some, especially the more modern missiles, (ex AIM-9X carriers).



    • AIM-120 (In-game 16km Lock Range)

    • AIM-9X (16-41 km)

    • IRIS-T (25 km)

    • IRIS-T SLS (~12 km)


    • 30mm MMPA (Range Unknown)

    • NGSRI (Stinger Replacement)

    • AGM-114 (9.5 km)

    • Stinger (6 km)

  3. FMTV / MML (Multi-Mission Launcher)

    • Stinger (6 km)

    • AGM-114 (9.5 km)

    • AIM-9X (16-41 km)

    • Tamir (74 km)

  4. Liberty M-113

    • VT-1 (6.3 or 11 km)
  5. ACSV G5

    • AIM-9X (16-41 km)

    • IRIS-T (?)


    • Barak-1 (12 km)
  7. Libya (US Suggestion) -

    *7.1.) Captured Pantsir S1E (18 km)


  1. IRIS-T Carriers

    • IRIS-T (25 km)

    • IRIS-T SLS (~12 km)

    • IRIS-T SLM (40 km)

  2. Skyranger 35 (35 km Radar)

    • 35mm (4 km)
  3. Skyranger 30

    • 30mm (3 km)

    • Stinger/Mistral/SkyNight Missiles (Range is missile dependent)

  4. Skyguard-M

    • 20mm Vulcan

    • HFK/KV (12 km)

    • HFK/L2 (15 km or 50 km - Sources Vary)

    • Crotale/Rapier/Aim-9C/Aim7/MIM-72 (Range is missile dependent)

  5. East German -

    • 5.1.) 9K33-M3 Osa (15 km)


  1. Pantsir S2/S1M (30 km)

  2. 9K33-M3 Osa (15 km)


  1. Sky Sabre/Land Ceptor (120 km Radar)

    • CAMM (25 km)

    • CAMM-ER (45 km)

  2. Tracked Rapier

    • Rapier Mk.2 (~7-8 km?)
  3. Canada -

    • 3.1.) MMEV (Multi-Mission-Effect Vehicle)

      • MIM-146 (10 km)

      • IRIS-T (25 km)

      • CRV7-PG (12 km)

  4. India -

    *4.1.) Akash Family

    • Akash Carrying Vehicle (25-30 km)


  1. Type 11 (10 km)

  2. MMPM (???)


  1. HQ-6/HQ-64

    • SAM (18 km)

    • AAM (60 km)

  2. HQ-17 Family

    • HQ-17 (15 km)

    • HQ-17A (15 km)

    • HQ-17AE (15 km)

  3. HQ-11 FM-3000 (30 km)

  4. Yi Tian WZ-551 (18 km Radar | 10 km Tracking)

    • TY-90 (6-11 km Aspect-Dependent)
  5. Hunter-1 SAM / Yitian-L

    • TY-90 (6-11 km Aspect-Dependent)
  6. FK-1000

    • KS-1000 (22 km)
  7. FK-2000

    • Unknown Missile Name (25 km)


  1. Centauro Draco

    • 76mm IR-Guided DART (10 km)
  2. Iveco M40 Polyphem Carrier (15-60 km, Fuel dependent)

  3. Centauro ADATS (10 km)

  4. CAMM Carrying Vehicle or Future MBDA Vehicle

    • CAMM (25 km)

    • CAMM-ER (45 km)

  5. SAMP/T / MAMBA (Aster Missile Family)

    • Aster 15 (30 km+)

    • Aster 30 (120 km+)


  1. SAMP/T / MAMBA (Aster Missile Family)

    • Aster 15 (30 km+)

    • Aster 30 (120 km+)

  2. Crotale Mk3 (16 km)

  3. VL MICA (20 km)

    • MICA-IR / MICA-RF | 0 - 7 km 50g / 12 km+ 30g
  4. R440 Crotale 4x4

    • VT-1 (11 km)

    • Crotale Mk.3 (16 km)

  5. Netherlands/Dutch -

    • 5.1.) ACSV G5

      • AIM-9X (16-41 km)

      • IRIS-T (?)


  1. Eldenhet 98 / RBS-98 / Bv 410

    • IRIS-T (25 km)

    • IRIS-T SLS (~12 km)

    • IRIS-T SLM (40 km)


    • Luftvärnsrobot 23 / RBS 23 (15 km)
  3. Norway -

    • 3.1.) NASAMS HML

      • AIM-120 (In-game 16km Lock Range)

      • AIM-9X (16-41 km)

      • IRIS-T SLS (~12 km)

    • 3.2.) ACSV G5

      • AIM-9X (16-41 km)

      • IRIS-T (?)


  • Barak-1 (12 km)
  1. SPYDER Family

    • Python5-MR (20 km?)

    • Derby-MR (50 km?)

    • Python 5 (20 km)

    • Derby (50 km)



South Korea -

  1. K30 BIHO (India Connection? Research more)

    • 2x 30mm

    • KP-SAM Chiron (7 km)

  2. K-SAM Pegasus

    • VT-1 (11 km)

Poland -

  1. SPZR Popard

    • Grom (5.5 km)

    • Piorun (6.5 km)

Czech Republic -

  1. MARS 4x4 S-330

    • RBS 70-NG (>9 km)

Serbia -


    • 2x 40mm L/70 Bofors HE-VT (3.7-4 km)

    • RLN-TK (12 km)

    • RLN-RF (12 km)

  2. PASARS-16

    • 40mm L/70 Bofors HE-VT (3.7-4 km)

    • 9K38 Igla (5-6 km | Variant Dependent)

    • 9K32 Strela-2 (3.7 km)

    • 9K35M / 9M37M (3-11 km)

    • RLN-1C (~12 km?)

Croatian -

  1. Strijela - SLRS S-10CRO/A1

    • 9K31M (4.2 km)

    • 9K37 (5 km)

    • 9K37M (5 km)

    • 9K333 (5-7.5 km)

North Korea -

  1. M2020 SH SAM

    • HQ-17A (Unconfirmed) (15 km)

Turkish (US Sub Tree?)-

  1. FNSS ACV-AD (40-60 km Radar)

    • Hisar-O (25 km)

    • Hisar-A/A+ (15 km)

  2. GURZ

    • FIM-92E

    • SUNGUR (8 km)

    • BOZDOĞAN “Merlin” (AIM-9X performance) (~25 km)

    • GÖKDOĞAN “Peregrine” (65-100 km)

    • Hisar-A/A+ (15 km)

Iran -

  1. Hertz 9

    • Shahab-e-Saqeb (10-11 km)
  2. Dezful / Tor-M1 (12 km)

  3. Sevom Khordad / 9-Dey

    • 9-Dey (30 km)

This is laughable. 10 km at best. If the target is very high, maybe 6-8. Most likely the numbers will be even lower.

As I said, especially with the AIM-9X. I couldn’t find good numbers for ground launched 9X ranges. I’m not spending hours digging to find numbers either. The ranges for SL-9Xs range from 15km - 41km.

If you have a problem with it, go correct all of the suggestions which I got some of these numbers from and google.

edit note - After looking more into it, It seems 9X weigh more into the 15-16km range.

what uses it


that would be too advanced for the game rn, and how would it even work?

first of all nice job gathering all these in one place, it really helps paint a picture to the intentional imbalance created by gaijin.

i dont wanna be that guy but the HFK/KV is 16km and L2 also has 16km to 50km

also we have a Roland Mach 5 missile with 18km of range (im currently researching abt it)

I’m currently drafting up a post for Machinery of War Discussion with links to each suggestion and or a source. Which will have some updated information on some missiles. As well as inclusion of Radars and missile counts and if the system needs a radar trailer.

I’m not trying to copy each suggestion in a mega post but at least cover the most important of each system all in one place.

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They have the Churchill Crocodile, though. Trailer-drawn SPAA can be done.

An F-16 with Fox-3 missiles is only 70 SP, and you only have to grind the ground tech tree to unlock it?

Double the range of launch range than 95Ya6, it’s a AMRAAM, maybe if exist some carrier with search radar it would be a good option.

In this case the vehicle in the picture, if I’m not wrong, needs a command unit with search radar and such.

Yes please

How did a 2 year old post get necroed

is bishma actively in the uk army??

What kinda of argument you’re trying to make? If you’re referring to the T-90S Bhishma TWMP never was in British service but Indian, as in game the Operator country is India.

India is a sub country we have in-game, with Britain the researching country.


Gaijin said F-15s would never come, and F-4s would never come. At this point “Will never come” just means won’t come any time soon.

The funny thing is you can tell the cause of the flag in the back of the poor generic image. Since life was just sucked out of all the vehicle images for the sake of Corporatization.

Are you having trouble reading? If the T90S Bhishma is in the Great Britain tree, why can’t the PantsirS1E be in the USA tree? It was captured by the USA.