Anti Aircraft

gaijin clearly has an absurd fanaticism for Russia in warthunder, Russia has PantsirS1 and China TorM1, two anti-aircrafts that are extremely better than ADATS, ADATS that arrived in the game years ago and to this day there is no other anti-aircraft equivalent to PantsirS1 or TorM , the boycott that the United States leads in this game is absurd, add the Patriot system immediately, or as I read on the forum, the Libyan Pantsir S1E captured and tested by the USA.


More ramblings.

There’s no systems like the Patriot in-game, and we’ll never have those systems as player controlled vehicle’s.


Is the S1E in service for the US Army?

MIM-104 A is way more effective in terms of range that 95ya6. Over the triple.

Not only US sucks in AA now in game
Theres also Israel and Italy
But from Major nations in game yes, adats is worsest

Maybe one day they will add humvee with amraam and 9X…


Ground-based amraam will be a huge dissapoinment.


No, ground launched comes with additional booster, that will fix main problems

No, standart AIM-120C-5/C-7 on SL-AMRAAM.

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Defenseless against helicopters. Ez to dodge (you can test it right now with hovering harrier).

What does this even mean. genuinely

F-16 with fox-3.

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thats not something you can say. we can and will probably see multi module vehicles either as separately controlled or towed.

Not only us have troubles in anti air.

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Ngl, I was actually having a pretty decent time using the AV-8B as makeshift SLAMRAAM, it was better than using the ADATS at least. Sure for anyone who actually tries to evade the missile, they can, but it’s not as easy evaded as the ADATS, which loses a lot of its energy after the first second, when the main booster runs out. Against hovering helicopters its not that great no, but if they move just a bit you can lock them. It’s not too bad since you aren’t sitting on the battlefield either.

Too bad they made fox 3s much more expensive now, but I guess a 600+ SP SPAA for the US isn’t too crazy when the ADATS can already easily reach 300+ SP, haha imagine if it stayed at <100 SP like a normal SPAA.

Now, SLAMRAAM would be better in the missile department, they are 120Cs I believe and have an additional booster, which makes it more comparable to launching an AMRAAM with some airspeed. If Gaijin were also to model the PD returns of helcopter rotors, that would be even better (but depending on the aspect, it might not be as helpful). Only thing SLAMRAAM would lack is a radar, but I can live without it as long as the missiles work.

Pantsir is hell for CAS. All jets I use are close to useless vs Russia at top tier.

F-4F ICE, I tried to use it in an anti-air role to kill russian Helis and Su-25 etc… but as soon as you climb a bit over tree top altitude, you get shot down py Pantsir without warning. At least on most GRB maps, which are flat an small without terrain cover. Tornado ASSTA also gets shot out of the sky before you even get close to deploy your bombs. Its like spawning 800-900 points for absulutly nothing.

The worst thing is that both top jets dont get you any warning vs. Pantsir. No MAW and no RWR alert. You just explode. Its so damn cheap to spawn this truck of death.

Something needs to be done. In contrast, russian use their jets and helis with impunity. All other SPAAs lack range and good radar search arcs. So they just lol at you while they fire their long range ordnance or bomb you from dead angles. You cant counter them from the ground and when you try to fly air interception…Pantsir as soon as you dare not to scratch tree top you’re dead. no chance to go for russian jets or helis. Also russian jets which are commonly used for CAS have all working defensive systems. Their RWR works. Some even have MAW and IR jammers.

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Played 5 matches today to update my experience on hovering harrier with zero speed and low altitude in 12.7 GRB. The missiles showed rather poor effectiveness. 2 kills in ~14 launches. The first one was a ~60 level player, and the second one just flew straight at the missile ignoring the rwr warnings. Everyone else had no problem dodging.

I have 217 spawns on helicopters in this patch at 12.7 GRB. I have never died from any fox3, although many people tried. And they were on planes with a much better position for lock and launch than spaa. It’s will present same danger for heli as strela before optic mode buff.

That kind of armament shouldn’t have been that cheap. It was nonsense.

Overall ground-based amraam will be worse than flarak or ITO while people expect it to be the decent answer to pantsir.

I’m not playing at those BRs anymore. It’s too expensive for repairs, and I’m not paying for premium time anymore.

I don’t approve of how they implemented the ADATS. It should be able to turn the radar off and still lock targets and guide missiles via laser. (Oh well)

Thats what people said about drones back in the day

~550 SP (F15/F16 with aim120) vs 90 SP Pansir