An argument for why you should propfight at 2.5km to 6 km altitude rather than on the deck


So, I have painstakingly built my way up in the american tree to being just 20K RP off the F82E.
All my matches, having an american team drove me nearly insane as I ended up having to fly 1vsmany at altitude and just barely get a kill if any before getting overwhelmed. Or I’d end up last surviving as the rest of my team became the grass they were mowing.

Today, I finally had a team as america who climbed with me to altitude. Not the whole team, we still had lawnmowers but finally things were fair at ~5 km. F8Fs, Spits versus yaks and and fw190s. Five versus five.

It was a very cloudy, low-visibility map.

What ensued was the most fun I have had in this game ever. I died. A yak abused the cloud visibility to lay an ambush after I disengaged to try and get my engine back into yellow and shot me apart. That deserved a GG.

Why can’t we have more like this? Fighting between the clouds, disappearing from the enemy view and ambushing each other. Managing to track the enemy even as you can’t even tell up from down.

It’s way more fun than flying at tree top level and getting dived, or having to dive from the cloud cover to tree top to engage the enemy. This is not to say getting down to tree top level in an extended dogfight isn’t fun, especially if your opponent slams into the ground after trying to pull up and failing - but that still has the whole 3D space element.

This is also coincidentally an argument for 6v6 as an option even as far down as 5v5 as I kind of doubt we’d have had the same extended dogfight if it was a furball.


This is the price you have to pay when you fly US props.
And frankly spoken - playing Air RB around 5.0 with less than 100 matches in total in Air RB makes you part of the problem…

I described the issue of (and being assigned to) US team in another thread:

Why is the P-51D such a nightmare to play? - #19 by Uncle_J_Wick

You describe prop Air RB around 4-5 years ago.

The downfall of Air RB is strongly connected to masses of untrained pilots flooding the mode. The introduction of respawning bases, killing of the semi-historical MM (axis vs allies) and countless changes of maps and game mechanics ruined the mode.

Today a good game starts when just a handful of players are alive - but in 80% of the matches you play either 8 vs 2 or 2 vs 8 after a few minutes.

Climbing is the way to go, if you don’t have the option of having team support, just dive, because they will persue, and then you have team support, you might die, but you have your team to avenge you.

2.5->6 km alt Aircraft, some perform better at different altitudes.

In my defence, I played before I had had this account before ground was even added and it was still “historical.”

I think I made a new account for sake of the golden eagles as I wasted my free ones.

And this account has 1d 19hours of playtime. I’m pretty sure that’s more than enough for 5.0 BR.

Forgot to mention the OV-10D+ also proves low altitude maneuvering is helpful.