An Insight on Gripen's capabilities

Thankfully conjecture is ignored by Gaijin irrelevant of what players are pushing conjecture for.

i cant get over how nice it flies RN im so happy. My only top tier jet is the viggen and im really good at it (like kd of 4+) but i was so done with the uptiers


Glad one of us has access to Swedish sources. I can struggle through reading it but for some reason just can’t find much in Australia. Which does not remotely make sense but it is what it is.


I’d be very interested in seeing what the dev’s research team looks like…

Like what effort/seriousness they put into making stuff right and how they handle stats they can’t find because they’re classified.

the sources this guy linked are also very nice. maybe you can find something overthere

I havent seen much of his content but from the short clips all ive heard seen from checking his channel its so much complaing. My favorites are;

“Saab propaganda”
“Gripen is overperforming sustained turn” [while hes trying to out-turn it in an F15A]
“sweden is on gaijians payroll”
“grippen shouldnt run down an F15” [assume he means out manuver?]

The comments are not much better with;
“Europoor propaganda”
“Saab propaganda folks”
“gripen was alredy nerfed due to soy american F15 supremacists, shouldnt nerf it more”


the only thing i can find that is worse is its climb rate. before i could sustain a climb with 60 degrees. now its around 50 degrees


woah a 70s jet isn’t beating a more modern one how

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i watch his video’s as entertainment for wt but when he (and all other ytbers because they are a bad source) talk about irl vs ingame i just ignore it


It is a bit hard to watch any of the content creators outside of Tim, and whilst Tim sometimes gets stuff wrong, he doesn’t claim to be right about everything and seems open to being given better information.

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Sustained IAS or TAS?

Yea its super sketchy, i already dont like most WT youtubers but this is another level. Reminds me of the time when european canadian said “Armour is not important at top tier.”

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tas i think. and is there a patch note for all the changes in the dev server?

i love Tim great air stuff

Well, Lee responded that his second picture from his community crap is from the SA DoD procurement of the Gripen, but I can’t find the document and he did not provide a link. Anyone want to give him the benefit of the doubt and look for it or we just gonna write it off?

Figured I’d give him the benefit of the doubt compared to where we thought he got the info from, but really ain’t looking good.

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it says the supplier SAAB and BaE but some of the parts on the SAAF one was built in south africa

So not what the picture he provides says?

found the doc

Also now one of the countermeasures launches forward of the plane?

Okay yeah this lines up both with what he said, and what our other fellow said earlier about it being to sell a fake plane. This document isn’t exactly reliable with the situation surrounding it. Yeah the more I read through this the less I’m convinced.

Especially comments on the Mirage.

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