An Argentine air sub-tree for Germany

What statement is that it makes no sense
US has and can have newer F16s

Letting Germany have a sub air tree that could help fill a gap takes nothing from American

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Just like German noobs with skill issues apparently

All noobs have skill issues but from my experience American has the most


Dude, you have negative K/D in the Leo 2PL, and barely positive (1.14) in the 2A5 lmao. Talking about skill issue when you can’t perform in some of the easiest & best MBTs?

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They’re both unspaded, lol. Want to guess what my unspaded k/d was with the abrams? I’ll give you a hint: Nowhere near that.

Yes, lets come up with an excuse for your bad performance! My Type 90 was sitting at 2.0+ K/D before I got JM33.

Don’t talk about skill issues when you yourself are a prime example of one.

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and F18
it is then all tested by Germany

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Oh no not the Abrams its only the Top 3 mbts

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By what metric? Strv 122 and Leopard 2A5-7 are better by leaps and bounds. Germany had the Leopard 2A5 while America literally had M1A1s…

My favorite question for such users: “What will happen after the Mig-29G if the gaijin adds equipment that was officially in the country’s arsenal?”

This isn’t just a good addition to give Germany CAS, it’s good historically and fills gaps in BR and time between additions. Besides, adding balanced vehicles isn’t going to somehow make a nation broken. The only argument presented against this suggestion is you don’t want the US to have a competitor in CAS capabilities, which is ridiculous.


Okay, well I for one think we should give the US Strv 122s, Pantsirs, and KA-52s because that would be balanced.

Captured Libyan Pantsir

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Honestly you rn.

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Reload rate, presence of machine guns, hull armour, post-pen, quantity of vehicles, side and rear protection, ammunition storage, HEAT-MP

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I appreciate the ad hominems, but if that’s your only argument for getting an F-16 then I don’t see it.


I’m just making fun out of you. Don’t like it? Kekw.

Situation could’ve been different if you actually made proper arguments in regards to Germany’s situation, instead of goalposting, being called out, telling us “we’ve” got a skill issue, and finally crying about US.

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u know we dont need more reason then this, argentinian vehicles go to germany easy as that

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Ok, go make a suggestion for that. No one will agree with you but it’ll be funny.


No all players are asking for is a sub tree which they a bit of in ground you comparison is not the same