Analysis on why the f-16a block 10 is borderline useless for air RB:

To simplify this entire (completely off topic) discussion;

Ziggy and SlowHand are claiming that mass has something to do with the top speed of a missile initially, that’s what started this. As @Nowel has stated, their assertion requires a conditional such as maintaining a constant altitude. Fortunately, missiles often loft to increase range and use the altitude to maintain a higher speed to target. This goes to show that not only does mass not matter in the math that determines the maximum speed of the missile, but if you do factor the weight it assists my point that the R-27ER is clearly not overperforming as originally insinuated by Ziggy.

There really isn’t any point in this thread, the title is very obviously a false premise because it asserts in the title that the F-16A block 10 is “borderline useless for air RB” when it’s actually one of the best performing fighters at 12.0 and continues to do above average at higher BR’s.

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Why is your pride such a priority to you on a video game forum that you need to write a 300-word letter explaining yourself? Why is this the most important thing to you? You have no degree outside of high school (you admitted). Btw pointing a cannon using a digital crosshair and letting the fire control do all the calculations is not receiving an education. Anyone can do this and it’s not worth anything in the civilian sector.

You should know about classical mechanics in physics, but don’t (that’s ok!) and refuse to understand when people are actually trying to help you. Its not weak to learn something from others btw.

You wine about the F16 in the Mig29 thread non-stop. When people shut you down you get upset as if they are laughing at you and then write a letter why they should not, and any discussion is off topic. Please stop, and stop mentioning my name indirectly hoping I do not catch it.

The F16 model is awesome, get used to it. GJ did great and It’s here to stay. All you can do is continue to complain about sim hoping they will nerf the RB model as well. GJ knows your angle and they are quite smarter than you think.

How often does the R27ER loft? Thank you.

This is all pretty irrelevant and personal, I don’t think any of this has bearing on my pride. Your entire argument was based on nothing. The focus thereafter on my comment being “wrong” was only wrong on a conditional as mentioned… so it’s not wrong. Now you’re still unfaithfully defending your point by attacking my character?

I think I have a good bearing on it, you’ve failed to show otherwise. As mentioned… your counter argument (a bad faith argument) is based on a conditional.

“Shut you down”, I don’t think I’m being “shut down” because I’m not sharing any absurd or unfounded opinions. I’m just sharing proof, which is acknowledged by the devs btw. Nothing more… it’s not whining or complaining.

So unlike your unfounded opinion that the FM is here to stay, I counter with this;

There is simply no angle. It’s not personal. I’m not mentioning you hoping that you don’t see it, It’s relevant to the conversation… it’s a more honest discussion to point out who was saying what.

Any time you point it slightly upwards in direction towards your target before launching, or when the target is at a lower altitude than you. It will carry a lofted trajectory (modest) towards target due to the fact that it doesn’t immediately pull maximum lead to target it will maintain whatever modest loft that is applied. It’s also a recommended tactic for other countries air to air missiles in real life iirc.

If you want to be personal, my DM’s are still open otherwise I don’t think it’s relevant to the thread. If you want to flex a degree in physics you can do so when you’re not depending on an irrelevant variable to assert your point when there was nothing otherwise erroneous with my statement.

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the f16aj airframe is exactly the same airframe as the netz and block 10.

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Yes because they are all Blk10 airframes.

Out of all of those, which one has Fox 1s?

you said that the airframe of the AJ is better than the a block 10 when it has the same performance. What changes are the avionics, which are better on the AJ because it has sparrows.

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Loft or not, it is not relying on aerodynamic forces to produce lift.

Unless an R-27ER is now an A320, as that assertion had been.

That wouldn’t be avionics, just armament

I worded that poorly.

You are correct in saying that the AJ is the same as the 16A and Netz in terms of flight performance. I say the AJ is the best Blk 10 airframe due to it’s ability to mount sparrows, something no other Blk 10 airframe can do.

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As a matter of fact, the aim7e2 can still relock and kill the target after the radar has been chaffed and reacquired/notched and reacquired/ unloked and reacquired. This is a feature that the aim7f and m do not have in the game.

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Skill issue

mythos gr1
skill issue

negative on the best plane in game currently.

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and im not making a thread moaning am i


just because you don’t cry doesn’t mean you’re right. Doesn’t make you good, doesn’t give you the rights to insult.

my guy the F16A has the best flight model at 12.0

you moaning over nothing

yes, and you can put an Eurofighter 2000 which out turns the yak -3 and the Gripen with just six aim9j’s and it will have the same battle presence

yet the yak-41 with two r27er and two 27rs is highly relevant because despite having the flight model of a MiG19 with some energy bleed and VTOL, it has one of the best radars and great missiles.

But when tankers say “ka-50 op” it’s globally accepted because despite the thing doesn’t even move from the place it murks half a team without needing to.

Top tier isn’t BR6.0 anymore.


all you’re going to get are people calling you bad or some other garbage these people do.

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How are you negative KD in the Gripen?? Like actually how? Do you not know how to takeoff??

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