An Argentine air sub-tree for Germany

in this moment we are talking about ground. If you lock at low tier germany ground u will see the lack of light tanks.
The major problem of germany why they often lose is because they lack fast vehicles able to capture bases etc. this gets strengthend because many german tanks tend to be on the heavier side
our light tank line stops at 3.3 Sd.Kfz.234/2



and only starts again at 6.7 with the leKPz M41



U want to know what our options for fast vehicles with spotting are in the br in between?
Sd.Kfz.234/4 at 4.7



an event vehicle that costs 205gjn currently on the market

If anything Germany (or any other countries that aren’t the USSR or Sweden) would benefit from getting more of their IFVs/rats, Germany has plenty of those missing. Hell, Germany has some of the coolest IFVs left out still.
Still waiting for things such as the Luchs (both of them) which would be good additions for exactly the mentioned BRs.

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For Germany really? You mean one of the big 3 (Russia, US, G) needs more stuff? Come on… you can’t be serious.

Yeah, the German light situation is quite deplorable, but you’ve seen my other answer on that :D

the luchs wouldnt fit at the br sadly, it keeps the low tier guns of tier 1-2, it doesnt do any dmg and cant penetrate

there is nothing lol, show me a vehicle that would solve the issue

Yes, really.

As such the German air tree is very limited in its available aircraft, particularly in the areas of CAS and 4th gen ARH jets which are gaps that Argentina could fill.

Argentina is a nation with an interesting history with aircraft, and German and Argentine aircraft could complement each other quite well.

The explanation as to why is included in the premise of the thread, as I understand it, you haven’t read it, hence your question.

Perhaps fair for the WW2 Lichs, though I think the CW Luchs would be a cool 6.0 or slightly higher.
There’s also some Wiesel lookalikes and Spz-12 variants without recoilless rifles that could suit these BRs.
Also that light tank with a low pressure 90mm I forgot the designation of, fairly similar to ELC Bis performance wise.

Spähpanzer SP I.C.

CW Luchs would be a cool 6.0 or slightly higher

It’s an equivalent of AMX-10P for all intents and purpose but also worse in some aspects. I fail to see why it would need to sit higher than 5.7

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My BR reasoning is mainly based on whether it would receive APDS.
Could swing up or down depending on whether it would receive it.

AMX-10P has APDS at 5.7 lol

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those look alikes like SP12-3 or modern luchs



all use the RH202 cannon including thermals etc
They are to strong at lower br, with the moblity etc they perform stronger then the R3 T20.

And would solve nothing at 3.3-5.3 , so still a massive gap.

Thats the problem, we point out the problem to you, which could be easily be solved with a competent sub tree.
But instead of acknowledging a major problem for the germany tree, you are grapping for straws for possible solutions that do not include other nations, when they dont realy fit the br gaps as solution. Even when we propably are more aware of those possible vehicles and why they propably wouldnt fit into these brs

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@Mahiwew and i am not saying either this is a high priority thing that absolutly needs to be fixed now, other nations have their own even bigger light problems specialy for top tier or like israel trough the whole tree. which should be addressed first.

But doesnt change germany has the problem and like i said, you pretty much are trying to swipe it under the rag like everyone else , instead of realy acknowledging why a sub tree might be able to help out germany as well

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I am simply naming some options off the top of my head after you asked me to.
Of course I am going to name German vehicles if that is what is asked of me. Not sure what I’m being framed for here.

In any case, options are out there beyond what I named.
This, of course, does include foreign products, but my point is that Germany has their own alternatives.

And of course, we cannot ignore the Sd.Kfz.251/2 being a beast at whatever tier it finds itself at /j

Of course, I recognize that.
A bigger problem does not nullify another.
It’s honestly shocking how underrepresented German light vehicles generally are, regardless of the tree’s overall health compared to others.


yes and we , as the specialist can tell you they would not solve the problem and would be to high of a br to solve the issue

seriously they arent, germanys ww2 strategy did not include lights and our cold war option are to high in capability

yes and know tell me, which foreign vehicles could be possible, if whatever we suggest instantly everyone gets pissed for germany even suggesting it, the blasphemy of germany even considering they need sth at lower br. We could suggest switz, argentianian , dutch, denmark whatever solutions and you guys would instantly start fighting us again.

Do you know why u didnt know about the issue? Because the german playerbase doesnt want to fight a losing war at multiple fronts. A lot of us are mostly concerned for top tier thats why it is our main concern. But that doesnt mean the whole german tech tree is without false. We just are tired, because whatever we do, we are in the wrong either way

That is always appreciated, sure… but at the same time, opening up your discourse with “nah” to a possible solution of a long standing problem pre-shapes our opinion on what you can bring to the table on the topic.

This, of course, does include foreign products, but my point is that Germany has their own alternatives.

That’s funny, going back to the original goal of this thread… Germany in fact does not have their own alternatives to fixing the air tree at higher BRs, they simply do not exist & never will. That is why various propositions have been put forward, i.e

  • Dutch subtree
  • Swiss subtree
  • (and now) Argentinian subtree

All with strong ties to Germany, and all meant to fix concurrent as well as predominately future oriented predicament the TT has found itself in, or simply put, not being in a position to fill out gaps in their TT with locally produced/designed stuff. So how come each & every time we put forward a solution, we get met with salt of people who don’t even play Germany, have no clue those issues even exist, and act like we’re fine both short & long term - you know what term is usually used for people like that? Hypocrites.


They should make an eastern Europe tree

Major no

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What would be the issue with that
I would love to see all the Eastern European nations in game