An Insight on Gripen's capabilities

are you sure? im pulling 14g’s rn in the test flight

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Okay yeah I realised I wasn’t at speed, my speed indicators were a bit dodgy.

its even better now
im pulling 16g’s and it doesn’t cobra at low speeds all the time


Goood very good

Technically it should be able to pull 18 if we’re going to keep the G limit comparable to the treatment of other aircraft. I’m not saying we should, but if the Americans really want something to complain about.

Yeah, the low speed improvements were the best thing I noticed.

like look at this

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Aight, guess it’s time to be prepared for Lee to make a community post about how it is overperforming.


its feels way smoother now to fly. and the low speed cobra is kinda gone


Ive manged to get 20G in a turn but i cant replicated it, the highest i can get is 16-17g. Suprisngly my wings didnt snap off when i pulled 20g for a short time. Also no more accidental cobras.

fuck lee. hes super salty that the f15 isn’t the wunderwaffe that he claimed it is


I’m kind of sad I can no longer do the cobra brake tho.
As for 20G…
12G limit on IRL FCS x1.5 is 18G, so clearly the IRL frame limit is above 12Gs.

I don’t know exactly where people get all their wrong assumptions regarding fighter jets. But my guess is it’s a combination of armchair experts on discords and content creators being very irresponsible, writing planes off because for silly stuff like “iT’s TwR iS LoWeR” without taking other factors into account that are just as crucial to a jet’s performance


it feels sooooo nice to fly now. I hope it stays like this because OMG is so fun


I hope it stays like it is now, because Sweden finally has a plane receiving equal treatment to the aircraft of Major nations.


Fair opinion, agreeable.

and they updated the cockpit and now you have indicator lights for the gears


I don’t know how much the devs look at and consider Lee’s comments. But I sure hope they have good enough sources/understanding to not let it phase them. Problem is still that his false “Gripen has 20% too much thrust” probably gave thousands of people the assumption that it badly needed to be nerfed.


You’re giving him the benefit of the doubt on the damage he caused. Arguably those first folk who saw it spread to others, etc etc.

We’re going to be dealing with this for a long time.

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i dont think the devs will listen to him. ive looked at sources for the gripen (i can read swedish) and its stats are really close to irl