An Insight on Gripen's capabilities

I’d wager it limits flight performance (to reduce wear) alongside the rest of that rubbish. But I can’t find anything now, so who knows. With the state of documentation, we can’t really know unless someone finds a source that isn’t classified

There are tons of other Swedish vehicles and facilities, such as coastal artillery positions, who have had such a switch.

For instance, the battery commander of a coastal battery made the Soviet fleet turn around by flipping the switch and going to war mode during the whiskey on the rocks incident.

You can find knowledge by researching other vehicles

Okay so explain to me how a coastal battery is comparable to an aircraft? Last I checked, a coastal battery can’t rip itself apart following multiple high G maneuvers. We are comparing an emplacement that will receive minimal wear operating at full efficacy, to an aircraft.

Their not. You must have missed my point.
The point is that Sweden use a lot of electronic warfare and cryptos on a lot of their equipment, always labeled with a peace and a war mode.

You do what you want with this information good sire.


If you read what I said, I highlighted that with that information I would wager that it covers off on both air performance (to reduce wear on the system) and the technology you highlight to meet the standard you claim to exist. Which may or may not have carried over to air operations, we simply don’t know due to a lack of documentation, unless you can find it regarding aviation systems.

I am not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying to prove it we need documentation instead of making an assumption about two very dissimilar platforms.

You edited your message before I had replied.

More about the Gripens AoA here:


You’re getting this slightly wrong. The coastal batteries went to War mode when it looked as though Soviet ships, from the armada stationed just outside Sweden’s territorial waters, were approaching the border, but these ships turned out to be merchant vessels.

This is also the time when Fälldin gave the famous “håll gränsen” order and a fourship Viggens were scrambled with orders to engage any intruding Soviet ship.

as an Italy main, yes that would be very appreciated but I wouldn’t want to get a Gripen C before Sweden, it’d be unfair for them


You hope mature civil people aren’t adults?
Dude, grow up. Stop insulting Gripen fans.

Yyour way of arguing goes exactly like russian propaganda. Up is down, war is peace, slavery is freedom. Say words a million times until they lose meaning so no one can describe you. But tbh its easy to see through


My way of arguing is literally the opposite of what you described.
You’re arguing up is down while I’m saying up is up, ironic that you project…


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Yeah, 100%, now annoy someone else.

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If you get annoyed at people arguing for/defending Gripen C then IDK what to say.

Mate, you wouldn’t know what to say if it was stamped on your opponent’s forehead.

Dude, I’m still confused why you’re hostile when you literally agree with me on Gripen.
Namely its capabilities & the opinion that Gripen A & C should be added to Sweden.

Which you don’t actually believe, as everyone recalls you arguing against it, until you decided that pretending we’re attacking someone on our own side would make us look worse. We’re not stupid, but apparently you are.

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No one recalls me arguing against it because I never argued against Gripen C being added. My FIRST ever post about Gripen on dev server issues was that Sweden should get Gripen C.
You are thinking of someone else and pushing that person’s beliefs onto me.
You are attacking someone on your side, there is no pretending unless you’re the one pretending to attack me which you’re doing a convincing job.

I main Sweden, Britain, and France. I would arguably have preferred the C go to Italy over the UK if it wasn’t going to go to Sweden. The Italians need it, the Brits have the harrier (The harrier is good). But It really should have gone to all 3, or at least to the Brits and Swedes. Or Italy and the Swedes. Just also the Swedes.

Something something tell your story walking.