Analysis on why the f-16a block 10 is borderline useless for air RB:

even for cas💀 which is even stupider

also after the fm update the f16 block 10 felt absolutely braindead even with the aim9l’s, so nice turbo necro.

he was mentioning the Gripen

so did i.

You’re dying to Pantsirs because they have fast missiles and don’t need to move off the spawn point, thus literally pretty much proving my point that faster missiles matter more than a vehicle’s performance.

Regardless of the skill ceiling of someone, being bad or good does not make one be right or wrong, for the same reason an oncologist doesn’t know how to open up a body but knows how to deal with malignant cancers that will end you in the span of a month.

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Most people play stock vehicles and most people are able to to produce a better than 1:1 kill death ratio in the Gripen.

i saw someone with a 20% k/d with the grippen.

That is appallingly bad.


Best? No, that goes to Gripen with Mirage 4000 in 2nd and Mirage 2000 in 3rd.
F-16A of course being 4th.
But yes, it’s part of the top 5.

@Mantis_Religiosa All non-hypocritical opinions are valid.
If someone with poor performance calls out poor performance, that is not inherently hypocritical so long as they accepting.

at 12.0
Gripen M4k isn’t 12.0 and the m4k doesn’t have a better flight model

Directly at 12.0 yes.
Oh and Mirage 4000 does indeed have a superior flight model. The thing out-dogfights all but Gripen.

i doubt that but i don’t have it

Somehow, this thread has returned.

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It doesn’t.

Mirage 4000 loses to Gripen almost immediately.

Mirage 4000 flight model is actually worse than the Mirage 2000 flight model.

As far as flight models go the ranking is probably something like…

2.F-16A (the regular A)
3.F-16 ADF
4.Basically Everything Else
5. MiG-29
6. Su-27

lol Mirage 4000 is faster, rates better, and turns better than F-16A and Mirage 2000.
And Mirage 2000 is faster, and rates identically to the F-16s.
F-16A does barely beat F-15A though.
I can go show you in a custom match right now if you want…

Ok bet.
Let’s go.

You’re not even on in-game when you say that. XD
Get on.

Coffee comes before game.
Starting up now.

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You are more skilled for sure.
I was only ever closer in the 4000 vs your 2000.

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Can you record i want to see