An Insight on Gripen's capabilities

You can’t refute this. This is me arguing for Gripen on December 7th, my first ever post on Gripen topics for dev server.
I’ve been arguing for Gripen C for Sweden since its announcement as well.

Everyone knows what youre like. Why are you trying stuff like this? It doesnt matter if you change name people still notice who you are

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Alvis: Makes comment obviously designed to make people annoyed
Also Alvis: How could this have happened to me

You seem to have the misguided impression folk can’t see through your shit. We can, either get better, or sod off.


Yes, everyone knows I’m a sincere & honest Gripen fan.
I don’t change names… Stop lying & defaming Sweden & Gripen fans, you sound like a Russian main when all you do is attack us derailing our topics.

The comment is literally praising the Gripen… praising the Gripen cannot ever annoy people unless you hate the Gripen.

Move this to PMs. It’s not related to WT, Gripen or anything the rest of the forum cares about.


I’m sick of these derailments…
I’m sick of obvious trolls attacking us Sweden players for defending Gripen.

Ah, you false flag all Sweden mains. I see.
Sorry, but I will NEVER attack Gripen. You can’t force me.

Its insulting that you think people fall for this haha


Fall for what? Honesty?
You think everyone is dishonest? Cause mankind isn’t inherently dishonest as you seem to imply.
I’m trying to defend my position and you guys are attacking me for seemingly no reason.

I support Gripen C, I get attacked.
I get defamed, I defend, I get attacked.

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You sure RazerVon?

Ofcourse you are always the victim here… Half of the forums dislike you for absolutely no reason. /s.


Aaaannd Gripen got nerfed.


Weird of you to assume that half of the forum disagrees with popular non-hipster takes like Gripen C should be added to Sweden.
Gripen also didn’t get nerfed. Still produces over 10,500kgf & pulls 12Gs as of current dev server 0.4.

dev server updated. ill look for you

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As a side note, why can’t I create topics in this forum?

can you stfu pls? we dont care about your beef with others. grow up and let it go

I have no beef with anyone. I’m just a man that defends Gripen & gets confused when people attack me after I defend Gripen.

and this is just wrong. it produces 7530 kgf’s and pulls 14g’s

I’m talking at-speed thrust not static.

Just updated and now I can barely get it to pull 11Gs.