An Insight on Gripen's capabilities

Its also far from a primmary source from what im reading. So unless they find more of these claims i doubt it holds water.

Btw page 88 for general gripen infomration.

Yes look at the cruise speed

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Yeah and the assessment of the Mirage is real questionable.

Here are the documents they used. (page 114)

I just want to know how this made it through screening if this guy supposedly does research for his videos. Given the stuff associated with the procurement, the notably favourable assessment of the concept aircraft, over proven platforms, it really is a bit of a questionable choice. You’d ordinarily at least check with another source.

almost any info of value is blacked out so how is he using this to say Gripen isn’t good
Also this was made before the C was even introduced

I also see no context to that page Lee is showing around? Are those stats with empty weight? max takeoff weight? Are they with armament? Are they with 9G?

To quote Lee’s response

This is a document from the south african DOD, as part of their procurement process that led to purchasing the Gripen. Iirc these turn stats are with 2 missiles at 15000 feet, sea level of course being much higher. From what I’ve seen at sea level it should be able to do 20 degrees per second sustained. If you mean the engine stats? I simply checked the difference between the power being generated ingame and the power of the engine outside the airframe IRL. There’s much less loss compared to other planes such as the MiG-29 or F-15.

So who knows essentially. Was kind of hoping my comment about handing him the shovel to help him dig his own hole would not be proven as right as it was. So his position is a lot of conjecture and a document that doesn’t really matter.

Yeah it like two decades newer then the F15 i think it could have better loss

The sorties of the grippen where also performed in the “dual seater JAS 39” so it cant really apply that much to the current grippen. Well the ones that we perofrming for this document. It does not really mention in what context.

I mean he’s already spreading live streamed misinformation again around that dodgey document

It’s still not much less loss Gripen has around 10% channel loss in game which is in the ball park of most other jets

Why am I not even vaguely surprised that he’s lying?

Initially thought he was ignorant, or incompetent, but yeah. This is malicious.


F15 must be the best

It’s American so it HAS to be

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They just ignore that you know new things are going to be better

I like matawg but im cringing so hard when he is playing. Everytime he dogfights he just ends up with 0 engine power, air break, full flaps and just max turn. And then doesnt understand why he stalls hahaha. Every damn time


Lyckad bluff

Det var en ständig kamp mot klockan. En annan arte 719 kom på plats till det fasta batteriet på Tjurkö. Enligt beräkningarna återstod nu 15 minuter innan den sovjetiska flottstyrkan skulle korsa territorialgränsen.

– De beordrades slå på eldledningen trots att den inte var inmätt eller inkopplad. Men det är klart, den sovjetiska amiralen ombord på det största fartyget kunde inte veta det, säger Rolf Lindén.

Sovjeterna var 1 000 meter från gränsen och skulle nå den inom tre minuter. Stämningen i operationsrummet var iskall. Avståndet sjönk till 700 meter och tiden till två minuter. Nu fanns ingen återvändo. Artilleriledningsradarns särskilda hoppfrekvens fick bara användas i krig, för att slå på den krävdes skriftlig order. Lindén skriver ner två rader på papper, ordern undertecknas och vidimeras av sambandsofficeren och sekreteraren. Med 400 meter kvar till svenskt territorium signalerar den sovjetiske amiralen Kalinin hemmabasen från sin jagare: ”Svenskarna är beredda att öppna eld”, och begär instruktioner. Svaret från Sovjet kommer: ”Gör ingenting”.

– 30 sekunder efter att vi slagit på hoppfrekvens kunde vi se att farten gick ner på de sovjetiska fartygen.

Bluffen gick hem."

He actually responded to me

But we already found the document.