Annoying F-4EJ Rocket Spam

Sir, Are you trying to ragebaiting here…?

No, I’m just simply stating the fact that I bomb for RP/SL rewards.

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Then, as long as J-7D can’t exploit napalm shits
I think bombing with J-7D will net fewer RP/SL rewards than having 4 PL-5B I think
No offence, but sounds really clueless.

The reward efficiency of base bombing drops drastically when you can’t destroy the whole base at once.

That was one of the reasons why there were fewer MiG-21 bombing bases before ‘Their Napalm bombs can destroy a single base’ was found.

F-4 can also not sacrifice missiles when equipped with rockets/bombs , so what’s your point?
Double standard?

He complains because the F-4 can sometimes get to the base faster than his planes…

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They need to add napalm to J-7D. It’s severely disadvantaged and too slow.

I made a post about it few months ago

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Fair about adding napalm bombs to Chinese planes
but what disadvantages that J-7D have?

it has 4 overpowered missiles that reached meme level on its BR.
using it will give you a better overall reward than struggling to grab base against F-4EJ or F-111F

In fact, J-7D is one of the worst rat plane which is underrated drastically now.

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In all fairness, the Kfir can actually be used successfully in Air RB to collect a single base each match. It arrives to the battle so fast that it hardly sacrifices much by dropping its bombs from high up and immediately engaging in battle. Ofc I wouldn’t reccomend it, as the early map positioning that can be obtained in this aircraft is insane and I personally don’t sacrifice that advantage for a little extra RP.



Well… If he grinds modification while he has nothing but only two AIM-120s as stock…

As long as playing top ranks without [chaff, new booster, and G-Suit] is annoying as hell, Maybe I won’t bother him.

I felt a dire need for bombing base too when I tried to unlock AIM-120 when I had only two AIM-9L as stock missiles on my Tornado F.3 Late on 13.3 for a forced fight against F-15C. :/
(Of course Tornado ADV can’t because it has no A2G payload in-game.)

But if he bombed bases while licking ground even though he spaded the plane…
Erm… Uh…

It has an incredible HUD/HMD for Base bombing in ASB :P

(though I normally just run PW4s on the spare pylons)

Yeah, I did a good chunk of the Typhoon stock grind base bombing.

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Yeah, I usually dislike Fighter Jets stealing bases with napalms from Bombers or Attackers for nothing but a better reward (I know it is selfish. that is why I admit.)
Especially when they let attackers struggle futilely and die in vain against enemy fighters.
(I meant, Excluding the ‘fake fighters’ like Milan or MiG-27. They are suited lot much more to Attacker.)

But, As long as the stock grind of War Thunder is brutal and greedy as f***
I don’t dislike every fighter jet bombing base.
Because the stock grind is brutal, and I am not rich enough to pay them for skipping their every stock with GE.

it usually makes stock grind a lot much shorter, and makes the plane stronger at a faster rate
Then they usually can make their full effort on A2A faster than struggling to grind on A2A only.

IMO, it is perfectly fine to bomb base when they need to grind modification fast from stock junks.

Just… OP’s original claim felt like a quite double standard.

It’s very slow against others because of lack of napalm bombs and bad engine/airframe.

I had encounterd this scenario wiht a mig-21s player today. He and I were bombing, but he was much faster, you can see the picture above.

4 bombs only loadout???
on J-7D??

If you see MiG-21S, then you are on full downtier.
Strike those poor flareless guys with your missiles.
it will give you way, way more rewards than mindless bombing with a 250kg bomb.

J-7D armed with 4 PL-5B/PL-7 on full downtier is shamelessly overpowered plane

I am really sorry, but the whole discussion just feels meaningless after I saw your screenshot.


Yeah that is insane. I’ll slap A2G onto any aircraft (usually in ASB). I may ditch a little A2A if given a good reason to (like say a quiet lobby of Air Sim and i’ll run 10x PW4s on the Typhoon, but I’ll still have 2+4 fit of A2A weapons to use)

But running 0 A2A outside of niche aircraft like the Bucs is insane. Even on the Tornado I’ll make full use of the Aim-9s if the oppotunity arises. I’ll happily try dogfight in the GR4

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Yes. that is one of the main reasons why I hate those ‘0 A2A prem bombers’
(MiG-23ML with 16x 100kg before napalm meta can be an example.)

They carry minimum fuel because it is lighter
They don’t carry missiles because it causes extra drag and makes them slower than 'other men from the same tribe"

Full reheating to base, bomb, crash, and leave.
The best effort that they could make was
‘Being extra large chaff for Phoenix or Fakour’ :/

That is why I usually go with extra fuel and AIM-9L while flying my Tornado GR.1
Dogfighting with attacker against fighter is not efficient but that is also a fun part of playing Attack aircraft. Right?

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I have a bad feeling it wasn’t just for spading the vehicle…


Man I really need to start trying sim out… sounds like a lot of fun

and its these people that probably resulted in aircraft like the F-14 and co being uptiered so much. They were free food

They never suspect it.

Iirc, after that second clip, I went on to RTB and then get a gun kill. I’ve also had a match in the Tornado Gr1 winning a dogfight vs a Mig-21